The div HTML tags in various components of the project have been replaced with more appropriate section tags for better semantic structure. This affects the TestimonialsSection, Products, FeaturesStats, and several other components. Options for minifying JavaScript in the process-html file have also been updated. In the MainLayout, a main tag has been added to wrap page content for better accessibility and semantics.
This commit refactors multiple component files for better understandability and maintainability. Detailed comments are added for enhanced readability. The data source is defined using Astro.js to simplify the process of acquiring data for the components. Unnecessary files like 'preline.js' from the vendor scripts directory are deleted as part of clean-up.
A new category called "Insights" has been added to the blog. New components such as individual insights page layout and individual insights card have been added. The new components also include astro content files for individual insight articles. This provides users with more in-depth information and can potentially increase user engagement.