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974 lines
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* Note: all here is strictly based on duck typing.
* We don't exepect the parent rule to explain the type of the contained formula, for example.
import * as R from 'ramda'
import { ArrondiExplanation } from './mecanisms/arrondi'
import { ParsedRule, ParsedRules } from './types'
type OnOff = 'oui' | 'non'
export function isOnOff(a: string): a is OnOff {
return a === 'oui' || a === 'non'
// Note: to build type-guards, we would need to have a `isNames` guard. That's
// pretty cumbersome, so for now we rely on this.
type WannabeDottedName = string
export function isWannabeDottedName(a: string): a is WannabeDottedName {
return typeof a === 'string'
type ASTNode = { [_: string]: {} | undefined }
type RuleNode<Names extends string> = ASTNode & ParsedRule<Names>
type RuleProp = ASTNode & {
category: 'ruleProp'
rulePropType: string
export function isRuleProp(node: ASTNode): node is RuleProp {
return (
(node as RuleProp).category === 'ruleProp' &&
typeof (node as RuleProp).rulePropType === 'string'
type CondRuleProp = RuleProp & {
rulePropType: 'cond'
export function isCondRuleProp(node: ASTNode): node is CondRuleProp {
return isRuleProp(node) && (node as CondRuleProp).rulePropType === 'cond'
type ApplicableSi = CondRuleProp & {
dottedName: 'applicable si'
explanation: ASTNode
export function isApplicableSi(node: ASTNode): node is ApplicableSi {
const applicableSi = node as ApplicableSi
return (
isCondRuleProp(node) &&
applicableSi.dottedName === 'applicable si' &&
applicableSi.explanation !== undefined
type NonApplicableSi = CondRuleProp & {
dottedName: 'non applicable si'
explanation: ASTNode
export function isNonApplicableSi(node: ASTNode): node is NonApplicableSi {
const nonApplicableSi = node as NonApplicableSi
return (
isCondRuleProp(node) &&
nonApplicableSi.dottedName === 'non applicable si' &&
nonApplicableSi.explanation !== undefined
type Formule<Names extends string> = RuleProp & {
name: 'formule'
rulePropType: 'formula'
explanation: FormuleExplanation<Names>
export function isFormule<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Formule<Names> {
const formule = node as Formule<Names>
return (
isRuleProp(node) &&
formule.name === 'formule' &&
formule.rulePropType === 'formula' &&
type FormuleExplanation<Names extends string> =
| Value
| Operation
| Possibilities
| Possibilities2
| Reference<Names>
| AnyMechanism<Names>
export function isFormuleExplanation<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is FormuleExplanation<Names> {
return (
isValue(node) ||
isOperation(node) ||
isReference(node) ||
isPossibilities(node) ||
isPossibilities2(node) ||
type Value = ASTNode & {
nodeValue: number | string | boolean
export function isValue(node: ASTNode): node is Value {
const value = node as Value
return (
typeof value.nodeValue === 'string' ||
typeof value.nodeValue === 'number' ||
typeof value.nodeValue === 'boolean'
type Operation = ASTNode & {
operationType: 'comparison' | 'calculation'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isOperation(node: ASTNode): node is Operation {
return R.includes((node as Operation).operationType, [
type Possibilities = ASTNode & {
possibilités: Array<string>
'choix obligatoire'?: OnOff
'une possibilité': OnOff
export function isPossibilities(node: ASTNode): node is Possibilities {
const possibilities = node as Possibilities
return (
possibilities.possibilités instanceof Array &&
possibilities.possibilités.every(it => typeof it === 'string') &&
(possibilities['choix obligatoire'] === undefined ||
isOnOff(possibilities['choix obligatoire'])) &&
isOnOff(possibilities['une possibilité'])
type Possibilities2 = ASTNode & {
[index: number]: string // short dotted name
'choix obligatoire'?: OnOff
'une possibilité': OnOff
export function isPossibilities2(node: ASTNode): node is Possibilities2 {
const possibilities2 = node as Possibilities2
return (
([k, v]) => isNaN(parseInt(k, 10)) || typeof v === 'string'
) &&
(possibilities2['choix obligatoire'] === undefined ||
isOnOff(possibilities2['choix obligatoire'])) &&
isOnOff(possibilities2['une possibilité'])
type Reference<Names extends string> = ASTNode & {
category: 'reference'
name: Names
partialReference: Names
dottedName: Names
export function isReference<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is Reference<Names> {
const reference = node as Reference<Names>
return (
reference.category === 'reference' &&
isWannabeDottedName(reference.name) &&
isWannabeDottedName(reference.partialReference) &&
type AbstractMechanism = ASTNode & {
category: 'mecanism'
name: string
export function isAbstractMechanism(node: ASTNode): node is AbstractMechanism {
return (
(node as AbstractMechanism).category === 'mecanism' &&
typeof (node as AbstractMechanism).name === 'string'
type RecalculMech<Names extends string> = AbstractMechanism & {
explanation: {
recalcul: Reference<Names>
amendedSituation: Record<Names, Reference<Names>>
export function isRecalculMech<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is RecalculMech<Names> {
const recalculMech = node as RecalculMech<Names>
const isReferenceSpec = isReference as (
node: ASTNode
) => node is Reference<Names>
return (
typeof recalculMech.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof recalculMech.explanation.recalcul === 'object' &&
isReferenceSpec(recalculMech.explanation.recalcul as ASTNode) &&
typeof recalculMech.explanation.amendedSituation === 'object'
type EncadrementMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'encadrement'
explanation: {
valeur: ASTNode
plafond: ASTNode
plancher: ASTNode
export function isEncadrementMech(node: ASTNode): node is EncadrementMech {
const encadrementMech = node as EncadrementMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(encadrementMech) &&
encadrementMech.name == 'encadrement' &&
typeof encadrementMech.explanation === 'object' &&
encadrementMech.explanation.valeur !== undefined &&
encadrementMech.explanation.plafond !== undefined &&
encadrementMech.explanation.plancher !== undefined
type SommeMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'somme'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isSommeMech(node: ASTNode): node is SommeMech {
const sommeMech = node as SommeMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(sommeMech) &&
sommeMech.name === 'somme' &&
sommeMech.explanation instanceof Array
type ProduitMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'produit'
explanation: {
assiette: ASTNode
plafond: ASTNode
facteur: ASTNode
taux: ASTNode
export function isProduitMech(node: ASTNode): node is ProduitMech {
const produitMech = node as ProduitMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(produitMech) &&
produitMech.name === 'produit' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.assiette === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.plafond === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.facteur === 'object' &&
typeof produitMech.explanation.taux === 'object'
type VariationsMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'variations'
explanation: {
condition: ASTNode
consequence: ASTNode
export function isVariationsMech(node: ASTNode): node is VariationsMech {
const variationsMech = node as VariationsMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(variationsMech) &&
variationsMech.name === 'variations' &&
variationsMech.explanation instanceof Array &&
variation =>
typeof variation === 'object' &&
variation.condition !== undefined &&
variation.consequence !== undefined
type AllegementMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'allègement'
explanation: {
abattement: ASTNode
assiette: ASTNode
| undefined
| {
plafond: ASTNode
taux: ASTNode
franchise: ASTNode
plafond: ASTNode
export function isAllegementMech(node: ASTNode): node is AllegementMech {
const allegementMech = node as AllegementMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(allegementMech) &&
allegementMech.name === 'allègement' &&
typeof allegementMech.explanation === 'object' &&
allegementMech.explanation.abattement !== undefined &&
allegementMech.explanation.assiette !== undefined &&
allegementMech.explanation.franchise !== undefined &&
allegementMech.explanation.plafond !== undefined &&
(allegementMech.explanation.décote === undefined ||
(typeof allegementMech.explanation.décote === 'object' &&
allegementMech.explanation.décote.plafond !== undefined &&
allegementMech.explanation.décote.taux !== undefined))
type BaremeMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'barème'
explanation: {
assiette: ASTNode
multiplicateur: ASTNode
tranches: {
plafond: ASTNode
taux: ASTNode
export function isBaremeMech(node: ASTNode): node is BaremeMech {
const baremeMech = node as BaremeMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(baremeMech) &&
baremeMech.name === 'barème' &&
typeof baremeMech.explanation === 'object' &&
baremeMech.explanation.assiette !== undefined &&
baremeMech.explanation.multiplicateur !== undefined &&
baremeMech.explanation.tranches instanceof Array &&
tranche =>
typeof tranche === 'object' &&
tranche.plafond !== undefined &&
tranche.taux !== undefined
type InversionNumMech<Names extends string> = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'inversion numérique'
explanation: {
inversionCandidates: Array<Reference<Names>>
export function isInversionNumMech<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is InversionNumMech<Names> {
const inversionNumMech = node as InversionNumMech<Names>
const isReferenceSpec = isReference as (
node: ASTNode
) => node is Reference<Names>
return (
isAbstractMechanism(inversionNumMech) &&
inversionNumMech.name === 'inversion numérique' &&
typeof inversionNumMech.explanation === 'object' &&
inversionNumMech.explanation.inversionCandidates instanceof Array &&
type ArrondiMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'arrondi'
explanation: Record<keyof ArrondiExplanation, ASTNode>
export function isArrondiMech(node: ASTNode): node is ArrondiMech {
const arrondiMech = node as ArrondiMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(arrondiMech) &&
arrondiMech.name === 'arrondi' &&
typeof arrondiMech.explanation === 'object' &&
arrondiMech.explanation.decimals !== undefined &&
arrondiMech.explanation.value !== undefined
type MaxMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'le maximum de'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isMaxMech(node: ASTNode): node is MaxMech {
const maxMech = node as MaxMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(maxMech) &&
maxMech.name === 'le maximum de' &&
maxMech.explanation instanceof Array
type MinMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'le minimum de'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isMinMech(node: ASTNode): node is MinMech {
const minMech = node as MinMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(minMech) &&
minMech.name === 'le minimum de' &&
minMech.explanation instanceof Array
type ComposantesMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'composantes'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isComposantesMech(node: ASTNode): node is ComposantesMech {
const composantesMech = node as ComposantesMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(composantesMech) &&
composantesMech.name === 'composantes' &&
composantesMech.explanation instanceof Array
type UneConditionsMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'une de ces conditions'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isUneConditionsMech(node: ASTNode): node is UneConditionsMech {
const uneConditionsMech = node as UneConditionsMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(uneConditionsMech) &&
uneConditionsMech.name === 'une de ces conditions' &&
uneConditionsMech.explanation instanceof Array
type ToutesConditionsMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'toutes ces conditions'
explanation: Array<ASTNode>
export function isToutesConditionsMech(
node: ASTNode
): node is ToutesConditionsMech {
const toutesConditionsMech = node as ToutesConditionsMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(toutesConditionsMech) &&
toutesConditionsMech.name === 'toutes ces conditions' &&
toutesConditionsMech.explanation instanceof Array
type SyncMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'synchronisation'
API: {}
export function isSyncMech(node: ASTNode): node is SyncMech {
const syncMech = node as SyncMech
return isAbstractMechanism(syncMech) && syncMech.name === 'synchronisation'
type GrilleMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'grille'
explanation: {
assiette: ASTNode
multiplicateur: ASTNode
tranches: {
montant: ASTNode
plafond: ASTNode
export function isGrilleMech(node: ASTNode): node is GrilleMech {
const grilleMech = node as GrilleMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(grilleMech) &&
grilleMech.name === 'grille' &&
typeof grilleMech.explanation === 'object' &&
grilleMech.explanation.assiette !== undefined &&
grilleMech.explanation.multiplicateur !== undefined &&
grilleMech.explanation.tranches instanceof Array &&
tranche =>
typeof tranche === 'object' &&
tranche.montant !== undefined &&
tranche.plafond !== undefined
type TauxProgMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'taux progressif'
explanation: {
assiette: ASTNode
multiplicateur: ASTNode
tranches: {
plafond: ASTNode
taux: ASTNode
export function isTauxProgMech(node: ASTNode): node is TauxProgMech {
const tauxProgMech = node as TauxProgMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(tauxProgMech) &&
tauxProgMech.name === 'taux progressif' &&
typeof tauxProgMech.explanation === 'object' &&
tauxProgMech.explanation.assiette !== undefined &&
tauxProgMech.explanation.multiplicateur !== undefined &&
tauxProgMech.explanation.tranches instanceof Array &&
tranche =>
typeof tranche === 'object' &&
tranche.plafond !== undefined &&
tranche.taux !== undefined
type DureeMech = AbstractMechanism & {
name: 'Durée'
explanation: {
depuis: ASTNode
"jusqu'à": ASTNode
export function isDureeMech(node: ASTNode): node is DureeMech {
const dureeMech = node as DureeMech
return (
isAbstractMechanism(dureeMech) &&
dureeMech.name === 'Durée' &&
typeof dureeMech.explanation === 'object' &&
dureeMech.explanation.depuis !== undefined &&
dureeMech.explanation["jusqu'à"] !== undefined
type AnyMechanism<Names extends string> =
| RecalculMech<Names>
| EncadrementMech
| SommeMech
| ProduitMech
| VariationsMech
| AllegementMech
| BaremeMech
| InversionNumMech<Names>
| ArrondiMech
| MaxMech
| MinMech
| ComposantesMech
| UneConditionsMech
| ToutesConditionsMech
| SyncMech
| GrilleMech
| TauxProgMech
| DureeMech
export function isAnyMechanism<Names extends string>(
node: ASTNode
): node is AnyMechanism<Names> {
return (
isRecalculMech<Names>(node) ||
isEncadrementMech(node) ||
isSommeMech(node) ||
isProduitMech(node) ||
isVariationsMech(node) ||
isAllegementMech(node) ||
isBaremeMech(node) ||
isInversionNumMech<Names>(node) ||
isArrondiMech(node) ||
isMaxMech(node) ||
isMinMech(node) ||
isComposantesMech(node) ||
isUneConditionsMech(node) ||
isToutesConditionsMech(node) ||
isSyncMech(node) ||
isGrilleMech(node) ||
isTauxProgMech(node) ||
type RuleDependencies<Names extends string> = Array<Names>
export function ruleDepsOfNode<Names extends string>(
ruleName: Names,
node: ASTNode
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
function ruleDepsOfApplicableSi(
applicableSi: ApplicableSi
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return ruleDepsOfNode(ruleName, applicableSi.explanation)
function ruleDepsOfNonApplicableSi(
nonApplicableSi: NonApplicableSi
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return ruleDepsOfNode(ruleName, nonApplicableSi.explanation)
function ruleDepsOfFormule(formule: Formule<Names>): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return ruleDepsOfNode(ruleName, formule.explanation)
function ruleDepsOfValue(value: Value): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return []
function ruleDepsOfOperation(operation: Operation): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return operation.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
function ruleDepsOfPossibilities(
possibilities: Possibilities
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return []
function ruleDepsOfPossibilities2(
possibilities: Possibilities2
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return []
function ruleDepsOfReference(
reference: Reference<Names>
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return [reference.dottedName]
function ruleDepsOfRecalculMech(
recalculMech: RecalculMech<Names>
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const ruleReference = recalculMech.explanation.recalcul.partialReference
return ruleReference === ruleName ? [] : [ruleReference]
function ruleDepsOfEncadrementMech(
encadrementMech: EncadrementMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = [
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfSommeMech(sommeMech: SommeMech): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = sommeMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfProduitMech(
produitMech: ProduitMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = [
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfVariationsMech(
variationsMech: VariationsMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
function ruleOfVariation({
}: {
condition: ASTNode
consequence: ASTNode
}): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return R.concat(
ruleDepsOfNode<Names>(ruleName, condition),
ruleDepsOfNode<Names>(ruleName, consequence)
const result = variationsMech.explanation.flatMap(ruleOfVariation)
return result
function ruleDepsOfAllegementMech(
allegementMech: AllegementMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const subNodes = R.concat(
? [
: []
const result = subNodes.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfBaremeMech(
baremeMech: BaremeMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const tranchesNodes = baremeMech.explanation.tranches.flatMap(
({ plafond, taux }) => [plafond, taux]
const result = R.concat(
[baremeMech.explanation.assiette, baremeMech.explanation.multiplicateur],
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
* Returns 0 dependency for _inversion numérique_ as it's not creating a logical dependency.
function ruleDepsOfInversionNumMech(
inversionNumMech: InversionNumMech<Names>
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return []
function ruleDepsOfArrondiMech(
arrondiMech: ArrondiMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = [
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfMaxMech(maxMech: MaxMech): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = maxMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfMinMech(minMech: MinMech): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = minMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfComposantesMech(
composantesMech: ComposantesMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = composantesMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfUneConditionsMech(
uneConditionsMech: UneConditionsMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = uneConditionsMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfToutesConditionsMech(
toutesConditionsMech: ToutesConditionsMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = toutesConditionsMech.explanation.flatMap(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfSyncMech(_: SyncMech): RuleDependencies<Names> {
return []
function ruleDepsOfGrilleMech(
grilleMech: GrilleMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const tranchesNodes = grilleMech.explanation.tranches.flatMap(
({ montant, plafond }) => [montant, plafond]
const result = R.concat(
[grilleMech.explanation.assiette, grilleMech.explanation.multiplicateur],
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfTauxProgMech(
tauxProgMech: TauxProgMech
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const tranchesNodes = tauxProgMech.explanation.tranches.flatMap(
({ plafond, taux }) => [plafond, taux]
const result = R.concat(
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
function ruleDepsOfDureeMech(dureeMech: DureeMech): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const result = [
R.partial<Names, ASTNode, RuleDependencies<Names>>(ruleDepsOfNode, [
return result
let result
if (isApplicableSi(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfApplicableSi(node)
} else if (isNonApplicableSi(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfNonApplicableSi(node)
} else if (isFormule<Names>(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfFormule(node)
} else if (isValue(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfValue(node)
} else if (isOperation(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfOperation(node)
} else if (isReference<Names>(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfReference(node)
} else if (isPossibilities(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfPossibilities(node)
} else if (isPossibilities2(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfPossibilities2(node)
} else if (isRecalculMech<Names>(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfRecalculMech(node)
} else if (isEncadrementMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfEncadrementMech(node)
} else if (isSommeMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfSommeMech(node)
} else if (isProduitMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfProduitMech(node)
} else if (isVariationsMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfVariationsMech(node)
} else if (isAllegementMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfAllegementMech(node)
} else if (isBaremeMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfBaremeMech(node)
} else if (isInversionNumMech<Names>(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfInversionNumMech(node)
} else if (isArrondiMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfArrondiMech(node)
} else if (isMaxMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfMaxMech(node)
} else if (isMinMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfMinMech(node)
} else if (isComposantesMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfComposantesMech(node)
} else if (isUneConditionsMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfUneConditionsMech(node)
} else if (isToutesConditionsMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfToutesConditionsMech(node)
} else if (isSyncMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfSyncMech(node)
} else if (isGrilleMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfGrilleMech(node)
} else if (isTauxProgMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfTauxProgMech(node)
} else if (isDureeMech(node)) {
result = ruleDepsOfDureeMech(node)
if (result === undefined) {
throw new Error(
`This node doesn't have a visitor method defined: ${JSON.stringify(
return result
function ruleDepsOfRuleNode<Names extends string>(
rule: RuleNode<Names>
): RuleDependencies<Names> {
const subNodes = [
rule['applicable si'],
rule['non applicable si']
].filter(x => x !== undefined) as Array<ASTNode>
const subNodesDeps = subNodes
.map(x => ruleDepsOfNode<Names>(rule.dottedName, x))
const isDisabledByDependencies = rule.isDisabledBy.map(x => x.dottedName)
const replacedByDependencies = rule.replacedBy.map(
x => x.referenceNode.dottedName
return [subNodesDeps, isDisabledByDependencies, replacedByDependencies].flat(
export function buildRulesDependencies<Names extends string>(
parsedRules: ParsedRules<Names>
): Array<[Names, RuleDependencies<Names>]> {
// This stringPairs thing is necessary because `toPairs` is strictly considering that
// object keys are strings (same for `Object.entries`). Maybe we should build our own
// `toPairs`?
const stringPairs: Array<[string, RuleNode<Names>]> = Object.entries(
const pairs: Array<[Names, RuleNode<Names>]> = stringPairs as Array<
[Names, RuleNode<Names>]
return pairs.map(([dottedName, ruleNode]: [Names, RuleNode<Names>]): [
] => [dottedName, ruleDepsOfRuleNode<Names>(ruleNode)])