Simplified image handling configuration in the "astro.config.mjs" by removing explicit sizing. Updated text sizing of PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA components to scale responsively in 2xl views. Aimed to improve the user interface and experience on larger screens.
Added new dependencies to the Astro and npm configuration files which includes sitemap, vercel, and other packages. Removed the HSThemeAppearance script in ThemeIcon.astro and the favicon.svg file. Made minor adjustments to the class attributes of some components in HeroSection.astro for styling purposes. These changes aim to enhance website performance and user experience. Furthermore, the addition of the sitemap package will help improve website SEO.
In this commit, the 'Clients' component has been renamed to 'ClientsSection' for improved clarity. Additionally, the formatting of comment blocks across multiple .astro files has been adjusted to keep the cade cleaner and more uniform across the project.
The commit provides type definitions for the variables in the HeroSection component. By doing so, this enhances readability and maintainability of the codebase and helps the developers understand what kind of data each variable is intended to hold.
A new HeroSection component has been added for the project's landing page. It consists of sub-components and various elements including the header, sub-header, primary and secondary CTA buttons, rating system, review statistics, and a sleek hero image. All text and links within are defined as variables for easy customization.