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* Note: all here is strictly based on duck typing.
* We don't exepect the parent rule to explain the type of the contained formula, for example.
import R from 'ramda'
import { ParsedRule, ParsedRules } from './types'
type OnOff = 'oui' | 'non'
export function isOnOff(a: string): a is OnOff {
return a === 'oui' || a === 'non'
type WannabeDottedName = string
export function isWannabeDottedName(a: string): a is WannabeDottedName {
return typeof a === 'string'
type ASTNode = { [_: string]: {} | undefined }
// [XXX] - Vaudrait-il mieux utiliser les DottedNames directement ici?
// A priori non car on peut imaginer cette lib comme étant indépendante des règles existantes et
// fonctionnant par ex en "mode serveur".
type RuleNode<Name extends string> = /* ASTNode & */ ParsedRule<Name>
type Value = ASTNode & {
nodeValue: number | string
constant?: boolean
export function isValue(node: ASTNode): node is Value {
const value = node as Value
return (
(typeof value.nodeValue === 'string' ||
typeof value.nodeValue === 'number') &&
(value.constant === undefined || typeof value.constant === 'boolean')
type Operation = ASTNode & {
operationType: 'comparison' | 'calculation'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isOperation(node: ASTNode): node is Operation {
return R.includes((node as Operation).operationType, [
type Possibilities = ASTNode & {
possibilités: Array<string>
'choix obligatoire'?: OnOff
'une possibilité': OnOff
export function isPossibilities(node: ASTNode): node is Possibilities {
const possibilities = node as Possibilities
return (
possibilities.possibilités instanceof Array &&
possibilities.possibilités.every(it => typeof it === 'string') &&
(possibilities['choix obligatoire'] === undefined ||
isOnOff(possibilities['choix obligatoire'])) &&
isOnOff(possibilities['une possibilité'])
type Reference<Name extends string> = ASTNode & {
category: 'reference'
name: Name
partialReference: Name
dottedName: Name
unit: {} | undefined
export function isReference<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Reference<Name> {
const reference = node as Reference<Name>
return (
reference.category === 'reference' &&
isWannabeDottedName(reference.name) &&
isWannabeDottedName(reference.partialReference) &&
type Recalcul<Name extends string> = ASTNode & {
explanation: {
recalcul: Reference<Name>
amendedSituation: Record<Name, Reference<Name>>
export function isRecalcul<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Recalcul<Name> {
const recalcul = node as Recalcul<Name>
return (
typeof recalcul.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof recalcul.explanation.recalcul === 'object' &&
isReference(recalcul.explanation.recalcul as ASTNode) &&
typeof recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation === 'object'
// [XXX] - We would like to do
// && R.all(isDottedName, R.keys(recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation))
// but it seems there is no simple way to get a type's guard in Typescript
// apart if it's built as a class. Or we could rebuild everything here with
// passing this guard ƒ as a context everywhere along with the ASTNodes,
// with a context monad for example. Overkill.
type AbstractMechanism = ASTNode & {
category: 'mecanism'
name: string
export function isAbstractMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AbstractMechanism {
return (
(node as AbstractMechanism).category === 'mecanism' &&
typeof (node as AbstractMechanism).name === 'string'
type EncadrementMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'encadrement'
valeur: {
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
[_: string]: {} | undefined
export function isEncadrementMech(node: ASTNode): node is EncadrementMech {
const encadrementMech = node as EncadrementMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(encadrementMech) &&
typeof encadrementMech.valeur === 'object' &&
encadrementMech.valeur.explanation instanceof Array &&
encadrementMech.name === 'encadrement'
type SommeMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'somme'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isSommeMech(node: ASTNode): node is SommeMech {
const sommeMech = node as SommeMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(sommeMech) &&
sommeMech.name === 'somme' &&
typeof sommeMech.explanation === 'object'
type ProduitMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'produit'
type: 'numeric'
unit: {}
explanation: {
assiette: ASTNode
plafond: ASTNode
facteur: ASTNode
taux: ASTNode
export function isProduitMech(node: ASTNode): node is ProduitMech {
const produitMech = node as ProduitMech
return (
produitMech.name === 'produit' &&
produitMech.type === 'numeric' &&
produitMech.unit !== undefined &&
typeof produitMech.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.assiette === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.plafond === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.facteur === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.taux === 'object'
type AnyMechanism = EncadrementMech | SommeMech
export function isAnyMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AnyMechanism {
return isEncadrementMech(node) || isSommeMech(node) || isProduitMech(node)
type FormuleNode<Name extends string> =
| Value
| Operation
| Possibilities
| Reference<Name>
| Recalcul<Name>
| AnyMechanism
export function isFormuleNode<Name extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is FormuleNode<Name> {
return (
isValue(node) ||
isOperation(node) ||
isReference(node) ||
isPossibilities(node) ||
isRecalcul(node) ||
function logVisit(
depth: number,
typeName: string,
obj: string | number | object
): void {
let cleanRepr = obj
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
cleanRepr = JSON.stringify(obj, null)
console.log(' '.repeat(depth) + `visiting ${typeName} node ${cleanRepr}`)
export function ruleDependenciesOfNode<Name extends string>(
depth: number,
node: ASTNode
): Array<Name> {
function ruleDependenciesOfValue(depth: number, value: Value): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'value', value.nodeValue)
return []
function ruleDependenciesOfOperation(
depth: number,
operation: Operation
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'operation', operation.operationType)
return R.chain(
R.partial<number, ASTNode, Array<Name>>(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [
depth + 1
function ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities(
depth: number,
possibilities: Possibilities
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'possibilities', possibilities.possibilités.join(', '))
return []
function ruleDependenciesOfReference(
depth: number,
reference: Reference<Name>
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'reference', reference.dottedName)
return [reference.dottedName]
function ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul(
depth: number,
recalcul: Recalcul<Name>
): Array<Name> {
recalcul.explanation.recalcul.partialReference as string
return [recalcul.explanation.recalcul.partialReference]
function ruleDependenciesOfEncadrementMech(
depth: number,
encadrementMech: EncadrementMech
): Array<Name> {
debugger // [XXX] - correct the type, guard and visit logger
logVisit(depth, 'encadrement mechanism', '??') // [XXX]
return R.chain(
R.partial<number, ASTNode, Array<Name>>(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [
depth + 1
function ruleDependenciesOfSommeMech(
depth: number,
sommeMech: SommeMech
): Array<Name> {
debugger // [XXX] - correct the type, guard and visit logger
logVisit(depth, 'somme mech', '??') // [XXX]
return R.chain(
R.partial<number, ASTNode, Array<Name>>(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [
depth + 1
function ruleDependenciesOfProduitMech(
depth: number,
produitMech: ProduitMech
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'produit mech', '')
const result = R.chain<Array<Name>, Name>(R.identity, [
ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, produitMech.explanation.assiette),
ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, produitMech.explanation.plafond),
ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, produitMech.explanation.facteur),
ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, produitMech.explanation.taux)
return result
if (isValue(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfValue(depth, node as Value)
} else if (isOperation(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfOperation(depth, node as Operation)
} else if (isReference(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfReference(depth, node as Reference<Name>)
} else if (isPossibilities(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities(depth, node as Possibilities)
} else if (isRecalcul(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul(depth, node as Recalcul<Name>)
} else if (isEncadrementMech(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfEncadrementMech(depth, node as EncadrementMech)
} else if (isSommeMech(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfSommeMech(depth, node as SommeMech)
} else if (isProduitMech(node)) {
return ruleDependenciesOfProduitMech(depth, node)
throw new Error(
`This node doesn't have a visitor method defined: ${JSON.stringify(
function ruleDependenciesOfRule<Name extends string>(
depth: number,
rule: RuleNode<Name>
): Array<Name> {
logVisit(depth, 'rule', rule.dottedName as string)
if (rule.formule) {
const formuleNode: FormuleNode<Name> = rule.formule.explanation
// This is for comfort, as the responsibility over structure isn't owned by this piece of code:
if (!isFormuleNode(formuleNode)) {
// throw Error(
// `This rule's formule is not of a known type: ${rule.dottedName}`
// )
return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formuleNode)
} else return [rule.dottedName]
export function buildRulesDependencies<Name extends string>(
parsedRules: ParsedRules<Name>
): Array<[Name, Array<Name>]> {
// This stringPairs thing is necessary because `toPairs` is strictly considering that
// object keys are strings (same for `Object.entries`). Maybe we should build our own
// `toPairs`?
const stringPairs: Array<[string, RuleNode<Name>]> = R.toPairs(parsedRules)
const pairs: Array<[Name, RuleNode<Name>]> = stringPairs as Array<
[Name, RuleNode<Name>]
const pairsResults: Array<Array<Name>> = R.map(
([_, ruleNode]: [Name, RuleNode<Name>]): Array<Name> =>
ruleDependenciesOfRule<Name>(0, ruleNode),
return R.map(
([dottedName, ruleNode]: [Name, RuleNode<Name>]): [Name, Array<Name>] => [
ruleDependenciesOfRule<Name>(0, ruleNode)