diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index af4ebac..595053d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -105,11 +105,7 @@ Click the button below to start deploying your project on Vercel:
## Project Structure
ScrewFast organizes modular components, content, and layouts to streamline development and content management. Expand for a detailed overview of the directory structure:
@@ -140,15 +136,9 @@ src/
## Static Assets and Public Resources
Static files served directly to the browser are within the `public` directory at the root of the project. Expand for the layout:
@@ -177,14 +167,10 @@ public/
The scripts in the `public/scripts/vendor` directory are essential for the interactivity and aesthetic features of the website. Do not remove these unless you plan to replace their functionality.
## Customization
ScrewFast allows for easy customization to suit your specific needs. Here are a couple of ways you can configure components and content:
### Editing Component Variables
@@ -293,15 +279,13 @@ export const socialLinks: SocialLinks = {
+> [!NOTE]
> Remember to add complete and valid URLs for the navigation to function properly. These customizations will reflect throughout your Astro site, promoting consistency across all pages.
## Integrations and Enhancements
ScrewFast leverages the power of Astro — a modern, cutting-edge site building framework — and integrates it seamlessly with the utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS, to deliver exceptional site performance and a seamless user experience. Here are some notable integrations and enhancements included in the project:
### Lenis for Smooth Scrolling
@@ -344,7 +328,8 @@ html.lenis {
Please note that smooth scrolling can affect accessibility and performance on some devices, so be sure to test it comprehensively across different environments.
+> [!NOTE]
> If you would like to remove Lenis and return to the browser's default scrolling behavior, simply comment out or delete these lines from the `MainLayout.astro` file.
### GSAP Integration
@@ -372,6 +357,7 @@ Please tailor the GSAP animations within this script to fit your project's look
- To modify an animation, update the properties and parameters within the `gsap.from()` method, or add new GSAP animation calls as required.
- Should GSAP not be needed, or if you prefer a different animation method, simply remove the aforementioned script segment.
+> [!NOTE]
> We've chosen to keep the integration lean and focused, but GSAP's comprehensive documentation can be referred to for more complex animations: [GSAP Documentation](https://gsap.com/docs/v3/).
### Hiding Scrollbar
@@ -380,7 +366,8 @@ To achieve a cleaner and more spacious design, the default scrollbar has been vi
For those who prefer custom-styled scrollbars, we suggest using the [tailwind-scrollbar](https://adoxography.github.io/tailwind-scrollbar/) plugin, which adds Tailwind CSS utilities for scrollbar styles, allowing for more controlled customization that can also meet accessibility standards.
-If you wish to return the default scrollbar, you can comment out or remove the following CSS from `src/layouts/MainLayout.astro`:
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you wish to return the default scrollbar, you can comment out or remove the following CSS from `src/layouts/MainLayout.astro`: