Replaced all custom color hex codes used in various component classes with their corresponding color names from the expanded Tailwind color palette. This ensures consistent styling across components and enhances readability and maintainability of the code.
Redundant semicolons in password input fields in 'RegisterModal.astro' and 'LoginModal.astro' files have been removed. This addresses unnecessary symbols inserted in the code, ensuring cleaner and more readable syntax. 'aria-describedby' attribute in 'RegisterModal.astro' was also adjusted for better accessibility.
This commit introduces adjustments to several UI elements, including title alignment, font sizes, and avatars loading. The updates aim to improve the overall visual appeal and user experience on the website. In addition, better error handling has been added to form inputs, including adding unique error IDs for each form's email input to enhance user feedback and accessibility.
Refactored multiple Astro UI components, including sections, buttons, and modals, with a focus on code cleanliness and efficiency. This included revising import statements, reordering and redefining CSS classes, and updating HTML elements. Enhanced inline comments to add context and explanations, especially registering the purpose of components and properties for improved understanding. The Accordion-related functionality was removed, pointing towards a redesign of its element usage. Moreover, TestimonialsSection2 was renamed to TestimonialsSectionAlt for better semantics.
Implemented a new ContactIconBlock in the UI, including its Astro file and related props. Also added various form input components including EmailContactInput, PhoneInput, and PasswordInput for a more comprehensive contact section. Updated ContactSection with the new input fields and improved structure for better user experience and functionality.