Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/betagouv/mon-entreprise synced 2025-03-14 10:15:07 +00:00
Johan Girod bbdfa151c6 Termine le formulaire de demande de mobilité en Europe
- Ajoute la possibilité de signer via un écran tactile
- Améliore le parcours du formulaire
- Prends en compte les retours ACOSS
- Ajoute une possibilité d'intégration en iframe (non listée dans les intégrations officielles)
2020-07-03 16:40:43 +02:00

129 lines
4 KiB

# This grammar is inspired by the "fancier grammar" tab of the nearley playground : https://omrelli.ug/nearley-playground
# Look for the PEMDAS system : Parentheses, Exponents (omitted here), Multiplication, and you should guess the rest :)
# This preprocessor was disabled because it doesn't work with Jest
# @preprocessor esmodule
const {
string, filteredVariable, date, variable, variableWithConversion,
temporalNumericValue, binaryOperation, unaryOperation, boolean, number,
} = require('./grammarFunctions')
const moo = require("moo");
const dateRegexp = `(?:(?:0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\/)?(?:0?[1-9]|1[012])\\/\\d{4}`
const letter = '[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F€$%]';
const letterOrNumber = '[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u017F0-9\'°]';
const word = `${letter}(?:[-']?${letterOrNumber}+)*`;
const wordOrNumber = `(?:${word}|${letterOrNumber}+)`
const words = `${word}(?:[\\s]?${wordOrNumber}+)*`
const periodWord = `\\| ${word}(?:[\\s]${word})*`
const numberRegExp = '-?(?:[1-9][0-9]+|[0-9])(?:\\.[0-9]+)?';
const lexer = moo.compile({
'(': '(',
')': ')',
'[': '[',
']': ']',
comparison: ['>','<','>=','<=','=','!='],
infinity: 'Infinity',
colon: " : ",
date: new RegExp(dateRegexp),
periodWord: new RegExp(periodWord),
words: new RegExp(words),
number: new RegExp(numberRegExp),
string: /'.*'/,
additionSubstraction: /[\+-]/,
multiplicationDivision: ['*','/'],
dot: ' . ',
'.': '.',
letterOrNumber: new RegExp(letterOrNumber),
space: { match: /[\s]+/, lineBreaks: true },
const join = (args) => ({value: (args.map(x => x && x.value).join(""))})
const flattenJoin = ([a, b]) => Array.isArray(b) ? join([a, ...b]) : a
@lexer lexer
main ->
Comparison {% id %}
| NumericValue {% id %}
| Date {% id %}
| NonNumericTerminal {% id %}
NumericValue ->
AdditionSubstraction {% id %}
| Negation {% id %}
| TemporalNumericValue {% id %}
TemporalNumericValue ->
NumericValue %space %periodWord %space %date {% ([value,,word,,dateString]) => temporalNumericValue(value, word, date([dateString])) %}
| NumericValue %space %periodWord %colon Date {% ([value,,word,,date]) => temporalNumericValue(value, word, date) %}
NumericTerminal ->
Variable {% id %}
| VariableWithUnitConversion {% id %}
| FilteredVariable {% id %}
| number {% id %}
Negation ->
"-" %space Parentheses {% unaryOperation('calculation') %}
Parentheses ->
"(" NumericValue ")" {% ([,e]) => e %}
| NumericTerminal {% id %}
Date ->
Variable {% id %}
| %date {% date %}
Comparison ->
Comparable %space %comparison %space Comparable {% binaryOperation('comparison')%}
| Date %space %comparison %space Date {% binaryOperation('comparison')%}
Comparable -> ( AdditionSubstraction | NonNumericTerminal) {% ([[e]]) => e %}
NonNumericTerminal ->
boolean {% id %}
| string {% id %}
Variable -> %words (%dot %words {% ([,words]) => words %}):* {% variable %}
UnitDenominator ->
(%space):? "/" %words {% join %}
UnitNumerator -> %words ("." %words):? {% flattenJoin %}
Unit -> UnitNumerator:? UnitDenominator:* {% flattenJoin %}
UnitConversion -> "[" Unit "]" {% ([,unit]) => unit %}
VariableWithUnitConversion ->
Variable %space UnitConversion {% variableWithConversion %}
# | FilteredVariable %space UnitConversion {% variableWithConversion %} TODO
Filter -> "." %words {% ([,filter]) => filter %}
FilteredVariable -> Variable %space Filter {% filteredVariable %}
AdditionSubstraction ->
AdditionSubstraction %space %additionSubstraction %space MultiplicationDivision {% binaryOperation('calculation') %}
| MultiplicationDivision {% id %}
MultiplicationDivision ->
MultiplicationDivision %space %multiplicationDivision %space Parentheses {% binaryOperation('calculation') %}
| Parentheses {% id %}
boolean ->
"oui" {% boolean(true) %}
| "non" {% boolean(false) %}
number ->
%number {% number %}
| %infinity {% number %}
| %number (%space):? Unit {% numberWithUnit %}
string -> %string {% string %}