86 lines
3.6 KiB
86 lines
3.6 KiB
import R from 'ramda'
import {expect} from 'chai'
import {rules as realRules, enrichRule} from '../source/engine/rules'
import {analyseSituation, analyseTopDown} from '../source/engine/traverse'
import {buildNextSteps, collectMissingVariables, getObjectives} from '../source/engine/generateQuestions'
let stateSelector = (name) => null
describe('getObjectives', function() {
it('should derive objectives from the root rule', function() {
let rawRules = [
{nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "sum"},
{nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "sum . evt . ko", espace: "sum"},
{nom: "evt", espace: "sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"},
{nom: "ko", espace: "sum . evt"}],
rules = rawRules.map(enrichRule),
{root, parsedRules} = analyseTopDown(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector),
result = getObjectives(stateSelector, root, parsedRules)
describe('collectMissingVariables', function() {
it('should identify missing variables', function() {
let rawRules = [
{nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "sum"},
{nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "sum . evt . ko", espace: "sum"},
{nom: "evt", espace: "sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"},
{nom: "ko", espace: "sum . evt"}],
rules = rawRules.map(enrichRule),
situation = analyseTopDown(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector),
result = collectMissingVariables()(stateSelector,situation)
expect(result).to.have.property('sum . evt . ko')
it('should identify missing variables mentioned in expressions', function() {
let rawRules = [
{nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "sum"},
{nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "evt . nyet > evt . nope", espace: "sum"},
{nom: "nope", espace: "sum . evt"},
{nom: "nyet", espace: "sum . evt"}],
rules = rawRules.map(enrichRule),
situation = analyseTopDown(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector),
result = collectMissingVariables()(stateSelector,situation)
expect(result).to.have.property('sum . evt . nyet')
expect(result).to.have.property('sum . evt . nope')
describe('buildNextSteps', function() {
it('should generate questions', function() {
let rawRules = [
{nom: "sum", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "top"},
{nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "top . sum . evt . ko", espace: "top"},
{nom: "evt", espace: "top . sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"},
{nom: "ko", espace: "top . sum . evt"}],
rules = rawRules.map(enrichRule),
situation = analyseTopDown(rules,"sum")(stateSelector),
result = buildNextSteps(stateSelector, rules, situation)
it('should generate questions from the real rules', function() {
let rules = realRules.map(enrichRule),
situation = analyseTopDown(rules,"surcoût CDD")(stateSelector),
objectives = getObjectives(stateSelector, situation.root, situation.parsedRules),
result = buildNextSteps(stateSelector, rules, situation)