ScrewFast is an open-source template designed for quick and efficient web project setup, blending minimalism with functionality. Whether you're showcasing a portfolio, launching a company landing page, or running a blog, ScrewFast provides everything you need. By combining the power of the [Astro](, [Tailwind CSS](, and [Preline UI](, this template offers a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution for your web presence.
- For SSR, replace `localStorage` with cookies to persist bookmarked posts.
- This setup opens up the possibility for the server to dynamically render content based on user-specific bookmarks, should you choose to implement this feature.
- Collects user feedback at the end of each blog post.
- Serves as a UI demonstration with no live back-end integration.
### Planned Improvements
- [ ] Add support for internationalization (i18n).
- [ ] Implement a table of contents (ToC) sidebar for blog articles.
- [ ] Integrate the Starlight documentation theme.
### Bug Fixes
- Currently, there are no known bugs. If you encounter any issues, please report them on our [issues page](
This creates a `dist/` directory with your built site (configurable via [outDir in Astro](
ScrewFast organizes modular components, content, and layouts to streamline development and content management. Expand for a detailed overview of the directory structure:
The scripts in the `public/scripts/vendor` directory are essential for the interactivity and aesthetic features of the website. Do not remove these unless you plan to replace their functionality.
ScrewFast allows for easy customization to suit your specific needs. Here are a couple of ways you can configure components and content:
### Editing Component Variables
Some components have properties defined as TypeScript variables within the component file. Here's an example of customizing the `FeaturesGeneral` component:
// Define the string variables title and subTitle for the main heading and sub-heading text.
For collections of content like testimonials or statistics, edit the corresponding array of objects:
// An array of testimonials
const testimonials: Testimonial[] = [...];
// An array of statistics
const statistics: StatProps[] = [...];
Modify the content within these arrays to reflect your data.
### Props in Component Instances
You can pass values to props directly in the page files for components used across pages. Here's an example of a `HeroSection` and `ClientsSection` component with inline props:
subTitle="Top-quality hardware tools and expert construction services for every project need."
primaryBtn="Start Exploring"
title="Trusted by Industry Leaders"
subTitle="Experience the reliability chosen by industry giants."
Edit the props such as `title`, `subTitle`, `primaryBtn`, etc., to personalize these sections. Ensure that you maintain the structure and data types of the props.
### Customizing Navigation and Footer Links
Edit the `navigation.ts` file within the `utils` directory to manage navigation bar and footer links:
#### Navigation Bar Links
Edit the `navBarLinks` array to adjust navigation bar links:
// An array of links for the navigation bar
export const navBarLinks: NavLink[] = [
{ name: "Home", url: "/" },
{ name: "Products", url: "/products" },
{ name: "Services", url: "/services" },
{ name: "Blog", url: "/blog" },
{ name: "Contact", url: "/contact" },
Replace `name` with the display text and `url` with the appropriate path to pages on your site.
#### Footer Links
Similarly, adjust the links displayed in the footer by editing the `footerLinks` array:
Each section within the `footerLinks` array represents a group of links. Update the `section` value for the group heading and modify each link's `name` and `url` as needed.
#### Social Media Links
Replace the placeholder URLs in the `socialLinks` object with your social media profiles:
> Remember to add complete and valid URLs for the navigation to function properly. These customizations will reflect throughout your Astro site, promoting consistency across all pages.
ScrewFast leverages the power of Astro — a modern, cutting-edge site building framework — and integrates it seamlessly with the utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS, to deliver exceptional site performance and a seamless user experience. Here are some notable integrations and enhancements included in the project:
Experience buttery smooth scrolling with [Lenis]( We've integrated Lenis to provide an enhanced scrolling experience that's both fluid and responsive.
Here's how we set up Lenis in `src/layouts/MainLayout.astro`:
Please note that smooth scrolling can affect accessibility and performance on some devices, so be sure to test it comprehensively across different environments.
> If you would like to remove Lenis and return to the browser's default scrolling behavior, simply comment out or delete these lines from the `MainLayout.astro` file.
For individual product pages, [GSAP]( has been integrated to add engaging animations that execute as soon as the product page loads. You can find and modify the GSAP configuration in the script sections of the product page file located at `src/pages/products/[...slug].astro`:
Please tailor the GSAP animations within this script to fit your project's look and feel. The provided example is a starting point, representing how to leverage GSAP for immediate visual impact as a product page loads.
> We've chosen to keep the integration lean and focused, but GSAP's comprehensive documentation can be referred to for more complex animations: [GSAP Documentation](
To achieve a cleaner and more spacious design, the default scrollbar has been visually removed. While this choice fits the aesthetic goals of the project, it's important to consider that hiding scrollbars can sometimes affect accessibility and user experience. We recommend evaluating this design decision within the context of your user base and their needs.
For those who prefer custom-styled scrollbars, we suggest using the [tailwind-scrollbar]( plugin, which adds Tailwind CSS utilities for scrollbar styles, allowing for more controlled customization that can also meet accessibility standards.
The ScrewFast template incorporates a flexible SEO configuration that empowers you to effectively optimize each page for search engines as well as social media platforms. By utilizing the `Meta.astro` component, you can easily customize important metadata such as page titles, descriptions, author information, and social media images to improve your site's visibility and engagement.
The `Meta.astro` component is pre-configured with default metadata values that should be defined to align with your website's content, ensuring out-of-the-box SEO readiness. These defaults can be overridden on a per-page basis:
By setting the `defaultDescription` to a value that accurately reflects the content of your website, you ensure that all pages will have a relevant default meta description unless otherwise specified.
import MainLayout from '../layouts/MainLayout.astro';
<MainLayoutmeta="Find the perfect hardware tools with ScrewFast for all your construction needs.">
<!-- Page content -->
With this setup, the Meta component receives the custom meta description and applies it to the page's metadata. If no custom value is passed, the default from `Meta.astro` will be used instead.
#### Extending Metadata for SEO
For a more robust SEO strategy, you can create additional properties in the `Meta.astro` component. For instance, you may want to include specific Open Graph tags for article publishing dates or tags for Twitter-specific metadata.
Structured data in JSON-LD format can be managed by the `Meta.astro` component, improving how search engines understand your page content and potentially enhancing search results with rich snippets. Modify the `structuredData` property with relevant []( types and properties:
While the template provides a custom SEO solution, you may choose to utilize an Astro integration such as [Astro SEO]( for additional SEO features and optimizations. Integrating such a package might provide more automated metadata management and additional SEO-focused functionality.
- [Astro Compressor]( Automatically compresses Astro-generated site using gzip or brotli, ensuring faster load times.
Configure the compressor in `astro.config.mjs` file:
- [Astro Sitemap]( Automatically generates a sitemap for a website, which is vital for SEO and helping search engine bots crawl pages effectively. To set up the Astro Sitemap, be sure to specify your site's base URL and any additional options in `astro.config.mjs` file:
The great thing about Astro is its rich ecosystem of integrations, allowing you to tailor project functionalities to your exact needs. Feel free to explore [Astro integrations page]( and add additional capabilities as you see fit.
## Tools and Technologies
This project is built using a variety of tools and technologies that enhance its performance, maintainability, and developer experience. Below is a list of the key tools and their roles in the project:
Interactive components like navbars, modals, and accordions are built using [Preline UI](, a comprehensive open-source component library.
Styling across our project leverages the utility-first classes offered by [Tailwind CSS]( This methodology allows us to create custom layouts and components with speed and efficiency.
To ensure consistent code formatting, particularly for class sorting, we have integrated the `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss` [plugin]( The following configuration is set in the `.prettierrc` file at the root of the project:
We deploy our project on [Vercel](, capitalizing on their robust platform for seamless CI/CD workflows. Using `vercel.json`, we set stringent security headers and caching policies, ensuring adherence to security and performance best practices:
For optimal site performance, we post-process our HTML files with `process-html.mjs`, a [custom script]( that minifies HTML after the build phase to reduce file size and improve load times.
Here is a snippet from our HTML minification script in `process-html.mjs`:
This project is released under the MIT License. Please read the [LICENSE]( file for more details.