notice:This simulation helps you understand your French payslip, but it should not be used as one. For further details, check <1> (French)</1>.
disclaimer:It takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules. Lots of financial aids for your enterprise exist, explore them on <1> (French)</1>.
Faire une simulation personnalisée:Do a customized simulation
custom-simulation:This is currently a <1>rough estimate</1> based on a generic contract. French legislation provides for a multitude of special cases and specific rules which considerably modify the costs of recruitment.
piedDePage:This website is provided by the <1>URSSAF</1>, the French social security contributions collector, and the government’s public startup incubator, <4></4>.
<0><0>The corporate name</0> ("dénomination sociale") is the legal name of your company, written on all of your administrative papers. It can be different from the trade name (used for commercial purpose).</0>
<1>It is advisable to check that the name is available, i.e. that it does not infringe a name already protected by a trademark, a company name, a trade name, an Internet domain name, etc. You can check on the <2>INPI database</2>.</1>
description:<0><0>The address</0> is the physical space where your company will be incorporated. In certain places and situations, you can benefit from substantial public financing (exemption from charges, taxes, etc.). <3>More information (Fr)</3></0>
description:<0>The company's articles of association</0> ( "les statuts"), is an official document written in French, describing the status choice, naming the associate(s) and the contributed capital. For more than one associate, it is recommended to ask for the help of a lawyer to write them.
description:<0>The <1>deposit of share capital</1> must be made at the time of the incorporation of a company by any person acting on behalf of the company and having received funds from contributions in cash (sum of money) from the creditors of the company (shareholder or partner).</0><1>The deposit consists of a transfer of a sum of money to a blocked account with a bank or the public <2>Caisse des dépôts et consignations</2> or a notary, who must then provide a certificate of deposit of capital.</1>
<0>A <1>a notice of incorporation of the company</1> must be published in a newspaper of legal announcements (« JAL »), for a cost of publication that depends on the size of the announcement and the rates charged by the chosen newspaper.</0><1><0>Find a newspaper of legal announcements</0></1><2>For a SARL or EURL, the notice must contain the following information:</2>
<0>The company's name and possibly its acronym</0>
<1>The legal form</1>
<2>The amount of the company's capital</2>
<3>The address of the registered office</3>
<4>The corporate purpose</4>
<5>The duration of the company</5>
The full name and address of the manager and of the persons
with general authority to bind the company to third parties,
and of the statutory auditors (if appointed)
The place and number of the RCS with which the company is
description:<0>You can start your online registration process anytime, save it and come back to it as you wish.</0><1><0>Start registration process</0></1>
description:Managing a company brings a number of <1>accounting obligations</1>. It is advisable to call in a competent person or use a website that can handle accounting for you.
description:<0>An SME or self-employed person must protect themselves against the main risks to which they are exposed and take out guarantee contracts. Whether it is a tenant or owner of its walls, the company must insure its buildings, its professional equipment, its goods, its raw materials, its vehicles, as well as in terms of civil liability of the company and its managers or in terms of operating loss.</0><1>More information (Fr)</1>
intro:"The French business law defines more than 20 possible legal statuses to declare a company with various acronyms and processes : SAS, SARL, SA, EIRL... This guide will help you find quickly the right status for your needs."
EI:Also called company in own name or company in a personal name. No capital contribution is necessary. Private wealth and corporate wealth are one.
EIRL:Allows you to protect your personal assets by assigning a specific heritage to your professional activity.
EURL:Companies with EURL status only have one partner. Liability is limited to the amount of the unique partner's contribution to the capital.
SARL:Composed of at least 2 partners whose financial responsibility is limited to the amount of their contribution to the company's capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the articles of association.
SAS:Société ayant au moins 2 associés. La responsabilité financière des associés est limitée au montant de leur apport au capital de la société. Le capital minimum est fixé librement dans les statuts.
SASU:Composed of only one associate. The financial responsibility is limited to the amount of his contribution to the company's capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the statutes.
SA:Composed of at least 2 shareholders. This is the only status that allows you to be listed on the stock exchange (from 7 shareholders). The minimum share capital is €37.000.
SNC:The liability of the partners for the debts of the company is unified (one partner only can be sued for the entire debt) and indefinite (responsible on the entirety of their personnal wealth).
micro:The micro-enterprise is a sole proprietorship company, subject to a flat-rate scheme for the calculation of taxes and the payment of social security contributions.
intro:An entrepreneur can choose between several options for the legal setup of his company
1:"<0>Sole proprietorship</0>: An economic activity conducted by a single natural person, in his own name. It's less paperwork, but bigger trouble in case of bankruptcy, as your personal wealth can be put to contribution."
2:Unlimited liability
2bis:Unlimited joint and several liability
2Description:The financial liability of the shareholders is not limited to their contribution. In case of bankruptcy, their personal wealth can be put to contribution
3:"<0>Limited liability</0>: A corporate structure whereby the
company members cannot be held personally liable for the company's debts or liabilities. However, it's heavier to set up,
intro:Once your <2>{{companyStatusChoice}}</2> has been successfully registered, you'll have access to the following
titre:The Siret number
description:The Siren number <1>identifies your company</1> while the Siret number identifies each place of business operated by the same company. The Siret is composed by the Siren followed by the establishment number.
titre:The APE code
description:The APE code corresponds to the <1>business sector</1> of your company. The APE classifies your company’s main operations in relation to the French business nomenclature system (« NAF » code). It also determines the applicable collective agreement, and hints at the industrial accident rate of contribution that the company will have to pay for each hire.
1:It is the official document attesting to <1>the legal existence of a commercial enterprise</1>. In most cases, to be opposable and authentic for administrative procedures, the extract must be less than 3 months old.
2:This document is generally requested when applying for a public tender, opening a professional bank account, purchasing professional equipment from distributors, etc.
1:France has chosen to provide its citizens with a high-quality social safety net. This mandatory system is based on solidarity and designed to ensure the <strong>general welfare of its people</strong>.{' '}