In this commit, the 'Clients' component has been renamed to 'ClientsSection' for improved clarity. Additionally, the formatting of comment blocks across multiple .astro files has been adjusted to keep the cade cleaner and more uniform across the project.
Introduced a new Astro component, IconBlock, used for displaying icons paired with a heading and paragraph. This component is then utilized in the newly added FeaturesGeneral component, which encapsulates a feature section of the UI with a title, subtitle, image and a dynamic set of IconBlocks. This promotes reusability and visual consistency across the application.
A new ClientsSection component has been added, with customizable title and subTitle variables. This allows for easy customization of the section's content, providing increased flexibility. Includes relevant SVGs to represent each group of clients.
The commit provides type definitions for the variables in the HeroSection component. By doing so, this enhances readability and maintainability of the codebase and helps the developers understand what kind of data each variable is intended to hold.
The package.json and package-lock.json files have been updated to include new development tools: Prettier, its Astro and TailwindCSS plugins, and a package called preline. The tailwind.config.mjs file has also been updated to reference preline and its plugin as well as to enable Tailwind's dark mode feature.
The index.astro page has been updated with the addition of several new components to provide more reusable structures. These components include MainLayout, Navbar, HeroSection, Clients, FeaturesGeneral, FeaturesNavs, Testimonials, Pricing, and FAQ, to form the structure of the landing page.
A new HeroSection component has been added for the project's landing page. It consists of sub-components and various elements including the header, sub-header, primary and secondary CTA buttons, rating system, review statistics, and a sleek hero image. All text and links within are defined as variables for easy customization.
The commit introduces an Avatar component in Astro. This component is primarily used for displaying user avatars, taking in source and alt text as props. It's highly reusable, providing versatility for displaying avatars across various features in the application.
The commit introduces two new Astro components: FullStar and HalfStar. These components are primarily used for displaying rating stars. They show a filled star and half-filled star, which are useful in building a user review feature especially in eCommerce platforms.
This commit adds two new Astro components: PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA. These components represent the primary and secondary Call To Action (CTA) buttons, respectively. Both components accept title and url as props, and present clickable buttons styled according to their classification.
This commit includes the introduction of Astro project setup files, including the configuration. The main change is the addition of the configuration file `astro.config.mjs`, where Tailwind is set up for Astro integration. It also adds `.gitignore` files, a `package.json`, and setup files for VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA. The project includes a favicon and a simple Astro page. It comes with a `package-lock.json` file which locks down the versions of each dependency ensuring that installs generate the exact same tree across machines.