import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"; import tailwind from "@astrojs/tailwind"; import sitemap from "@astrojs/sitemap"; import compressor from "astro-compressor"; import starlight from "@astrojs/starlight"; // export default defineConfig({ // site: "", image: { domains: [""], }, // i18n: { // defaultLocale: "en", // locales: ["en", "fr"], // fallback: { // fr: "en", // }, // routing: { // prefixDefaultLocale: false, // }, // }, prefetch: true, integrations: [ tailwind(), sitemap({ i18n: { defaultLocale: "en", // All urls that don't contain `fr` after `` will be treated as default locale, i.e. `en` locales: { en: "en", // The `defaultLocale` value must present in `locales` keys fr: "fr", }, }, }), starlight({ title: "ScrewFast Docs", defaultLocale: "root", // // If no Astro and Starlight i18n configurations are provided, the built-in default locale is used in Starlight and a matching Astro i18n configuration is generated/used. // If only a Starlight i18n configuration is provided, an equivalent Astro i18n configuration is generated/used. // If only an Astro i18n configuration is provided, the Starlight i18n configuration is updated to match it. // If both an Astro and Starlight i18n configurations are provided, an error is thrown. locales: { root: { label: "English", lang: "en", }, de: { label: "Deutsch", lang: "de" }, es: { label: "Español", lang: "es" }, fa: { label: "Persian", lang: "fa", dir: "rtl" }, fr: { label: "Français", lang: "fr" }, ja: { label: "日本語", lang: "ja" }, "zh-cn": { label: "简体中文", lang: "zh-CN" }, }, // sidebar: [ { label: "Quick Start Guides", translations: { de: "Schnellstartanleitungen", es: "Guías de Inicio Rápido", fa: "راهنمای شروع سریع", fr: "Guides de Démarrage Rapide", ja: "クイックスタートガイド", "zh-cn": "快速入门指南", }, autogenerate: { directory: "guides" }, }, { label: "Tools & Equipment", items: [ { label: "Tool Guides", link: "tools/tool-guides/" }, { label: "Equipment Care", link: "tools/equipment-care/" }, ], }, { label: "Construction Services", autogenerate: { directory: "construction" }, }, { label: "Advanced Topics", autogenerate: { directory: "advanced" }, }, ], social: { github: "", }, disable404Route: true, customCss: ["./src/assets/styles/starlight.css"], favicon: "/favicon.ico", components: { SiteTitle: "./src/components/ui/starlight/SiteTitle.astro", Head: "./src/components/ui/starlight/Head.astro", MobileMenuFooter: "./src/components/ui/starlight/MobileMenuFooter.astro", ThemeSelect: "./src/components/ui/starlight/ThemeSelect.astro", }, head: [ { tag: "meta", attrs: { property: "og:image", content: "" + "/social.webp", }, }, { tag: "meta", attrs: { property: "twitter:image", content: "" + "/social.webp", }, }, ], }), compressor({ gzip: false, brotli: true, }), ], experimental: { clientPrerender: true, }, });