This commit updates certain configurations for improved functionality. Significant updates have been made to enhance the structure of the 'insights' webpage, with the addition of scroll-triggered animations. A progress indicator has now been implemented, to improve interactivity and user experience.
This commit updates certain configurations for improved functionality. Significant updates have been made to enhance the structure of the 'insights' webpage, with the addition of scroll-triggered animations. A progress indicator has now been implemented, to improve interactivity and user experience.
Redesigned the product markdown files and schema to divide product title and subtitle into separate 'title' and 'description' fields to provide better data representation. Adjusted CardWide and CardSmall components to accommodate these changes, ensuring consistent and appropriate depiction of product descriptions across all pages.
This update vastly improves the website's support for multiple languages by adding French translations to several new pages, including 404, contact, products index, home, and services pages. This update also introduces a new ContactSection_fr.astro component for a French version of the Contact Us section. Site configuration has been modified to appropriately handle these new additions.
Modified tsconfig.json to add compilerOptions for @/* base directory paths and updated all relative file import paths in the project to use this configuration. This change provides a cleaner, more consistent, and efficient way to handle file imports.
Deleted StarlightLayout.astro file and removed its references in various markdown files. Also, extended the sidebar configuration in the astro.config.mjs to include translations and added menu items under the Tools & Equipment section.
The CSS properties in the starlight_main.css, starlight.css files were updated for both dark and light modes to improve color consistency and design elements such as background gradients and list marker color. Layouts of the MDX files (first-project-checklist.mdx, getting-started.mdx, and welcome-to-docs.mdx) were also updated to use the Starlight Layout.
Moved SiteTitle.astro to a new Starlight directory and enhanced application styles across multiple CSS classes. Updated lists in .mdx files to use bullet points instead of numbers. The relocation of the SiteTitle component contributes to a more organized project structure. Changes in styles improve the application's visual appeal and readability, while the updated list format enhances content presentation.
Added Starlight to the project for improved documentation capabilities, including internalization support and enhanced styling. This will provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for users accessing documentation across different languages and platforms.
The commit modifies several components to streamline their code by minimizing extra comments and embedded interfaces. This alteration enhances overall code readability. Furthermore, the 'loading=eager' attribute has been added to image components in CardBlogRecent and CardBlog templates to optimize loading performance by instructing the browser to load these images as soon as possible.
A new category called "Insights" has been added to the blog. New components such as individual insights page layout and individual insights card have been added. The new components also include astro content files for individual insight articles. This provides users with more in-depth information and can potentially increase user engagement.
Code has been updated to include insights as a new category of blog posts. Each blog post now also includes a related articles section at the bottom. The new feature enriches the content offering for users and potentially increases user engagement. The code has also been cleaned up for readability and consistency, improving maintainability long term.
A minified version of the GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) library has been added to the scripts/vendor directory. This library will be used to provide rich, high-performance animations for various components within the project.
Replaced the image components with card components in the product section to enhance product display. Modified the grid layout for enhanced product representation. Also, implemented the complete functionality of the blog section by defining the blog collection, adding blog cards and content, and refining meta data in MainLayout for SEO optimization. Adjusted animation timeline and script paths for better load performance.
Changed the paths of main product images for each product for clarity and better organization. Also rearranged the order of scripts in 'MainLayout.astro' to improve efficiency and made image properties in 'config.ts' optional for better flexibility in handling blueprint images.
Product information previously stored in JSON files has been migrated to Markdown format for efficient content management. Additionally, added a new button component for 404 pages to improve navigation and user experience. Defined a new schema for product collections and included GSAP JavaScript library for future animations.
The new product file "b203.json" was added to the product description containing detailed descriptions, features and product aspects. In the "prod.astro" file, a product details page was implemented, which fetches data from the JSON file and presents it to the user. The changes also included the development of a "ProductTabBtn" component to improve code modularity and the user interface.