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mirror of https://github.com/betagouv/mon-entreprise synced 2025-03-13 20:15:04 +00:00

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targetSelection: What would you like to estimate ?
2018-04-17 15:48:12 +02:00
news: Understand the social cost of hiring in France.
selectMany: You may pick more than one
Valider: Accept
valider: accept
votre réponse: answer here
reset: Start over
resetAll: Discard answers
change: Change answers
details: Detailed results
revenir: back
Modifier: Edit
passer: skip
irrelevant: Not owed
unsatisfied: Awaiting your answers…
Échap: Esc
Entrée: Enter
À propos: About (fr)
Mode plein écran: Full screen
first: Your first estimate is now available!
2018-03-27 18:56:23 +02:00
lastQ: One last question!
questionsLeft: Fewer than <1>{{nbQuestions}}</1> questions to go…
2018-03-27 14:23:08 +02:00
radio_Oui: Yes
radio_Non: No
radio_Aucun: None
déplier: show more
replier: show less
santé: healthcare
retraite: pensions
famille: family allowances
chômage: unemployment
logement: housing
autre: other
Salaire brut: Gross salary
Salaire net: Net salary
Salaire total: Total salary
Salaire de base: Base salary
Réductions: Reductions
disclaimer: This estimate takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules, and should not be used as a pay slip. If results differ from a pay slip, we refer you to an accountant or HR expert.
clickForMore: You can click the results below for detailed explanations.
2018-03-27 22:01:06 +02:00
Quel est le salaire mensuel ?: What is the monthly salary?
2018-03-29 14:57:44 +02:00
back: Back to your simulation
ambiguous: More than one rule with this name found. Which one are you looking for ?
2018-03-29 15:38:56 +02:00
reportError: Report an error
Références: Relevant legal information
Règles attachées: Linked rules
inspace: These rules are in category
Pas de sources officielles: No official information
afficher les sources complémentaires: display additional information sources
understand: Click any value to see how it was calculated
input: This rule does not have a formula to compute it. Its value must be supplied through the form.
Déclenchement: Applicability
Calcul: Calculation formula
2018-03-29 15:53:52 +02:00
Chercher une règle: Find a rule
Entrez des mots clefs ici: Enter keywords
noresults: No results
cliquez pour insérer cette suggestion: click to insert this suggestion
satisfaction: Are you satisfied with the simulator ?
Envoyez-nous un commentaire !: Send us a comment !
Qu'est-ce qui n'a pas été ?: What went wrong ?
satisfaction-email-ou: To start a conversation with us, fill your email address or
satisfaction-mailto: click here to directly write an email
envoyer: send