Add FAQ and Features data, and implement UI components for Icons
Introduced FAQ and Features data files and set up new UI components for displaying icons. The FAQ data helps to answer common questions users may have and the Features data describes various offerings and services. In the Icon.astro and icons.ts file, created the logic for rendering different SVG icons based on data passed to the Icon component.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { Icons } from "./icons.ts";
interface Path {
d: string;
class?: string;
const { name } = Astro.props;
let icon = (Icons as any)[name] || {};
let paths: Path[] = icon.paths || [];
icon ? (
{ Path) => (
<path d={path.d} class={path.class || ""} />
) : (
"Icon not found"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
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"mt-2 h-6 w-6 flex-shrink-0 fill-neutral-700 hs-tab-active:fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-neutral-300 dark:hs-tab-active:fill-[#fb713b] md:h-7 md:w-7",
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"mt-2 h-6 w-6 flex-shrink-0 fill-neutral-700 hs-tab-active:fill-[#fa5a15] dark:fill-neutral-300 dark:hs-tab-active:fill-[#fb713b] md:h-7 md:w-7",
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"fill-current text-neutral-500 transition duration-300 group-hover:text-red-400 group-hover:dark:text-red-400",
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"h-4 w-4 flex-shrink-0 transition duration-300 group-hover:translate-x-1",
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"subTitle": "Ask us anything about our brand and products, and get factual responses.",
"faqs": [
"question": "What types of tools are included in the Starter Kit?",
"answer": "The Starter Kit features essential hand and power tools for diverse DIY projects, including hammers, drills, screwdrivers, and a variety of fasteners. It's a curated selection to help beginners and experienced DIYers alike tackle most home improvement tasks."
"question": "Can I upgrade from the Starter Kit to the Professional Toolbox?",
"answer": "Absolutely! You can upgrade to the Professional Toolbox at any time to access a wider range of high-quality tools, enjoy priority customer support, and receive exclusive content. Contact our support team for a seamless transition."
"question": "What discounts are available for bulk orders through the Professional Toolbox plan?",
"answer": "Professional Toolbox members are entitled to exclusive discounts on bulk orders, the percentage of which may vary depending on the order volume. Get in touch with us to discuss your needs, and we'll provide a tailored discount structure."
"question": "What kind of customer support can I expect?",
"answer": "All our customers receive dedicated email support. With the Starter Kit, you'll receive our standard support, while the Professional Toolbox plan upgrades you to priority support, meaning faster response times and specialized assistance."
"question": "How current are the online resources and tutorials?",
"answer": "We regularly update our online resources and tutorials to reflect the latest trends in DIY and construction, as well as introductions to new tools and techniques. Our material aims to be comprehensive and user-friendly for all skill levels."
"question": "Does ScrewFast offer services for large-scale construction projects?",
"answer": "Yes, our Enterprise Solutions are designed for larger companies requiring comprehensive services. We provide consultation, planning, and supply of high-grade tools and materials, as well as staffing solutions for substantial construction needs. Contact us for a customized quote."
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"heading": "Dedicated Teams",
"content": "Benefit from our committed teams who ensure your success is personal. Count on expert guidance and exceptional results throughout your project journey.",
"svg": "groups"
"heading": "Simplicity and Affordability",
"content": "Find easy-to-use, affordable solutions with ScrewFast's line of tools and equipment. Our products make procurement simple and keep projects within budget.",
"svg": "verified"
"heading": "Comprehensive Documentation",
"content": "Integrate with ease using ScrewFast's exhaustive guides and libraries. Achieve seamless product adoption with our full suite of documentation designed for your success.",
"svg": "books"
"heading": "User-Centric Design",
"content": "Experience the difference with ScrewFast's user-focused design — where functionality meets practicality for an enhanced work experience.",
"svg": "frame"
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