Emil Gulamov 829d87be7c Update image format and adjust page layout
Image format has been updated to avif format in TabContent.astro, FeaturesGeneral.astro for better performance. Metadata in Meta.astro was also updated to provide precise information about the website. Layout changes were made in HeroSection2.astro for better visual representation.
2024-02-13 06:19:17 +04:00

115 lines
5.6 KiB

// Import the necessary dependencies from individual component files
import { Image } from "astro:assets";
import featureImage from "../images/features-image.avif";
import IconBlock from "./ui/blocks/IconBlock.astro";
// Main heading
const title: string = "Meeting Industry Demands";
// Sub-heading text
const subTitle: string =
"At ScrewFast, we tackle the unique challenges encountered in the hardware and construction sectors. From cutting-edge tools to expert services, we're dedicated to helping you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.";
class="mx-auto max-w-[85rem] px-4 py-10 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 lg:py-14 2xl:max-w-full"
<!-- Showing an Image -->
<div class="relative mb-6 overflow-hidden md:mb-8">
alt="ScrewFast products in floating boxes"
class="h-full w-full object-cover object-center"
<!-- Render title, subtitle and the various IconBlock instances -->
<div class="mt-5 grid gap-8 lg:mt-16 lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-12">
<div class="lg:col-span-1">
<!-- Title Block -->
class="text-balance text-2xl font-bold text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200 md:text-3xl"
<!-- Sub Title Block -->
class="mt-2 text-pretty text-neutral-600 dark:text-neutral-400 md:mt-4"
<!-- Render a grid of IconBlocks -->
<div class="lg:col-span-2">
<div class="grid gap-8 sm:grid-cols-2 md:gap-12">
<!-- IconBlock #1 -->
heading="Dedicated Teams"
content="Benefit from our committed teams who ensure your success is personal. Count on expert guidance and exceptional results throughout your project journey."
class="mt-1 h-8 w-8 flex-shrink-0 fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-[#fb713b]"
viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
d="m150-400 82-80-82-82-80 82 80 80Zm573-10 87-140 88 140H723Zm-243-70q-50 0-85-35t-35-85q0-51 35-85.5t85-34.5q51 0 85.5 34.5T600-600q0 50-34.5 85T480-480Zm.351-180Q455-660 437.5-642.851t-17.5 42.5Q420-575 437.351-557.5t43 17.5Q506-540 523-557.351t17-43Q540-626 522.851-643t-42.5-17ZM480-600ZM0-240v-53q0-39.464 42-63.232T150.398-380q12.158 0 23.38.5T196-377.273q-8 17.273-12 34.842-4 17.57-4 37.431v65H0Zm240 0v-65q0-65 66.5-105T480-450q108 0 174 40t66 105v65H240Zm570-140q67.5 0 108.75 23.768T960-293v53H780v-65q0-19.861-3.5-37.431Q773-360 765-377.273q11-1.727 22.171-2.227 11.172-.5 22.829-.5Zm-330.2-10Q400-390 350-366q-50 24-50 61v5h360v-6q0-36-49.5-60t-130.7-24Zm.2 90Z"
<!-- IconBlock #2 -->
heading="Simplicity and Affordability"
content="Find easy-to-use, affordable solutions with ScrewFast's line of tools and equipment. Our products make procurement simple and keep projects within budget."
class="mt-1 h-8 w-8 flex-shrink-0 fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-[#fb713b]"
viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
d="m346-60-76-130-151-31 17-147-96-112 96-111-17-147 151-31 76-131 134 62 134-62 77 131 150 31-17 147 96 111-96 112 17 147-150 31-77 130-134-62-134 62Zm27-79 107-45 110 45 67-100 117-30-12-119 81-92-81-94 12-119-117-28-69-100-108 45-110-45-67 100-117 28 12 119-81 94 81 92-12 121 117 28 70 100Zm107-341Zm-43 133 227-225-45-41-182 180-95-99-46 45 141 140Z"
<!-- IconBlock #3 -->
heading="Comprehensive Documentation"
content="Integrate with ease using ScrewFast's exhaustive guides and libraries. Achieve seamless product adoption with our full suite of documentation designed for your success."
class="mt-1 h-8 w-8 flex-shrink-0 fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-[#fb713b]"
viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
d="M343-420h225v-60H343v60Zm0-90h395v-60H343v60Zm0-90h395v-60H343v60Zm-83 400q-24 0-42-18t-18-42v-560q0-24 18-42t42-18h560q24 0 42 18t18 42v560q0 24-18 42t-42 18H260Zm0-60h560v-560H260v560ZM140-80q-24 0-42-18t-18-42v-620h60v620h620v60H140Zm120-740v560-560Z"
<!-- IconBlock #4 -->
heading="User-Centric Design"
content="Experience the difference with ScrewFast's user-focused design — where functionality meets practicality for an enhanced work experience."
class="mt-1 h-8 w-8 flex-shrink-0 fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-[#fb713b]"
viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
d="M480-480q-51 0-85.5-34.5T360-600q0-50 34.5-85t85.5-35q50 0 85 35t35 85q0 51-35 85.5T480-480Zm-.351-60Q505-540 522.5-557.149t17.5-42.5Q540-625 522.649-642.5t-43-17.5Q454-660 437-642.649t-17 43Q420-574 437.149-557t42.5 17ZM240-240v-76q0-27 17.5-47.5T300-397q42-22 86.943-32.5 44.942-10.5 93-10.5Q528-440 573-429.5t87 32.5q25 13 42.5 33.5T720-316v76H240Zm240-140q-47.546 0-92.773 13T300-328v28h360v-28q-42-26-87.227-39-45.227-13-92.773-13Zm0-220Zm0 300h180-360 180ZM140-80q-24 0-42-18t-18-42v-172h60v172h172v60H140ZM80-648v-172q0-24 18-42t42-18h172v60H140v172H80ZM648-80v-60h172v-172h60v172q0 24-18 42t-42 18H648Zm172-568v-172H648v-60h172q24 0 42 18t18 42v172h-60Z"