Due to design changes, removed old authentication components and related configuration settings in .idea and .vscode folders. Changes include elimination of subscription input, email input, login and register modals, and user interface blocks. All changes aim to clean up the codebase and eliminate unused or unnecessary code.
Simplified image handling configuration in the "astro.config.mjs" by removing explicit sizing. Updated text sizing of PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA components to scale responsively in 2xl views. Aimed to improve the user interface and experience on larger screens.
This commit introduces a reusable NavLink component for the navigation bar. This component has a script to highlight the active link by comparing the current URL with each link's href. It also improves code readability by separating concerns.
Remove extraneous single character attribute 'f' from the SVG rect element in the Navbar component of astro file. This correction ensures that the SVG renders correctly, maintaining the desired appearance of the Navbar.
Introduce a new Navbar component to improve site navigation. The component features a brand logo, navigation links, auto theme detection, and theme switcher. In existing Meta component, update the socialImage path for better SEO and social sharing.