Product information previously stored in JSON files has been migrated to Markdown format for efficient content management. Additionally, added a new button component for 404 pages to improve navigation and user experience. Defined a new schema for product collections and included GSAP JavaScript library for future animations.
The paths referencing images in the product page were corrected. Initial paths were relative to the current file but they should be relative to the root directory, thus an additional navigation step with "../" was added for each import statement.
Removed blog and product pages and moved their contents to new blog and product directories, respectively. Added a new 404 error page for invalid routes. Updated server configurations in 'vercel.json' to leverage additional security by adding '' to Content-Security-Policy headers.
The new product file "b203.json" was added to the product description containing detailed descriptions, features and product aspects. In the "prod.astro" file, a product details page was implemented, which fetches data from the JSON file and presents it to the user. The changes also included the development of a "ProductTabBtn" component to improve code modularity and the user interface.
Refactored the image URL in testimonials and reduced redundancy in the FeaturesStats and accordion components, enhancing code readability. Also, implemented dynamic id generation in the FAQ component, improving scalability and maintainability. Added new pages to the website and updated the meta information, improving SEO.
Due to design changes, removed old authentication components and related configuration settings in .idea and .vscode folders. Changes include elimination of subscription input, email input, login and register modals, and user interface blocks. All changes aim to clean up the codebase and eliminate unused or unnecessary code.
Simplified image handling configuration in the "astro.config.mjs" by removing explicit sizing. Updated text sizing of PrimaryCTA and SecondaryCTA components to scale responsively in 2xl views. Aimed to improve the user interface and experience on larger screens.
Introduce an SVG icon to the project and establish a new web manifest containing app details and icon information. Add a Meta component to serve structured site metadata for better web presentation and search engine optimization. Include a new robot.txt to instruct web crawlers. The addition of these elements promotes better site recognition and SEO, enhancing user navigation and experience.
Refactored the names of the Testimonials and Pricing components to TestimonialsSection and PricingSection for better understanding. Also fixed the lack of newline at the end of file in SecondaryCTA component.
In this commit, the 'Clients' component has been renamed to 'ClientsSection' for improved clarity. Additionally, the formatting of comment blocks across multiple .astro files has been adjusted to keep the cade cleaner and more uniform across the project.
The index.astro page has been updated with the addition of several new components to provide more reusable structures. These components include MainLayout, Navbar, HeroSection, Clients, FeaturesGeneral, FeaturesNavs, Testimonials, Pricing, and FAQ, to form the structure of the landing page.
This commit includes the introduction of Astro project setup files, including the configuration. The main change is the addition of the configuration file `astro.config.mjs`, where Tailwind is set up for Astro integration. It also adds `.gitignore` files, a `package.json`, and setup files for VSCode and IntelliJ IDEA. The project includes a favicon and a simple Astro page. It comes with a `package-lock.json` file which locks down the versions of each dependency ensuring that installs generate the exact same tree across machines.