A new category called "Insights" has been added to the blog. New components such as individual insights page layout and individual insights card have been added. The new components also include astro content files for individual insight articles. This provides users with more in-depth information and can potentially increase user engagement.
Code has been updated to include insights as a new category of blog posts. Each blog post now also includes a related articles section at the bottom. The new feature enriches the content offering for users and potentially increases user engagement. The code has also been cleaned up for readability and consistency, improving maintainability long term.
This code introduces new Astro components for the blog pages and avatar elements, along with their corresponding layout and display factors. It also includes relevant asset imports, formatting utility functions, and mapping of blog content collection for dynamic content presentation.
Introduced four new Astro components: CardBlog, CardBlogRecent, CardSmall and CardWide, designed for displaying blog entries and products. These components have been equipped with asset imports, content collection types, and interactive prefetch links for better user experience and performance.
New scripts added to 'Navbar' component improve design functionality. 'NavLink' handling of current page has been refined to accurately reflect the current user's location with the addition of splitting the URL pattern. Changes in 'MainLayout' reflect updated script paths to match recent directory changes. These refinements improve usability and streamline codebase.
The GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) JavaScript library was not in use, thus the gsap.min.js file has been deleted from the public/assets/vendor directory. This removal is part of codebase cleanup to improve application performance and efficiency.
The 'prod.astro' page is deleted as a part of refactoring process. Also, title, src, alt, and url properties of ImgSmall and ImgWide components are now optional, which provides greater flexibility and reduces risk of errors when these components are used in various parts of application.
Product information previously stored in JSON files has been migrated to Markdown format for efficient content management. Additionally, added a new button component for 404 pages to improve navigation and user experience. Defined a new schema for product collections and included GSAP JavaScript library for future animations.
The new product file "b203.json" was added to the product description containing detailed descriptions, features and product aspects. In the "prod.astro" file, a product details page was implemented, which fetches data from the JSON file and presents it to the user. The changes also included the development of a "ProductTabBtn" component to improve code modularity and the user interface.
Condensed the code by breaking down long lines into multiple lines and removing unneeded classes in several UI components. The changes enhance readability, declutter the codebase, and result in a more accessible and maintainable code structure.
Introduced new UI components including testimonial section, avatar, and image elements. Configured secure headers in vercel.json file to enhance security. These changes improve both the aesthetic appeal and security of the website.
Refactored the image URL in testimonials and reduced redundancy in the FeaturesStats and accordion components, enhancing code readability. Also, implemented dynamic id generation in the FAQ component, improving scalability and maintainability. Added new pages to the website and updated the meta information, improving SEO.
Added new UI components including Checkbox, StatsBig, and StatsSmall for forms and stats display. Additionally, new layout sections such as FeaturesStats, LeftSection, RightSection, MainSection were added. These various additions and improvements aim to enhance the website's interface and interaction for users.
Implemented a new ContactIconBlock in the UI, including its Astro file and related props. Also added various form input components including EmailContactInput, PhoneInput, and PasswordInput for a more comprehensive contact section. Updated ContactSection with the new input fields and improved structure for better user experience and functionality.
Due to design changes, removed old authentication components and related configuration settings in .idea and .vscode folders. Changes include elimination of subscription input, email input, login and register modals, and user interface blocks. All changes aim to clean up the codebase and eliminate unused or unnecessary code.
Image format has been updated to avif format in TabContent.astro, FeaturesGeneral.astro for better performance. Metadata in Meta.astro was also updated to provide precise information about the website. Layout changes were made in HeroSection2.astro for better visual representation.
Introduced new user interface components used for authentication pages, including LoginModal, RegisterModal, RecoverModal, and associated input elements. Added a comprehensive FooterSection containing links to main site areas and social media platforms. These updates enhance the usability and functionality of the application's user registration and navigation.
Simplified image handling configuration in the "astro.config.mjs" by removing explicit sizing. Updated text sizing of PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA components to scale responsively in 2xl views. Aimed to improve the user interface and experience on larger screens.
The image handling configuration within astro.config.mjs has been simplified by removing explicit sizing and format details. Concurrently, button text sizing for both PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA components has been updated to scale responsively on 2xl views, ensuring better user interface on larger screens.
The website's configuration is updated with new site URL and vercelStatic adapter modified with image configuration. The UI is also enhanced, with color and aspect ratio adjustments in PricingSection and TabContent. Moreover, image sizes in ClientsSection are regularized.
This commit introduces a reusable NavLink component for the navigation bar. This component has a script to highlight the active link by comparing the current URL with each link's href. It also improves code readability by separating concerns.
Implemented a new AccordionItem component and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on the website. The AccordionItem component is a reusable, customizable accordion-style UI element that can be used for compact, expandable content presentation. The FAQ section uses the AccordionItem to present a list of commonly asked questions and their answers, with a clean expand/collapse interaction for readability.
The 'paragraph' prop has been updated to 'content' in Astro components to provide more flexibility in what content it can include. This change affects IconBlock, TabNav, FeaturesNavs, and FeaturesGeneral components, ensuring the prop name is consistently used throughout and reflects its function more accurately.
Refactored the names of the Testimonials and Pricing components to TestimonialsSection and PricingSection for better understanding. Also fixed the lack of newline at the end of file in SecondaryCTA component.
This commit introduces a new component 'FeaturesNavs' that includes the navigation for the tools, dashboards, and robust features selections. It also modifies the existing 'TabNav' and 'TabContent' components to manage the functionality of the tabs dynamically. Changes emphasize the use of 'first' and 'second' props to manage the initial active tab and style variations.
Introduced a new Astro component, IconBlock, used for displaying icons paired with a heading and paragraph. This component is then utilized in the newly added FeaturesGeneral component, which encapsulates a feature section of the UI with a title, subtitle, image and a dynamic set of IconBlocks. This promotes reusability and visual consistency across the application.
The commit introduces an Avatar component in Astro. This component is primarily used for displaying user avatars, taking in source and alt text as props. It's highly reusable, providing versatility for displaying avatars across various features in the application.
The commit introduces two new Astro components: FullStar and HalfStar. These components are primarily used for displaying rating stars. They show a filled star and half-filled star, which are useful in building a user review feature especially in eCommerce platforms.
This commit adds two new Astro components: PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA. These components represent the primary and secondary Call To Action (CTA) buttons, respectively. Both components accept title and url as props, and present clickable buttons styled according to their classification.