Emil Gulamov e3888b18cb Add HTML minification process and update dependencies
A new script for HTML minification has been added, which is run after the build process. Several dependencies were updated, including the Astro framework and its related plugins. The 'astro-critters' package and its usage in the Astro configuration were removed. A minor animation timing change was also made in the [...slug].astro file.
2024-02-19 08:58:15 +04:00

14 lines
457 B

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind";
import vercelStatic from '@astrojs/vercel/static';
import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap";
import compressor from "astro-compressor";
export default defineConfig({
site: '',
integrations: [tailwind(), sitemap(), compressor({ gzip: false, brotli: true })],
output: 'static',
adapter: vercelStatic()