--- // import necessary dependencies import { Image } from "astro:assets"; import heroImage from "../images/hero-image.avif"; import PrimaryCTA from "./ui/buttons/PrimaryCTA.astro"; import SecondaryCTA from "./ui/buttons/SecondaryCTA.astro"; import Avatar from "./ui/avatars/Avatar.astro"; import FullStar from "./ui/stars/FullStar.astro"; import HalfStar from "./ui/stars/HalfStar.astro"; /* `title` variable used to customise the main heading. */ const title:string = `Equip Your Projects with ScrewFast`; /* `subTitle` variable used to customise the sub-heading text. */ const subTitle:string = "Top-quality hardware tools and expert construction services for every project need."; /* `primaryBtn` and `primaryBtnURL` variables used to customise the text and target link of the primary button. */ const primaryBtn:string = "Start Exploring"; const primaryBtnURL:string = "/products"; /* `secondaryBtn` and `secondaryBtnURL` variables used to customise the text and target link of the secondary button. */ const secondaryBtn:string = "Contact Sales Team"; const secondaryBtnURL:string = "/contact"; /* `rating` variable used to customise the rating. */ const rating:number = 4.8; /* `starCount` variable used to customise the star rating with the full stars. */ const starCount:number = 4; /* `reviews` variable used to customise the number of reviews. */ const reviews:string = "12.8k"; /* In the above, the title, subTitle, primaryBtn, primaryBtnURL, secondaryBtn, secondaryBtnURL, rating, starCount, reviews, and imageSource attributes are variables part of the HeroSection component. */ ---


{ Array(starCount) .fill(0) .map((_, i) => ) }

{rating} / 5

From Over {reviews} Reviews

Stack of ScrewFast product boxes containing assorted hardware tools