This commit updates the README file to reflect the addition of a dynamic ToC with a scroll progress indicator in the insights posts. The code related to this functionality has also been refactored in the insights file to split the logic within event listeners into separate functions, leading to higher readability and cleaner code.
The generateToc.ts file has been deleted and the way Table of Contents is generated in the insights page has been refactored. The refactoring changes include graphical enhancements, making the UI more dynamic, and implementing GSAP's ScrollTrigger for the headings. Increased readability and easier code maintenance are also anticipated from this.
A new Head component has been added and interactions with view transitions have been defined within it. The .webp format is now being used for social media metadata. Also, astro-vtbot has been added as a new dependency.
This commit updates certain configurations for improved functionality. Significant updates have been made to enhance the structure of the 'insights' webpage, with the addition of scroll-triggered animations. A progress indicator has now been implemented, to improve interactivity and user experience.
This commit updates certain configurations for improved functionality. Significant updates have been made to enhance the structure of the 'insights' webpage, with the addition of scroll-triggered animations. A progress indicator has now been implemented, to improve interactivity and user experience.
A new utility function `generateToc` has been created in `src/utils/generateToc.ts` for generation of table of contents. The utility includes child component extraction and error handling for orphan headings. Additionally, GSAP's ScrollTrigger library has been included under `public/scripts/vendor/gsap/` to manage scroll-triggered animations.
Added titles to the social icons for better accessibility and updated the URLs for each social platform in the navigation component. Also added an aria-label to the LanguagePicker component and included the icon title in the Icon.astro file.
Redesigned the product markdown files and schema to divide product title and subtitle into separate 'title' and 'description' fields to provide better data representation. Adjusted CardWide and CardSmall components to accommodate these changes, ensuring consistent and appropriate depiction of product descriptions across all pages.
Introduced two new components (BrandLogo and LanguagePicker) to the Navbar component. This refactor improves readability and maintainability of the code. Additionally, SVG icons are extracted into reusable components
This commit introduces several UI behavior improvements, particularly enhancing the hover states of buttons in dark mode, and tweaking language-specific navigation. It also includes significant enhancements to the project's SEO configuration by revising the README documentation and transitioning the management of SEO-related data to a centralized `constants.ts` file for more structured and manageable SEO settings.
The pricing details, previously hardcoded in the PricingSection component, have been extracted to a separate JSON file in both English and French. They are now dynamically loaded into the PricingSection, enhancing maintainability and content management capabilities.
This update also moves the main icon images from the public folder to the src folder and remove the ones that are going to be generated and optimized by Astro.
Added conditions for changing form labels, navigation items according to the current locale. The README file was also updated accordingly to reflect these changes.
This commit adds French translations to various components of the website. Specifically, a French Contact Us section has been created, as well as French versions of FAQs and feature data files. Additionally, French settings for the site navigation have been defined. This provides French-speaking users with a more convenient and accessible experience when using the site.
This update vastly improves the website's support for multiple languages by adding French translations to several new pages, including 404, contact, products index, home, and services pages. This update also introduces a new ContactSection_fr.astro component for a French version of the Contact Us section. Site configuration has been modified to appropriately handle these new additions.
Introduced French translations of new pages including 404, contact, products index, home, and services. Also updated site configuration to handle French translations and added a new ContactSection_fr.astro component for the French version of the Contact Us section.
Introduced a new ContactSection_fr.astro component to handle the Contact Us section of the application and expanded the Icon component to encompass new icons used in the ContactSection.
Modified tsconfig.json to add compilerOptions for @/* base directory paths and updated all relative file import paths in the project to use this configuration. This change provides a cleaner, more consistent, and efficient way to handle file imports.
Added icons as reusable components for easier and consistent implementation across the project. Also updated the focus ring styles on links to improve accessibility. This makes use of the `:focus-visible` pseudo-class to only display the ring when keyboard navigation is used.
This commit includes importing several image files and JSON data files in 'index.astro'. It adds unique data imports for FAQ, features, and several feature images. It also modifies existing component props to use imported data, enhancing code reusability and maintainability.
Revised FAQ component in Astro.js to import and use data from an external JSON source, instead of hardcoding the data. Updated TypeScript interfaces for the FAQ props, improving data structure and readability. The icons used have also been streamlined through a centralized 'Icon' component.
A centralized Icon component is now used to manage all SVG icons, improving code readability and maintainability. It also replaced manually defined SVG paths in various components including cards, buttons, and sections.
Refactored the features section of the website to use externally-defined data alongside reusable Icon components. Now, tabs and feature blocks' content is dictated by passed-in props, improving the modularity and adaptability of the code. Individual SVG icons are also now handled by a single Icon component, simplifying the codebase and enhancing maintainability.
Introduced FAQ and Features data files and set up new UI components for displaying icons. The FAQ data helps to answer common questions users may have and the Features data describes various offerings and services. In the Icon.astro and icons.ts file, created the logic for rendering different SVG icons based on data passed to the Icon component.
Deleted StarlightLayout.astro file and removed its references in various markdown files. Also, extended the sidebar configuration in the astro.config.mjs to include translations and added menu items under the Tools & Equipment section.
The CSS properties in the starlight_main.css, starlight.css files were updated for both dark and light modes to improve color consistency and design elements such as background gradients and list marker color. Layouts of the MDX files (first-project-checklist.mdx, getting-started.mdx, and welcome-to-docs.mdx) were also updated to use the Starlight Layout.
The CSS properties in the starlight_main.css, starlight.css files were updated for both dark and light modes to improve color consistency and design elements such as background gradients and list marker color. Layouts of the MDX files (first-project-checklist.mdx, getting-started.mdx, and welcome-to-docs.mdx) were also updated to use the Starlight Layout.
Modified accent colors in both dark and light modes for better visibility and consistency across the application. Included a hover effect for primary action buttons to improve user interaction. Also, adjustments were made to the border radius for certain elements, giving them a more modern and rounded appearance. These changes aim to enhance the overall user experience and the visual design of the application.
Moved SiteTitle.astro to a new Starlight directory and enhanced application styles across multiple CSS classes. Updated lists in .mdx files to use bullet points instead of numbers. The relocation of the SiteTitle component contributes to a more organized project structure. Changes in styles improve the application's visual appeal and readability, while the updated list format enhances content presentation.
Added image source and alt to HeroSection so that images can be
passed to it. Right now it is hardcoded in HeroSection. This will improve
reusability of HeroSection by theme users.