// Assign a description using the `meta` prop passed from the parent component,
// `meta` is used as a variable on each individual page by passing it as a prop to this component.
// For example, you can pass a meta description to the MainLayout component like this:
const { meta: description } = Astro.props;
interface Props {
meta?: string;
// Define the metadata for your website and individual pages
const title: string = "ScrewFast"; // Set the website title
const ogTitle: string = "ScrewFast: Hardware Tools & Construction Services"; // Set the Open Graph title
const author: string = "Emil Gulamov"; // Set the author's name
const ogDescription: string =
"Equip your projects with ScrewFast's top-quality hardware tools and expert construction services. Trusted by industry leaders, ScrewFast offers simplicity, affordability, and reliability. Experience the difference with user-centric design and cutting-edge tools. Start exploring now!"; // Set the Open Graph description
const URL: string = "https://screwfast.uk"; // Set the website URL
const socialImage: string = "https://screwfast.uk/social.png"; // Set the URL for the social media image