Deleted StarlightLayout.astro file and removed its references in various markdown files. Also, extended the sidebar configuration in the astro.config.mjs to include translations and added menu items under the Tools & Equipment section.
The CSS properties in the starlight_main.css, starlight.css files were updated for both dark and light modes to improve color consistency and design elements such as background gradients and list marker color. Layouts of the MDX files (first-project-checklist.mdx, getting-started.mdx, and welcome-to-docs.mdx) were also updated to use the Starlight Layout.
Moved SiteTitle.astro to a new Starlight directory and enhanced application styles across multiple CSS classes. Updated lists in .mdx files to use bullet points instead of numbers. The relocation of the SiteTitle component contributes to a more organized project structure. Changes in styles improve the application's visual appeal and readability, while the updated list format enhances content presentation.
Added Starlight to the project for improved documentation capabilities, including internalization support and enhanced styling. This will provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for users accessing documentation across different languages and platforms.