269 lines
6.8 KiB
269 lines
6.8 KiB
// From https://github.com/cushion/availability.js/blob/master/availability.js
"use strict";
// Constants
// ===============================================
var MONTH = 2628000000 // as seconds
var BASE_URL = 'https://my.cushionapp.com'
var AVAILABLE = 'available'
var UNAVAILABLE = 'unavailable'
var SOON = 'soon'
var PRIVATE = 'private'
// Availability object
// ===============================================
var Availability = function () {
this.user = {}
this.date = null
this.hours = 0
this.availability = UNAVAILABLE
Availability.prototype.isAvailable = function () { return AVAILABLE === this.availability }
Availability.prototype.isUnavailable = function () { return UNAVAILABLE === this.availability }
Availability.prototype.isSoon = function () { return SOON === this.availability }
Availability.prototype.isPrivate = function () { return PRIVATE === this.availability }
Availability.prototype.monthShort = function () {
if (!this.date) return
switch (this.date.getMonth()) {
case 0: return 'Jan'
case 1: return 'Fév'
case 2: return 'Mars'
case 3: return 'Avril'
case 4: return 'Mai'
case 5: return 'Juin'
case 6: return 'Juil'
case 7: return 'Août'
case 8: return 'Sept'
case 9: return 'Oct'
case 10: return 'Nov'
case 11: return 'Déc'
Availability.prototype.month = function () {
if (!this.date) return
switch (this.date.getMonth()) {
case 0: return 'January'
case 1: return 'February'
case 2: return 'March'
case 3: return 'April'
case 4: return 'May'
case 5: return 'June'
case 6: return 'July'
case 7: return 'August'
case 8: return 'September'
case 9: return 'October'
case 10: return 'November'
case 11: return 'December'
Availability.prototype.referralUrl = function () {
if (this.user && this.user.referral_code) {
return 'http://get.cushionapp.com/' + this.user.referral_code
// Main display function
// ===============================================
function display (options) {
if (!options.user) return console.error('Must specify a user')
if (!options.render) return console.error('Must specify a render function')
var availability = new Availability()
// AJAX Request
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad(availability, options.render))
xhr.open('GET', BASE_URL + '/api/v1/users/' + options.user + '/availability')
return availability
function onLoad (availability, render) {
return function () {
switch (this.status) {
default: return console.error('Cushion API Error', this.status)
case 404: return console.error('That user ID wasnt found')
case 401:
console.error('Enable the Availability Badge: ' + BASE_URL + '/add-ons/availability-badge')
availability.availability = PRIVATE
case 200:
var data = JSON.parse(this.response)
if (data.user) availability.user = data.user
if (data.availability) {
availability.date = parseDate(data.availability.available_on)
availability.hours = data.availability.hours_per_week
availability.availability = determineAvailability(availability.date)
return render.call(availability)
// Helpers
// ===============================================
function parseDate (date) {
date = date.split('-')
var year = parseInt(date[0])
var month = parseInt(date[1]) - 1
var day = parseInt(date[2])
return new Date(year, month, day)
function determineAvailability (date) {
var diff = date - Date.now()
if (date && diff < MONTH) return AVAILABLE
if (date && diff < (10 * MONTH)) return SOON
function element (tag) {
var attrs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
var element = document.createElement(tag)
if (attrs.length > 0) {
setAttributes.apply(this, attrs)
return element
function append (parent, child) {
return parent
function setAttributes (el) {
var attrs = Array.apply(null, arguments).slice(1)
for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (attrs[i].length === 3) {
el.setAttributeNS.apply(el, attrs[i])
} else {
el.setAttribute.apply(el, attrs[i])
return el
// Ribbon display
// ===============================================
function ribbon (options) {
var container = options.container || document.body
var href = options.href
function relative () {
switch (this.availability) {
case AVAILABLE: return 'Disponible'
case SOON: return 'Disponible dans ' + this.monthShort()
case UNAVAILABLE: return 'Actuellement en mission'
case PRIVATE: return 'Erreur'
function render () {
if (href === undefined) href = '#'
var wrapper = element('div',
['class', 'availability-ribbon ' + this.availability]
var banner = element(href ? 'a' : 'div',
['href', href],
['target', '_blank'],
['class', 'availability-ribbon__banner']
append(wrapper, banner)
var availability = element('span', ['class', 'availability-ribbon__text'])
availability.textContent = relative.call(this)
append(banner, availability)
var powered = element('div', ['class', 'availability-ribbon__power'])
powered.textContent = 'powered by Cushion'
append(wrapper, powered)
append(container, wrapper)
options.render = render
return display(options)
// Contextual Badge display
// ===============================================
function badge (options) {
var container = options.container
var href = options.href
function relative () {
switch (this.availability) {
case AVAILABLE: return 'available'
case SOON: return 'booked until ' + this.month()
case UNAVAILABLE: return 'unavailable'
case PRIVATE: return 'error'
options.render = function () {
if (href === undefined) href = this.referralUrl()
var badge = element(href ? 'a' : 'span',
['class', 'availability-badge ' + this.availability]
if (href) {
badge.href = href
badge.target = '_blank'
badge.textContent = relative.call(this)
append(container, badge)
return display(options)
// Exports
// ===============================================
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// If we're running in the browser set up automatically
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var el = document.querySelector('script[data-user]')
if (!el) return
var user = el.getAttribute('data-user')
var badgeEl = document.querySelector('[data-availability-badge]')
if (badgeEl) {
badge({ user: user, container: badgeEl })
} else {
ribbon({ user: user })