Update text and hover styles in PostFeedback.astro
Changed button text colors in PostFeedback.astro component to improve visibility. Hover styles were also tweaked to enhance user interaction.
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 461 additions and 468 deletions
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ interface Props {
<h3 class="text-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300">{title}</h3>
<h3 class="text-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-300">{title}</h3>
class="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 rounded-lg border border-neutral-400 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-neutral-800 hover:border-yellow-500 hover:bg-yellow-500 hover:shadow-2xl hover:shadow-yellow-500 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-50 dark:hover:bg-yellow-500 dark:hover:text-neutral-800 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600"
class="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 rounded-lg border border-neutral-400 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-neutral-700 hover:border-yellow-500 hover:bg-yellow-500 hover:shadow-2xl hover:shadow-yellow-500 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-yellow-500 dark:hover:text-neutral-700 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600"
class="size-4 flex-shrink-0 transition duration-300 group-hover:-translate-y-1 group-focus-visible:-translate-y-1"
class="size-4 flex-shrink-0 transition duration-300 group-hover:-translate-y-1 group-focus-visible:-translate-y-1"
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ interface Props {
class="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 rounded-lg border border-neutral-400 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-neutral-800 hover:bg-neutral-400 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-50 dark:hover:bg-neutral-500 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600"
class="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-2 rounded-lg border border-neutral-400 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-neutral-700 hover:bg-neutral-400/30 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-300 dark:hover:bg-neutral-700/60 dark:focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-1 dark:focus:ring-neutral-600"
class="size-4 flex-shrink-0 transition duration-300 group-hover:translate-y-1 group-focus-visible:translate-y-1"
class="size-4 flex-shrink-0 transition duration-300 group-hover:translate-y-1 group-focus-visible:translate-y-1"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: Erste Projekt-Checkliste
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Entdecken Sie die umfassende Dokumentation von ScrewFast für einen eingehenden Einblick in unsere erstklassigen Werkzeuge und Bauleistungen.
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
@ -15,51 +15,50 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
Den Beginn eines neuen Projekts anzugehen kann gleichermaßen aufregend und herausfordernd sein. Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung und Anleitung ist Ihr Vorhaben auf Erfolgskurs. Die ScrewFast First Project Checklist wurde entwickelt, um einen klaren und strukturierten Ansatz zu bieten und sicherzustellen, dass Sie bei jedem Schritt des Weges gut vorbereitet sind.
## Project Preparation
## Projektvorbereitung
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="Umfang und Ziele">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Umfang des Projekts, die Liefergegenstände und die angestrebten Ergebnisse klar definiert sind.
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. Legen Sie klare Ziele und Erfolgskriterien für den Abschluss des Projekts fest.
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="Werkzeuge und Ausrüstung">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. Erstellen Sie eine Liste aller benötigten ScrewFast Werkzeuge und Ausrüstungen.
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. Überprüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit und den Zustand des Inventars vor Beginn.
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="Dienstleistungen arrangieren">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. Wenn zusätzliche Expertise oder Arbeitskräfte benötigt werden, vereinbaren Sie rechtzeitig ScrewFast Bauarbeiten.
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. Klären Sie Service Level Agreements und Zeitpläne mit Ihrem ScrewFast Vertreter.
## Project Execution
## Projektumsetzung
### Initial Phase
### Erste Phase
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. Richten Sie den Projektstandort gemäß den ScrewFast Einrichtungsrichtlinien ein.
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. Führen Sie ein erstes Teammeeting durch, um sich auf die Projektziele und ScrewFast Methodologien abzustimmen.
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. Legen Sie Projektprüfpunkte und Meilensteine für regelmäßige Bewertungen fest.
## Zusätzliche Ressourcen
## Additional Resources
title="Detailed Guides"
title="Ausführliche Anleitungen"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
description="Greifen Sie auf umfangreiche Dokumentationen und Benutzerhandbücher für ScrewFast Werkzeuge und Dienstleistungen zu."
title="Support Contacts"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
description="Halten Sie die Kontaktdaten für den ScrewFast Support bereit, der Ihnen während Ihres Projekts zur Verfügung steht."
title="Advanced Learning"
title="Fortgeschrittenes Lernen"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
description="Erkunden Sie weitere Bildungsressourcen von ScrewFast, um Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ihr Wissensniveau zu verfeinern."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: Erste Schritte
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Entdecken Sie die umfassende Dokumentation von ScrewFast für einen eingehenden Einblick in unsere erstklassigen Werkzeuge und Bauleistungen.
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,66 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
Willkommen bei ScrewFast Docs! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen den Einstieg mit unseren erstklassigen Werkzeugen zu erleichtern. Dieser Leitfaden soll Ihnen einen Überblick über unser Werkzeugsortiment verschaffen, Ihnen die Grundlagen vermitteln und Sie für Ihr erstes Projekt fit machen. Tauchen wir gleich ein in die Welt hochwertiger und zuverlässiger Handwerkskunst mit ScrewFast.
## Tools Overview
## Übersicht über die Werkzeuge
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="Schraubendreher-Set" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
Vielseitig und ergonomisch, geeignet für alle Schraubentypen.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Mehr erfahren" href="de/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="Schlagbohrmaschine" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
Leistungsstark für Bohr- und Schlagbohranwendungen.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Mehr erfahren" href="de/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="Elektrosägen" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
Präzises Schneiden mit einstellbaren Einstellungen für verschiedene Materialien.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Mehr erfahren" href="de/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## Einrichtungsanweisungen
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. Auspacken Icon Ihre ScrewFast Werkzeuge auspacken
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
Öffnen Sie die Verpackung vorsichtig und überprüfen Sie, ob alle Komponenten vorhanden sind. Machen Sie sich mit dem Werkzeug und etwaigen Zubehörteilen vertraut.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. Sicherheitsüberprüfung Icon Erste Einrichtung und Sicherheitsüberprüfungen
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
Lesen Sie das Sicherheitshandbuch, bevor Sie das Werkzeug verwenden. Überprüfen Sie das Werkzeug auf Transportschäden und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sicherheitsvorrichtungen vorhanden sind.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. Kalibrierung Icon Kalibrierung und Vorbereitung für die erste Verwendung
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen des Herstellers, um Ihre Werkzeuge bei Bedarf zu kalibrieren. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Batterien geladen sind oder die elektrischen Anschlüsse sicher sind.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## Reinigung und Wartung
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
Trennen Sie Werkzeuge immer vom Stromnetz, bevor Sie sie reinigen. Verwenden Sie ein weiches, trockenes Tuch, um die
exterior and store in a dry place.
Außenseite abzuwischen und lagern Sie sie an einem trockenen Ort.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
Regelmäßige Wartung gewährleistet Langlebigkeit und Sicherheit. Reinigen Sie Ihre Werkzeuge nach jedem Gebrauch, überprüfen Sie auf Abnutzung und schmieren Sie bewegliche Teile gemäß dem Handbuch des Werkzeugs.
## Additional Resources
## Zusätzliche Ressourcen
title="In-depth Tutorials"
title="Ausführliche Tutorials"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
description="Tauchen Sie mit Experten-Tutorials tief in die Verwendung unserer Werkzeuge ein."
title="Video Demos"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
description="Visuelle Anleitungen, um das Beste aus Ihren Werkzeugen herauszuholen."
title="Warranty Information"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
description="Verstehen Sie Ihre Deckung und wie Sie im Bedarfsfall einen Anspruch geltend machen können."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: Einführung in die ScrewFast-Dienstleistungen
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Entdecken Sie die umfassende Dokumentation von ScrewFast für einen eingehenden Einblick in unsere erstklassigen Werkzeuge und Bauleistungen.
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
Als Teil unseres Engagements, eine Komplettlösung für alle Ihre Bau- und Hardware-Bedürfnisse bereitzustellen, sind wir bei ScrewFast stolz darauf, eine umfassende Palette professioneller Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Von den ersten Beratungsgesprächen bis hin zu abschließenden Inspektionen umfassen unsere vielseitigen Dienstleistungen die gesamte Projektarbeit und gewährleisten qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse und Kundenzufriedenheit. Dieser Abschnitt der Dokumentation wird Sie durch alles führen, was Sie wissen müssen, um unser Fachwissen optimal zu nutzen.
## Overview of Services
## Übersicht über die Dienstleistungen
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
Jedes Bauprojekt birgt seine eigenen Herausforderungen und Anforderungen. Bei ScrewFast passen wir unsere Dienstleistungen an Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse an, um sicherzustellen, dass unser Team unabhängig von der Größe oder Komplexität Ihres Projekts damit präzise und professionell umgehen kann.
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="Experten-Team">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
Nutzen Sie das Know-how unseres kompetenten Personals, von Architekten und Ingenieuren bis hin zu qualifizierten Arbeitern, die jeweils ihr Fachwissen einbringen, um Ihre Vision zum Leben zu erwecken.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="Qualitätsverpflichtung">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
Qualität steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Wir setzen strenge Qualitätskontrollmaßnahmen ein, um sicherzustellen, dass die von uns gelieferte Arbeit den Branchenstandards entspricht und diese sogar übertrifft.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="Laufende Unterstützung">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
Unsere Beziehung zu unseren Kunden endet nicht, sobald das Projekt abgeschlossen ist. Wir bieten kontinuierliche Unterstützung, um Probleme zu lösen und eine dauerhafte Zufriedenheit mit Ihrer Investition sicherzustellen.
@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premiu
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="en/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="en/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="en/guides/getting-started" />
@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each us
title="In-depth Tutorials"
title="In-depth Tutorials"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
title="Video Demos"
title="Video Demos"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
title="Warranty Information"
title="Warranty Information"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: Lista de Verificación del Primer Proyecto
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explora la documentación completa de ScrewFast para obtener una visión detallada de nuestras herramientas premium y servicios de construcción.
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
@ -15,51 +15,50 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
Comenzar un nuevo proyecto puede ser emocionante y desafiante en igual medida. Con la preparación adecuada y orientación, tu empresa está lista para el éxito. La Lista de Verificación del Primer Proyecto de ScrewFast está diseñada para proporcionar un enfoque claro y estructurado para garantizar que estés bien preparado en cada paso del camino.
## Project Preparation
## Preparación del Proyecto
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="Alcance y Objetivos">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. Asegurar claridad sobre el alcance del proyecto, entregables y resultados deseados.
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. Definir objetivos claros y criterios de éxito para la finalización del proyecto.
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="Herramientas y Equipamiento">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. Hacer una lista de todas las herramientas y equipos de ScrewFast necesarios.
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. Verificar la disponibilidad y condición del inventario antes de comenzar.
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="Organización de Servicios">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. Si se necesita experiencia adicional o mano de obra, organiza los servicios de construcción de ScrewFast con anticipación.
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. Aclarar los acuerdos de nivel de servicio y los plazos con tu representante de ScrewFast.
## Project Execution
## Ejecución del Proyecto
### Initial Phase
### Fase Inicial
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. Configurar el sitio del proyecto según las pautas de configuración de ScrewFast.
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. Realizar una reunión inicial de equipo para alinear los objetivos del proyecto y las metodologías de ScrewFast.
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. Establecer puntos de control y hitos del proyecto para evaluaciones regulares.
## Recursos Adicionales
## Additional Resources
title="Detailed Guides"
title="Guías Detalladas"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
description="Accede a documentación detallada y manuales de usuario para herramientas y servicios de ScrewFast."
title="Support Contacts"
title="Contactos de Soporte"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
description="Mantén a mano los detalles de contacto para el soporte de ScrewFast, disponible para ayuda durante todo tu proyecto."
title="Advanced Learning"
title="Aprendizaje Avanzado"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
description="Explora recursos educativos adicionales proporcionados por ScrewFast para refinar tus habilidades y conocimientos."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: Comenzar
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explora la documentación completa de ScrewFast para obtener una visión detallada de nuestras herramientas premium y servicios de construcción.
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,65 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
¡Bienvenido a ScrewFast Docs! Estamos emocionados de ayudarte a comenzar con nuestras herramientas premium. Esta guía está diseñada para presentarte nuestra gama de herramientas, ayudarte a comprender los conceptos básicos y ponerte al día para tu primer proyecto. ¡Sumérgete en el mundo de la artesanía de alta calidad y confiabilidad con ScrewFast!
## Tools Overview
## Descripción General de las Herramientas
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="Juego de Destornilladores" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
Versátiles y ergonómicos, adecuados para todo tipo de tornillos.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Aprende más" href="/es/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="Taladro Percutor" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
Rendimiento potente para perforación y conducción de impacto.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Aprende más" href="/es/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="Sierras Eléctricas" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
Corte preciso con ajustes ajustables para varios materiales.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="Aprende más" href="/es/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## Instrucciones de Configuración
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. Icono de Desempaque Desempaqueta tus Herramientas ScrewFast
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
Abre cuidadosamente el empaque y verifica que todas las piezas estén presentes. Familiarízate con la herramienta y cualquier accesorio.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. Icono de Verificación de Seguridad Configuración Inicial y Verificaciones de Seguridad
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
Lee el manual de seguridad antes de manipular la herramienta. Verifica la herramienta en busca de cualquier daño durante el envío y asegúrate de que los protectores de seguridad estén en su lugar.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. Icono de Calibración Calibración y Preparación para el Primer Uso
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
Sigue las instrucciones del fabricante para calibrar tus herramientas según sea necesario. Asegúrate de que las baterías estén cargadas o que las conexiones eléctricas estén seguras.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## Limpieza y Mantenimiento
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
Siempre desconecta las herramientas antes de limpiarlas. Usa un paño suave y seco para limpiar el exterior y guárdalas en un lugar seco.
exterior and store in a dry place.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
El mantenimiento regular garantiza longevidad y seguridad. Limpia tus herramientas después de cada uso, verifica el desgaste y lubrica las piezas móviles según lo especificado en el manual de la herramienta.
## Additional Resources
## Recursos Adicionales
title="In-depth Tutorials"
title="Tutoriales Detallados"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
description="Sumérgete en el uso de nuestras herramientas con tutoriales dirigidos por expertos."
title="Video Demos"
title="Demostraciones en Video"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
description="Guías visuales para sacar el máximo provecho de tus herramientas."
title="Warranty Information"
title="Información de Garantía"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
description="Comprende tu cobertura y cómo hacer una reclamación si es necesario."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: Introducción a los Servicios de ScrewFast
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explora la documentación completa de ScrewFast para obtener una visión detallada de nuestras herramientas premium y servicios de construcción.
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
Como parte de nuestro compromiso de proporcionar una solución integral para todas sus necesidades de construcción y hardware, en ScrewFast nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios profesionales. Desde consultas iniciales hasta inspecciones finales, nuestros servicios multifacéticos abarcan la totalidad de su proyecto, garantizando resultados de calidad y satisfacción del cliente. Esta sección de la documentación le guiará a través de todo lo que necesita saber para aprovechar al máximo nuestra experiencia.
## Overview of Services
## Visión general de los Servicios
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="Soluciones Personalizadas">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
Cada proyecto de construcción conlleva sus desafíos y demandas únicas. En ScrewFast, personalizamos nuestros servicios para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas, asegurando que, independientemente de la escala o complejidad de su proyecto, nuestro equipo esté equipado para manejarlo con precisión y profesionalismo.
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="Equipo Experto">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
Aproveche las habilidades de nuestro personal experimentado, desde arquitectos e ingenieros hasta obreros calificados, cada uno contribuyendo con su experiencia para dar vida a su visión.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="Compromiso con la Calidad">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
La calidad está en el corazón de todo lo que hacemos. Implementamos rigurosas medidas de control de calidad para asegurar que el trabajo que entregamos cumpla y supere los estándares de la industria.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="Soporte Continuo">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
Nuestra relación con nuestros clientes no termina una vez que se completa el proyecto. Brindamos apoyo continuo para abordar cualquier problema y garantizar una satisfacción duradera con su inversión.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: چک لیست اولین پروژه
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: مستندات جامع ScrewFast را بررسی کنید تا به طور کامل به ابزارها و خدمات ساخت و ساز ویژه ما نگاه کنید.
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
@ -15,51 +15,50 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
شروع یک پروژه جدید ممکن است هم به اندازهای هیجانانگیز و هم چالش برانگیز باشد. با آمادهسازی و هدایت مناسب، پروژه شما برای موفقیت آماده است. چک لیست اولین پروژه ScrewFast طراحی شده است تا یک رویکرد واضح و ساختارمند را برای اطمینان از آمادگی خود در هر مرحله ارائه دهد.
## Project Preparation
## آمادهسازی پروژه
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="دامنه و اهداف">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. اطمینان از وضوح دامنه پروژه، خروجیها و نتایج مورد نظر
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. تعریف اهداف روشن و شاخصهای موفقیت برای اتمام پروژه
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="ابزارها و تجهیزات">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. تهیه لیستی از تمامی ابزارها و تجهیزات مورد نیاز ScrewFast
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. بررسی دسترسی و شرایط موجودی قبل از شروع
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="مرتبسازی خدمات">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. در صورت نیاز به تخصص یا نیروی انسانی اضافی، برنامهریزی خدمات ساخت و ساز ScrewFast را به صورت پیشگامانه انجام دهید
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. ابهامات توافقنامههای سطح خدمات و زمانبندی را با نماینده ScrewFast خود روشن کنید
## Project Execution
## اجرای پروژه
### Initial Phase
### فاز اولیه
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. سایت پروژه را براساس راهنمای تنظیم ScrewFast راهاندازی کنید
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. یک جلسه اولیه تیم برگزار کنید تا در مورد اهداف پروژه و روشهای ScrewFast هماهنگ شوید
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. نقاط کنترل و مراحل مهم پروژه را برای ارزیابی منظم تعیین کنید
## منابع اضافی
## Additional Resources
title="Detailed Guides"
title="آموزشهای عمیق"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
description="عمق به راهنمایی در استفاده از ابزارها و خدمات ما با آموزشهای تخصصی."
title="Support Contacts"
title="ویدیوهای دمو"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
description="راهنماییهای تصویری برای بهرهبرداری بهتر از ابزارهای ما."
title="Advanced Learning"
title="اطلاعات گارانتی"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
description="پوشش خود را درک کنید و چگونگی ارائه ادعا را در صورت نیاز بفهمید."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: شروع کار
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: مستندات جامع ScrewFast را برای دیدن کامل و جامع ابزارها و خدمات ساخت و ساز ویژه ما بررسی کنید.
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,65 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
به مستندات ScrewFast خوش آمدید! ما بسیار هیجان زده هستیم که به شما کمک کنیم تا با ابزارهای ویژه ما آشنا شوید. این راهنما برای معرفی مجموعه ابزار ما طراحی شده است، به شما درک مفاهیم اصلی را میدهد و شما را برای اولین پروژه خود آماده میکند. بگذارید با ScrewFast وارد دنیای کیفیت بالا و صداقت قابل اعتماد شویم.
## Tools Overview
## مروری بر ابزارها
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="مجموعه پیچ گوشتی" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
چندمنظوره و ارگونومیک، مناسب برای تمام انواع پیچ.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="بیشتر بدانید " href="fa/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="دریل سنگین" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
عملکرد قدرتمند برای حفاری و اثر گذاری.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="بیشتر بدانید " href="fa/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="پازل برقی" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
برش دقیق با تنظیمات قابل تنظیم برای مواد مختلف.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="بیشتر بدانید " href="fa/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## دستورالعمل نصب
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. آیکون باز کردن جعبه باز کردن ابزارهای ScrewFast خود
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
بستهبندی را با دقت باز کنید و از حضور تمام اجزای مطمئن شوید. با ابزار و لوازم جانبی آشنا شوید.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. آیکون بررسی ایمنی راه اندازی اولیه و بررسیهای ایمنی
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
قبل از دسترسی به ابزار، دفترچه راهنمای ایمنی را بخوانید. ابزار را برای هر گونه آسیب حمل و نقل بررسی کنید و از وجود محافظتهای ایمنی اطمینان حاصل کنید.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. آیکون کالیبراسیون و آمادهسازی برای استفاده اولیه
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
دستورالعملهای سازنده را برای کالیبراسیون ابزارهای خود به عنوان لازم اجرا کنید. اطمینان حاصل کنید که باتریها شارژ شدهاند یا اتصالات الکتریکی ایمن هستند.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## تمیز کردن و نگهداری
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
همیشه ابزارها را قبل از تمیز کردن با کشمش خامه ای خام استفاده کنید. از نمد نرم و خشک برای پاک کردن بیرونی استفاده کنید و در محل خشک نگه دارید.
exterior and store in a dry place.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
نگهداری منظم برای طولانی مدت و ایمنی اهمیت دارد. ابزارهای خود را پس از هر استفاده تمیز کنید، برای ساییدگی بررسی کنید و قطعات متحرک را مانند دستورالعمل ابزار روغن کنید.
## Additional Resources
## منابع اضافی
title="In-depth Tutorials"
title="آموزشهای عمیق"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
description="با آموزشهای تخصصی و متخصصانه به استفاده از ابزارهای ما فرو میبرید."
title="Video Demos"
title="ویدیوهای دمو"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
description="راهنماییهای تصویری برای بهرهبرداری بیشتر از ابزارهای ما."
title="Warranty Information"
title="اطلاعات گارانتی"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
description="پوشش خود را درک کنید و چگونگی ارائه ادعا را در صورت نمورد نیاز را بیابید."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: معرفی به خدمات اسکروفست
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: مستندات جامع اسکروفست را برای بررسی دقیقتر ابزارها و خدمات ساخت و ساز بررسی کنید.
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
به عنوان بخشی از تعهد ما به ارائه یک راهحل از ابتدا تا انتها برای همه نیازهای ساخت و ساز و سختافزار شما، ما در اسکروفست به افتخار یک سری خدمات حرفهای جامع ارائه میدهیم. از مشاورههای ابتدایی تا بازرسیهای نهایی، خدمات چندگانه ما شامل کلیه جنبههای پروژه شما را در بر میگیرد و اطمینان از نتایج با کیفیت و رضایت مشتری را فراهم میکند. این بخش از مستندات شما را از همه چیزی که باید بدانید برای بهرهگیری از تخصص ما به حداکثر برساند.
## Overview of Services
## مروری بر خدمات
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="راهحلهای سفارشی">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
هر پروژه ساخت و ساز چالشها و اقتضاهای منحصربهفرد خود را دارد. در اسکروفست، ما خدمات خود را به منظور تطبیق با نیازهای خاص شما سفارشیسازی میکنیم، تضمین میکنیم که مهمانه مقیاس یا پیچیدگی پروژه شما با دقت و حرفهایترین نیروهای ما مدیریت شود.
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="تیم متخصص">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
از مهارتهای کارکنان ما با تجربه استفاده کنید، از معماران و مهندسان تا کارگران ماهر، هر کدام به تجربه خود به منظور برگرداندن دیدگاه شما به واقعیت کمک میکنند.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="تعهد به کیفیت">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
کیفیت در مرکز تمام اعمال ما قرار دارد. ما اقدامات سختگیرانه کنترل کیفیت را برای اطمینان از اینکه کاری که ارائه میدهیم با استانداردهای صنعتی مطابقت دارد و آن را بیشتر میکند.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="پشتیبانی مداوم">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
رابطه ما با مشتریان ما پس از اتمام پروژه به پایان نمیرسد. ما پشتیبانی مداوم را برای حل هرگونه مشکل و اطمینان از رضایت دائمی از سرمایهاینستمان فراهم میکنیم.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: Liste de vérification du premier projet
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explorez la documentation complète de ScrewFast pour un examen approfondi de nos outils haut de gamme et services de construction.
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
@ -15,51 +15,51 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
Se lancer dans un nouveau projet peut être à la fois excitant et stimulant. Avec la bonne préparation et orientation, votre entreprise est prête pour le succès. La Liste de vérification du premier projet de ScrewFast est conçue pour fournir une approche claire et structurée afin de vous assurer que vous êtes bien préparé à chaque étape du processus.
## Project Preparation
## Préparation du projet
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="Portée et objectifs">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. Assurez-vous de la clarté de la portée du projet, des livrables et des résultats souhaités
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. Définissez des objectifs clairs et des critères de réussite pour l'achèvement du projet
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="Outils et équipement">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. Faites une liste de tous les outils et équipements ScrewFast nécessaires
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. Vérifiez la disponibilité de l'inventaire et son état avant de commencer
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="Organisation des services">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. Si une expertise supplémentaire ou une main-d'œuvre est nécessaire, organisez les services de construction ScrewFast à l'avance
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. Clarifiez les accords de niveau de service et les délais avec votre représentant ScrewFast
## Project Execution
## Exécution du projet
### Initial Phase
### Phase initiale
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. Configurez le site du projet selon les directives de configuration de ScrewFast
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. Organisez une réunion initiale d'équipe pour aligner les objectifs du projet et les méthodologies ScrewFast
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. Établissez des points de contrôle et des jalons du projet pour des évaluations régulières
## Additional Resources
## Ressources supplémentaires
title="Detailed Guides"
title="Guides détaillés"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
description="Accédez à une documentation approfondie et aux manuels d'utilisation des outils et services ScrewFast."
title="Support Contacts"
title="Contacts de support"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
description="Gardez à portée de main les coordonnées du support ScrewFast, disponible pour vous aider tout au long de votre projet."
title="Advanced Learning"
title="Apprentissage avancé"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
description="Explorez d'autres ressources éducatives fournies par ScrewFast pour affiner vos compétences et vos connaissances."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: Démarrage
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explorez la documentation complète de ScrewFast pour un examen approfondi de nos outils haut de gamme et services de construction.
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,65 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
Bienvenue dans les Docs ScrewFast ! Nous sommes ravis de vous aider à démarrer avec nos outils haut de gamme. Ce guide est conçu pour vous présenter notre gamme d'outils, vous aider à comprendre les bases et vous préparer pour votre premier projet. Plongeons directement dans le monde de l'artisanat fiable et de haute qualité avec ScrewFast.
## Tools Overview
## Aperçu des outils
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="Ensemble de tournevis" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
Polyvalent et ergonomique, adapté à tous les types de vis.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="En savoir plus " href="fr/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="Perceuse à percussion" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
Performances puissantes pour le perçage et l'impact.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="En savoir plus " href="fr/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="Scies électriques" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
Découpe précise avec des réglages ajustables pour divers matériaux.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="En savoir plus " href="fr/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## Instructions de configuration
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. Icône de déballage Déballez vos outils ScrewFast
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
Ouvrez soigneusement l'emballage et vérifiez que tous les composants sont présents. Familiarisez-vous avec l'outil et ses accessoires éventuels.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. Icône de vérification de sécurité Configuration initiale et vérifications de sécurité
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
Lisez le manuel de sécurité avant de manipuler l'outil. Vérifiez l'outil pour tout dommage dû à l'expédition et assurez-vous que les dispositifs de sécurité sont en place.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. Icône de calibrage Calibrage et préparation pour la première utilisation
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
Suivez les instructions du fabricant pour calibrer vos outils si nécessaire. Assurez-vous que les batteries sont chargées ou que les connexions électriques sont sécurisées.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## Nettoyage et Entretien
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
Débranchez toujours les outils avant de les nettoyer. Utilisez un chiffon doux et sec pour essuyer l'extérieur et rangez-les dans un endroit sec.
exterior and store in a dry place.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
Un entretien régulier assure la longévité et la sécurité. Nettoyez vos outils après chaque utilisation, vérifiez l'usure et lubrifiez les pièces mobiles comme spécifié dans le manuel de l'outil.
## Additional Resources
## Ressources supplémentaires
title="In-depth Tutorials"
title="Tutoriels approfondis"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
description="Approfondissez l'utilisation de nos outils avec des tutoriels animés par des experts."
title="Video Demos"
title="Démos vidéo"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
description="Guides visuels pour tirer le meilleur parti de vos outils."
title="Warranty Information"
title="Informations sur la garantie"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
description="Comprenez votre couverture et comment faire une réclamation si nécessaire."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: Introduction aux Services ScrewFast
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: Explorez la documentation complète de ScrewFast pour un examen approfondi de nos outils haut de gamme et services de construction.
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
Dans le cadre de notre engagement à fournir une solution de bout en bout pour tous vos besoins en construction et matériel, nous, chez ScrewFast, sommes fiers de proposer une suite complète de services professionnels. Des consultations initiales aux inspections finales, nos services polyvalents englobent l'intégralité de votre projet, garantissant des résultats de qualité et la satisfaction du client. Cette section de la documentation vous guidera à travers tout ce que vous devez savoir pour exploiter pleinement notre expertise.
## Overview of Services
## Aperçu des Services
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="Solutions sur Mesure">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
Chaque projet de construction comporte ses propres défis et exigences. Chez ScrewFast, nous personnalisons nos services pour correspondre à vos besoins spécifiques, garantissant que, quelle que soit l'échelle ou la complexité de votre projet, notre équipe est équipée pour le gérer avec précision et professionnalisme.
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="Équipe d'Experts">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
Tire parti des compétences de notre personnel qualifié, des architectes et ingénieurs aux ouvriers qualifiés, chacun contribuant à apporter leur expertise pour donner vie à votre vision.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="Engagement envers la Qualité">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
La qualité est au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons. Nous mettons en œuvre des mesures rigoureuses de contrôle de qualité pour garantir que le travail que nous livrons répond et dépasse les normes de l'industrie.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="Support Continu">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
Notre relation avec nos clients ne se termine pas une fois le projet terminé. Nous fournissons un support continu pour résoudre tout problème et garantir une satisfaction durable avec votre investissement.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: ファーストプロジェクトチェックリスト
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: ScrewFastの包括的なドキュメントを探索して、プレミアムツールと建設サービスを詳しく見てください。
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
@ -15,51 +15,51 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
## Project Preparation
## プロジェクト準備
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="スコープと目標">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. プロジェクトのスコープ、成果物、および希望される成果の明確さを確保する
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. プロジェクト完了のための明確な目標と成功基準を定義する
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="ツールと機器">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. 必要なすべてのScrewFastツールと機器のリストを作成する
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. 開始前に在庫の可用性と状態を確認する
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="サービスの手配">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. 追加の専門知識や労働力が必要な場合は、事前にScrewFast建設サービスを手配する
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. あなたのScrewFast代表者とのサービスレベル契約とタイムラインを明確にする
## Project Execution
## プロジェクトの実行
### Initial Phase
### 初期フェーズ
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. ScrewFastの設定ガイドラインに従ってプロジェクトサイトを設定する
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. プロジェクトの目標とScrewFastの方法論を合わせるための初期チームミーティングを実施する
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. 定期的な評価のためのプロジェクトのチェックポイントとマイルストーンを設定する
## Additional Resources
## その他のリソース
title="Detailed Guides"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
title="Support Contacts"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
title="Advanced Learning"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: 入門
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: ScrewFastの包括的なドキュメントを探索して、プレミアムツールと建設サービスを詳しく見てください。
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,65 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
ScrewFast Docsへようこそ!私たちは、プレミアムツールでのスタートをお手伝いできることを楽しみにしています。このガイドは、私たちのツールの範囲を紹介し、基本を理解し、最初のプロジェクトに備えるための設計されています。ScrewFastとともに、高品質で信頼性の高い技術の世界に飛び込みましょう。
## Tools Overview
## ツールの概要
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="スクリュードライバーセット" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="詳細はこちら " href="ja/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="ハンマードリル" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="詳細はこちら " href="ja/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="電動ノコギリ" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="詳細はこちら " href="ja/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## 設定手順
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. アンボックスアイコン ScrewFastのツールをアンボックスする
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. セーフティチェックアイコン 初期設定と安全チェック
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. キャリブレーションアイコン キャリブレーションと初使用の準備
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## 清掃とメンテナンス
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
exterior and store in a dry place.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
## Additional Resources
## その他のリソース
title="In-depth Tutorials"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
title="Video Demos"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
title="Warranty Information"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: はじめに
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: ScrewFastの包括的なドキュメントを探索して、プレミアムツールと建設サービスを詳しく見てください。
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
## Overview of Services
## サービスの概要
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="カスタマイズされたソリューション">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="専門チーム">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="品質へのコミットメント">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="継続的なサポート">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
title: First Project Checklist
title: 第一个项目清单
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: 探索 ScrewFast 的全面文档,深入了解我们的优质工具和建筑服务。
label: First Project Checklist
label: First Project Checklist
order: 3
order: 3
import {
import {
@ -15,51 +16,51 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Embarking on a new project can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. With the right preparation and guidance, your venture is poised for success. The ScrewFast First Project Checklist is designed to provide a clear and structured approach to ensure you're well-prepared every step of the way.
开始新项目既令人兴奋又具有挑战性。通过正确的准备和指导,您的冒险将更有成功的可能性。ScrewFast 第一个项目清单旨在提供清晰和结构化的方法,以确保您在每一步都做好了充分的准备。
## Project Preparation
## 项目准备
<Card title="Scope and Objectives">
<Card title="范围和目标">
1. Ensure clarity of the project's scope, deliverables, and desired outcomes
1. 确保项目的范围、交付内容和期望结果清晰明确
2. Define clear objectives and success criteria for project completion
2. 为项目完成明确定义清晰的目标和成功标准
<Card title="Tools and Equipment">
<Card title="工具和设备">
1. Make a list of all required ScrewFast tools and equipment
1. 列出所有需要的 ScrewFast 工具和设备
2. Verify inventory availability and condition before starting
2. 在开始之前确认库存的可用性和状态
<Card title="Arranging Services">
<Card title="安排服务">
1. If additional expertise or manpower is needed, arrange for ScrewFast construction services in advance
1. 如果需要额外的专业知识或人力,请提前安排 ScrewFast 建筑服务
2. Clarify service level agreements and timelines with your ScrewFast representative
2. 与您的 ScrewFast 代表明确服务级别协议和时间表
## Project Execution
## 项目执行
### Initial Phase
### 初始阶段
1. Set up the project site according to ScrewFast setup guidelines
1. 根据 ScrewFast 设置指南设置项目现场
2. Conduct an initial team meeting to align on project goals and ScrewFast methodologies
2. 召开初始团队会议,就项目目标和 ScrewFast 方法达成一致
3. Establish project checkpoints and milestones for regular assessment
3. 建立项目检查点和里程碑,定期进行评估
## Additional Resources
## 额外资源
title="Detailed Guides"
description="Access in-depth documentation and user manuals for ScrewFast tools and services."
description="访问 ScrewFast 工具和服务的深度文档和用户手册。"
title="Support Contacts"
description="Keep handy the contact details for ScrewFast support, available for assistance throughout your project."
description="保持 ScrewFast 支持的联系人详细信息,可在项目期间提供帮助。"
title="Advanced Learning"
description="Explore further educational resources provided by ScrewFast to refine your skills and knowledge base."
description="探索 ScrewFast 提供的进一步教育资源,以完善您的技能和知识基础。"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
title: 入门指南
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: 探索 ScrewFast 的全面文档,深入了解我们的优质工具和建筑服务。
label: Getting Started
label: Getting Started
order: 1
order: 1
@ -16,66 +16,65 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
Welcome to ScrewFast Docs! We're excited to help you get started with our premium tools. This guide is designed to introduce you to our tool range, help you understand the basics, and get you up to speed for your first project. Let's jump right into the world of high-quality, reliable craftsmanship with ScrewFast.
欢迎来到 ScrewFast 文档!我们很高兴能帮助您开始使用我们的优质工具。本指南旨在介绍我们的工具范围,帮助您了解基础知识,并为您的第一个项目做好准备。让我们立即进入高质量、可靠的工艺世界,与 ScrewFast 一起。
## Tools Overview
## 工具概述
<Card title="ScrewDriver Set" icon="seti:config">
<Card title="螺丝刀套装" icon="seti:config">
Versatile and ergonomic, suitable for all screw types.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="了解更多 " href="zh-cn/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Hammer Drill" icon="seti:pipeline">
<Card title="电钻锤" icon="seti:pipeline">
Powerful performance for drilling and impact driving.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="了解更多 " href="zh-cn/guides/getting-started" />
<Card title="Power Saws" icon="seti:crystal">
<Card title="电动锯" icon="seti:crystal">
Precision cutting with adjustable settings for various materials.
<LinkCard title="Learn More " href="/en/index/" />
<LinkCard title="了解更多 " href="zh-cn/guides/getting-started" />
## Setup Instructions
## 设置说明
1. Unboxing Icon Unbox Your ScrewFast Tools
1. 解包图标 打开 ScrewFast 工具包
Carefully open the packaging and verify all components are present. Familiarize yourself with the tool and any accessories.
2. Safety Check Icon Initial Setup and Safety Checks
2. 安全检查图标 初始设置和安全检查
Read the safety manual before handling the tool. Check the tool for any shipping damage and ensure safety guards are in place.
3. Calibration Icon Calibration and Preparation for First Use
3. 校准图标 校准和准备首次使用
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to calibrate your tools as required. Ensure batteries are charged or electrical connections are secure.
## Cleaning and Maintenance
## 清洁和维护
<Aside type="tip">
<Aside type="tip">
Always unplug tools before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the
exterior and store in a dry place.
Regular maintenance ensures longevity and safety. Clean your tools after each use, check for wear, and lubricate moving parts as specified in the tool's manual.
## Additional Resources
## 额外资源
title="In-depth Tutorials"
description="Deep dive into using our tools with expert-led tutorials."
title="Video Demos"
description="Visual guides to get the most out of your tools."
title="Warranty Information"
description="Understand your coverage and how to make a claim if needed."
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Introduction to ScrewFast Services
title: ScrewFast 服务介绍
description: Explore ScrewFast's comprehensive documentation for an in-depth look at our premium tools and construction services.
description: 探索 ScrewFast 的全面文档,深入了解我们的优质工具和建筑服务。
label: Introduction to Services
label: Introduction to Services
order: 2
order: 2
@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ import {
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
As part of our commitment to providing an end-to-end solution for all your construction and hardware needs, we at ScrewFast are proud to offer a comprehensive suite of professional services. From initial consultations to final inspections, our multifaceted services encompass the entirety of your project, ensuring quality results and client satisfaction. This section of the documentation will guide you through everything you need to know to leverage our expertise to its fullest potential.
作为我们致力于为您的所有建筑和硬件需求提供端到端解决方案的一部分,我们在 ScrewFast 自豪地提供一套全面的专业服务。从最初的咨询到最终的验收,我们多方位的服务涵盖了您项目的全部,确保质量的结果和客户满意度。本文档的本节将指导您了解如何充分利用我们的专业知识。
## Overview of Services
## 服务概述
<TabItem label="Tailored Solutions">
<TabItem label="定制解决方案">
Each construction project carries its unique challenges and demands. At ScrewFast, we customize our services to match your specific needs, ensuring that no matter the scale or complexity of your project, our team is equipped to handle it with precision and professionalism.
每个建筑项目都带来了独特的挑战和需求。在 ScrewFast,我们定制我们的服务以满足您的特定需求,确保无论您的项目规模或复杂程度如何,我们的团队都能以精确和专业的方式处理。
<TabItem label="Expert Team">
<TabItem label="专业团队">
Leverage the skills of our knowledgeable staff, from architects and engineers to skilled laborers, each contributing their expertise to bring your vision to life.
<TabItem label="Commitment to Quality">
<TabItem label="质量承诺">
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We employ stringent quality control measures to assure that the work we deliver meets and exceeds industry standards.
<TabItem label="Ongoing Support">
<TabItem label="持续支持">
Our relationship with our clients doesn't end once the project is completed. We provide continuous support to address any issues and ensure lasting satisfaction with your investment.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<svg viewBox="0 0 275 104" width="275" height="104" fill="none" style="height: 1.5rem;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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