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info: Your previous simulation data have been saved.
retrieveButton: Retrieve my last simulation
Modifier: Modify
Échap: Esc
Entrée: Enter
Plein écran: Fullscreen
Oui: Yes
oui: yes
Non: No
non: no
déplier: show more
replier: show less
Pages associées: Related pages
Déclenchement: Applicability
Calcul: Formula
Désactivée: Inactive
car dépend de: because it depends on
Chercher dans la documentation: Search the documentation
Entrez des mots clefs ici: Enter keywords
noresults: No results
cliquez pour insérer cette suggestion: click to insert this suggestion
Rechercher: Search
Destinataire: Levied by
cotisation: contribution
aide: aid or subsidy
indemnité: benefit
salaire: salary
taxe: tax
examples: Examples
clickexample: Click on a situation to see the result
fail: This test failed
expected: the expected result was
cancelExample: Back to your situation
non applicable si: not applicable if
applicable si: applicable if
une de ces conditions: one of these applies
toutes ces conditions: all of these apply
assiette: base
taux: rate
facteur: multiplier
plafond: ceiling
barème: scale
composantes: components
multiplicateur: multiplier
Tranche de l'assiette: Scale bracket
Taux: Rate
cible: target
montant à atteindre: minimum value
dû par: owed by
employeur: employer
salarié: employee
impôt sur le revenu: income tax
déductible: deductible
non déductible: not deductible
Salaire: Salary
Cotisations sociales: Social contributions
Part employeur: Employer share
Part salariale: Employee share
Total des retenues: Total withheld
Fiche de paie: Payslip
Détail annuel des cotisations: Annual detail of my contributions
Voir la répartition des cotisations: View contribution breakdown
Cotisations: Contributions
Revenu disponible: Disposable income
Impôts: Taxes
notice: This simulation helps you understand your French payslip, but it should not be used as one. For further details, check <1>service-public.fr (French)</1>.
heures: 'Hours worked per month: '
disclaimer: It takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules. Lots of financial aids for your enterprise exist, explore them on <1>aides-entreprises.fr (French)</1>.
repartition: Distribution of total amount
A quoi servent mes cotisations ?: What's included in my contributions?
Effacer: Reset
Suivant: Next
Changer: Change
Continuer: Continue
CDI: Permanent
Commune: Town
JEI: Innovating company (JEI)
CDD: Fixed-term
Heures supplémentaires: Overtime
Cadre: '"Cadre" status'
Avantages: Benefits
Temps partiel: Part time
Type d'activité: Activity type
Charges: Expenses
Impôt: Tax
Mes réponses: My answers
Prochaines questions: Next questions
Modifier mes réponses: Change my answers
title: No more questions left!
text: You have reached the most accurate estimate.
text: You can now turn your hiring project into reality.
cta: Know the procedures
simulator: Do you like this simulator ?
reportError: Make a suggestion
question: Was this page useful to you?
headline: Your feedback is valuable to us in order to continuously improve this site. What should we work on to better meet your expectations?
email: Your email (if you would like an answer from us)
thanks: Thank for your feedback! You can contact us directly at <1> </1><2>contact@mon-entreprise.beta.gouv.fr</2>
Janvier 2019: January 2019
en incluant: including
d'aides: of aid
Envoyer: Send
Retour: Back
Retour à mon activité: Back to my business
Retour à la création: Back to creation
Voir les autres simulateurs: See the other simulators
title: Legal notice
title: Publisher
content: >
Incubator of digital services,<1></1>
Direction interministérielle du numérique et du système
d'information et de communication de l'Etat (DINSIC),<3></3>
Services of the Prime Minister
title: Director of publication
content: M. Yann-Gaël Amghar, Director of Acoss
title: Hosting provider
content: >
Netlify, <1></1>
610 22nd Street, Suite 315, <3></3>
San Francisco, CA 94107 <5></5>
Website : <7>https://www.netlify.com</7>
title: Contact
content: >
La somme de: This rule is the sum of
Si: If
Sinon: Else
Alors: Then
Résultat: Result
De: From
à: to
En-dessous de: Below
Au-dessus de: Above
Taux moyen: Average rate
Commencer: Get started
Passer: Skip
description: A complete todo list to help you become {{autoEntrepreneur}} in France.`
titre: How to become {{autoEntrepreneur}}
description: A complete todo list to help you create a {{status}} with the French administration.`
titre: Create an {{status}}
titre: Find a corporate name
description: |
<0><0>The corporate name</0> ("dénomination sociale") is the legal name of your company, written on all of your administrative papers. It can be different from the trade name (used for commercial purpose).</0>
<1>It is advisable to check that the name is available, i.e. that it does not infringe a name already protected by a trademark, a company name, a trade name, an Internet domain name, etc. You can check on the <2>INPI database</2>.</1>
titre: Choose the legal status
titre: Write the corporate purpose of the company
description: The <1>corporate purpose</1> of the company ("objet social") is the main activity run. A secondary activity can be registered.
titre: Find an address to incorporate the company
description: <0><0>The address</0> is the physical space where your company will be incorporated. In certain places and situations, you can benefit from substantial public financing (exemption from charges, taxes, etc.). <2>More information (Fr)</2></0>
titre: Write the company's articles
exemple: Example articles for your
description: The company's articles of association ( "les statuts"), is an official document written in French, describing the status choice, naming the associate(s) and the contributed capital. <2>For more than one associate, it is recommended to ask for the help of a lawyer to write them.</2>
titre: Open a business bank account
1: The purpose of a <1>professional bank account</1> is to separate your company's assets from your personal assets.
2: 'The professional bank account allows you to:'
EI: If its opening is not obligatory for an EI, it is strongly recommended.
liste: |
<0>Differentiate your private and professional operations and simplify your cash management</0>
<1>Facilitate any tax audit operations.</1>
titre: Deposit capital funds
description: <0>The <1>deposit of share capital</1> must be made at the time of the incorporation of a company by any person acting on behalf of the company and having received funds from contributions in cash (sum of money) from the creditors of the company (shareholder or partner).</0><1>The deposit consists of a transfer of a sum of money to a blocked account with a bank or the public <2>Caisse des dépôts et consignations</2> or a notary, who must then provide a certificate of deposit of capital.</1>
titre: Publish a notice of creation in a newspaper
description: |
<0>A notice of incorporation of the company must be published in a newspaper of legal announcements (« JAL » in French), for a cost of publication that depends on the size of the announcement and the rates charged by the chosen newspaper.</0><1><0>Find a newspaper of legal announcements</0></1><2>The notice must contain the following information:</2>
<0>The company's name and possibly its acronym</0>
<1>The legal form</1>
<2>The amount of the company's capital</2>
<3>The address of the registered office</3>
<4>The corporate purpose</4>
<5>The duration of the company</5>
The full name and address of the manager and of the persons
with general authority to bind the company to third parties,
and of the statutory auditors (if appointed)
The place and number of the RCS with which the company is
titre: Register my company online
description: <0>You can start your online registration process anytime, save it and come back to it as you wish.</0><1><0>Start registration process</0></1>
titre2: Recommended before starting your activity
titre: Choose a certified accountant
description: Managing a company brings a number of <1>accounting obligations</1>. It is advisable to call in a competent person or use a website that can handle accounting for you.
titre: Check out the need for professional insurance
description: <0>An SME or self-employed person must protect themselves against the main risks to which they are exposed and take out guarantee contracts. Whether it is a tenant or owner of its walls, the company must insure its buildings, its professional equipment, its goods, its raw materials, its vehicles, as well as in terms of civil liability of the company and its managers or in terms of operating loss.</0><1>More information (Fr)</1>
titre: Make a declaration of asset allocation
description: >
The <1>declaration of asset allocation</1> allows you to separate professional
assets from your personal assets, which then becomes unseizable. This procedure
is free of charge if it is carried out at the time of the creation
of a company.
To do so, simply declare which assets are allocated to the patrimony of your company.
All the contributions necessary for your professional activity must be included
(for example: goodwill, trademark, patent, or professional equipment). You can do
the valuation of the asset yourself if it does not exceed €30,000.
<0>$t(Plus d'informations)</0>
avancement: Use these lists to track down your advancement in the business creation process. It is automatically saved in your browser.
titre: The to-do list for creating your business
retour: Choose another status
indépendant: |
<0>Independent: contribution simulator </0>
<1>Simulate the amount of your social security contributions to prepare your business plan.</1>
assimilé: |
<0>Assimilé-salarié: contribution simulator </0>
<1>Simulate the amount of your social security contributions to prepare your business plan.</1>
autoEntrepreneur: |
<0>Auto-entrepreneur: income simulator</0>
<1>Simulate the amount of your social security contributions and taxes and estimate your future net income.</1>
après: |
<0>After registration</0>
<1>SIREN, SIRET, code APE, KBis. A small glossary of terms that you may (possibly) encounter after creation.</1>
titre: Create a company
description: Before starting the administrative procedures to create your company, you must choose a legal status adapted to your activity
warningPL: 'Note: the case of regulated liberal professions is not covered'
default: Find the right status
continue: Continue the guide
listeStatuts: |
<0>List of legal statuses</0>
<1>EURL, SARL, SASU, etc: a shortcut if you already know your status </1>
comparaison: |
<0> SASU, EURL or auto-entrepreneur?</0>
<1>Discover the differences in terms of income, contributions, retirement, etc.</1>
autoEntrepreneur: <0>Become auto-entrepreneur</0>
<1>Go to the simplified creation process for starting a business</1>
titre: Manage my business
description: Do you want to earn an income or hire? You will have to pay contributions and taxes. Anticipate their amounts thanks to simulators adapted to your situation.
cta: Find my company
titre: What do you want to do?
embauche: |
<0>Estimate the amount spent for hiring</0>
<1>Calculate how much your company will have to spend to pay your next employee</1>
revenus: |
<0>Calculate my net income</0>
<1>Estimate precisely the amount of your contributions thanks to the URSSAF simulator for {{régime}}</1>
embaucher: |
<0>Discover the hiring process</0>
<1>The list of things to do to make sure you don't forget anything when hiring a new employee</1>
sécuritéSociale: <0>Understanding social security</0>
<1>What are social security contributions used for? Update on the social protection system enjoyed by all workers in France</1>
autoEntrepreneur: <0>Access the official auto-entrepreneur website</0>
<1>You will be able to make your turnover declaration, pay your contributions, and more widely find all the information relating to the status of auto-entrepreneur</1>
auto: Are you auto-entrepreneur?
dirigeant: |
<0>Are you the majority director?</0>
<1>If you are a majority director or a member of a majority board of directors, you will not have the same social security system as if you are a minority.</1>
majoritaire: Majority director
minoritaire: Minority director
changer: Change the selected company
titre: Social security in France
contenu: |
<0> Social protection</0>
<1>In France, all workers benefit from quality social protection. This mandatory system is based on solidarity and aims to ensure the <2>general well-being of the population</2>.</1>
<2>In return for the payment of <2>social security contributions</2>, the contributor is covered for illness, accidents at work, unemployment or retirement.</2>
Mon entreprise: My company
Mon revenu: My income
titre: Choice of legal status
EI: Also called company in own name or company in a personal name. No capital contribution is necessary. Private wealth and corporate wealth are one.
EIRL: Allows you to protect your personal assets by allocating specific capital to your professional activity. Society and the individual are the same person. Not suitable if the sole shareholder is a legal entity (company) or if you plan to welcome other shareholders during the development of your company (choose EURL in this case).
EURL: The company has only one partner. Liability is limited to the amount of the capital contribution of the sole shareholder. Evolves into a SARL when new partners join the company.
SARL: Composed of at least 2 partners whose financial responsibility is limited to the amount of their contribution to the company's capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the articles of association.
SAS: Company with at least 2 partners. The financial liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of their contribution to the company's capital. The minimum capital is freely set in the Articles of Association. An SAS is characterised by a high degree of flexibility in terms of functioning (tailor-made statutes).
SASU: Composed of only one partner. The financial responsibility is limited to the amount of his contribution to the company's capital. The minimum capital is freely fixed in the Articles of Association.
SA: Composed of at least 2 shareholders. This is the only status that allows you to be listed on the stock exchange (from 7 shareholders). The minimum share capital is €37.000.
SNC: The liability of the partners for the debts of the company is unified (one partner only can be sued for the entire debt) and indefinite (responsible on the entirety of their personnal wealth).
micro: The auto-entrepreneur is a sole proprietorship company, subject to a flat-rate scheme for the calculation of taxes and the payment of social security contributions.
micro-EIRL: The EIRL auto-entrepreneur is a sole proprietorship with limited liability, subject to a flat-rate scheme for the calculation of taxes and the payment of social security contributions.
Votre forme juridique: Your legal status
Créer une: Create a
Devenir: Become
Choisir la forme juridique: Choose your legal status
titre: Choose between Sole Proprietorship and Limited Liability Company in France
titre: Limited liability company or sole proprietorship
description: Sole proprietorship or limited liability? Each option has legal implications, and leads to a different status for creating your company in France
intro: This choice determines your degree of responsibility and your ability to welcome new partners in the future
entreprise-individuelle: |
<0>Sole proprietorship:</0>
An economic activity carried out by a single natural person in his or her own name. Less formalities, but more risks in the event of bankruptcy, because your personal assets can be put to use.
<3>You cannot welcome new partners into a sole proprietorship.</3>
société: |
<0>Limited liability company:</0>
You cannot be held personally liable for the company's debts or obligations. On the other hand, the creation process is a little more cumbersome, since it includes the drafting of statutes and the deposit of capital.
bouton1: Limited liability company
bouton2: Sole proprietorship
titre: Auto-entrepreneur
description: |
The auto-entrepreneur benefits from a simplified scheme of declaration and payment,
for which tax and social contributions are based on the turnover achieved
each month. It's an interesting choice if you do not need a lot of capital, and want to get started quickly.
titre: Auto-entrepeneur
description: >
The auto-entrepreneur benefits from a simplified scheme of declaration and payment, for which tax and social contributions
are based on the turnover achieved each month.
Some activities are excluded from this status (<2>see the list [fr]</2>). Some activities
are regulated with a qualification or a professional experience (<4>see the list [fr])</4>).
titre: Number of partners to start a business in France
description: Find out which status to choose based on the number of partners involved in the creation of a company in France.
titre: Number of partners
description: >
A company with only one partner is easier to create and manage. A shareholder
may be a natural person (an individual) or a legal person (for example,
another company).
Note: this choice is not final. You can start your company on your own,
and welcome new partners as your business grows.
choix1: Alone
choix2: Several partners
description: Find your existing company, and start simulate hiring cost customized to your situation
titre: Find your company
non: I don't have a company yet
description: Thanks to the SIREN database, the public information of your company will be used automatically in the next steps.
ok: Confirm and simulate hiring costs
Nous n'avons rien trouvé: We didn't find any matching registered company.
Recherche en cours...: Searching...
titre: After registration
entreprise: company
intro: Once your <2>{{companyStatusChoice}}</2> has been successfully registered, you'll have access to the following
titre: The SIRET number
description: The SIREN number <1>identifies your company</1> while the SIRET number identifies each place of business operated by the same company. The SIRET is composed by the SIREN followed by the establishment number (NIC).
titre: The APE code
description: The APE code corresponds to the <1>business sector</1> of your company. The APE classifies your companys main operations in relation to the French business nomenclature system (« NAF » code). <3>It also determines the applicable collective agreement, and hints at the industrial accident rate of contribution that the company will have to pay for each hire.</3>
titre: The Kbis
1: It is the official document attesting to <2>the legal existence of a commercial enterprise</2>. In most cases, to be opposable and authentic for administrative procedures, the extract must be less than 3 months old.
2: This document is generally requested when applying for a public tender, opening a professional bank account, purchasing professional equipment from distributors, etc.
retour: Creation checklist
avance: Go to social security
Protection sociale: Social security
Rémunération du dirigeant: Director's remuneration
Simulateur de salaire: Employee salary simulation
Exemples de simulation de salaire: Examples of salary simulations
Quelques exemples de salaires: Some salary exemples
Embauche: Hiring process
titre: Legal status list for creating your company in France
statut du dirigeant:
description: This choice is important because it determines the director's Social Security scheme and coverage. Each option has legal implications, and leads to a different status when creating your company in France
titre: Defining the director's status
gérant minoritaire:
description: Some special rules apply depending on the amount of shares owned by the director and this can lead to a different status when creating your company in France
titre: Chairman or managing director in France
titre: Chairman or managing director
description: >
<0>Some special rules apply depending on the amount of shares owned by the director.</0><1><0><0>Chairman</0>: The director is in majority, or is part of a managing board that is in majority.</0><1><0>Managing director</0>: The director is in minority (or equality), or is part of a managing board that is in minority (or equality).</1></1>
Gérant majoritaire: Chairman
Gérant minoritaire: Managing director
Plus d'informations: More information (fr)
titre: >
Hiring procedure in France
description: All the necessary steps to hire your first employee in France.
titre: Hiring process checklist
description: All the necessary steps to hire your first employee.
titre: Sign an employment contract with your employee
titre: Declare your hiring t o the social administration
description: >
This can be done through the form called DPAE, must be completed
within 8 days before any hiring, and can <2>be done online (Fr)</2>
logiciel de paie:
titre: Choose a payslip software
description: >
With fewer than 20 employees, payslips and declarations can be
handled online by the <2> Tese (Fr)</2>, a tool developped by the french
social administration. You can also use <5>a private payslip software (Fr)</5>
titre: Keep an updated staff register
titre: Contact your assigned compulsory complementary pension institution
description: Find your pension institute (Fr)
complémentaire santé:
titre: Pick a private complementary health insurance
description: >
You must cover your employees with the private complementary health
insurance ("complémentaire santé" or colloquially "mutuelle" in
French) of your choice as long as it provides a set of minimum
guarantees. The employer must pay at least half of the package.
titre: Register to a work medicine office
description: Don't forget to plan an initial appointment for each new hire.
chaque mois: >
<0>Then each month</0>
<0>Compute the individual social contributions (using the chosen payslip software)</0>
<1>Declare the contributions through the DSN, the new online declaration system</1>
<2>Deliver the standardised payslip to your employee</2>
<2>Get an example payslip</2>
Guide du statut juridique: Legal status guide
Démarches de création: Creation process checklist
index: '/create'
après: '/after-registration'
index: '/legal-status'
liste: '/list'
gérantMinoritaire: '/chairman-or-managing-director'
responsabilité: '/liability'
statutDirigeant: '/director'
nombreAssociés: '/multiple-associates'
autoEntrepreneur: '/auto-entrepreneur'
index: '/manage'
embaucher: '/hiring'
sécuritéSociale: '/social-security'
index: /simulators
assimilé-salarié: '/assimile-salarie'
indépendant: '/independant'
auto-entrepreneur: '/auto-entrepreneur'
salarié: '/salaried'
comparaison: '/social-scheme-comparaison'
exemples: '/examples'
index: '/integration'
iframe: '/iframe'
library: '/library'
index: '/sharing-economy'
votreSituation: '/your-situation'
Auto-entrepreneur en EIRL: Auto-entrepreneur with EIRL option
auto-entrepreneur-EIRL: auto-entrepreneur-EIRL
privacyContent: >
<0>$t(Vie privée)</0>
We do not store any personal data on our servers. All the information
you provide (salaries, company postal code, SIREN etc.) is saved only
on your browser. No one else can have access to it but you.
However, we do collect anonymous statistics on site usage, which we use
for the sole purpose of improving the service, in accordance with the
<2>recommendations of the CNIL</2> and the DPRG directive.
<3>You can opt out below.</3>
Vie privée: Privacy
Recommencer: Start again
Plusieurs associés: Several partners
Un seul associé: Only one partner
Responsabilité limitée: Limited liability
Sans responsabilité limitée: Without limited liability
Pas en auto-entrepreneur: Not in auto-entrepreneur
Précédent: Previous
Choisir plus tard: Choose later
mois: month
heures: hours
heure: hour
année: year
an: year
par: per
Explorez notre documentation: Explore our documentation
maj2019: The simulation is up-to-date in 2019.
siteName: My company in France
Faire une simulation: Launch a simulation
Exemples: Examples
Intégrer nos simulateurs: Integrate our simulators
Intégrer l'interface de simulation: Integrate the simulation interface
Intégrer la bibliothèque de calcul: Integrate the calculation library
title: The official assistant for entrepreneurs
subtitle: All the resources you need to develop your business, from legal status to hiring.
create: <0>Create a company</0><1>Assistance in choosing the status and the complete list of creation steps</1>
manage: <0>Manage my business</0><1>Simulators to anticipate the amount of contributions and better manage your cash flow</1>
declare: <0>What income should I declare?</0><1>How to report your income from online platforms (AirBnb, leboncoin, blablacar, etc.)</1>
seeSimulators: See the simulators list
aboutUs: |
<0>About us</0>
<1>This website is developed by the administration to <2>support entrepreneurs in the development of their business</2>.</1>
<2>We start from the premise that it is difficult to navigate through all the online documentation: there is a lack of clear, up-to-date and relevant information on starting a business.</2>
<3>Our objective is to <2>remove all uncertainties regarding the administration tasks</2> so that you can focus on what matters: your business.</3>
<4>We are a small, autonomous and multidisciplinary team within the <4>URSSAF</4>. We are committed to being as close as possible to our users in order to continuously improve this site in accordance with the <7>Startup d'État</7> method.</4>
<5>Feel free to send us your comments and suggestions at <2>contact@mon-entreprise.beta.gouv.fr </2>.</5>
À quoi servent mes cotisations ?: How are my contributions distributed?
Accueil: Home
message: This page does not exist or no longer exists
action: Return to safe place
titre: Stay informed
description: |
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive <2>official advice on starting a business</2> and access new features in advance.
S'inscrire: Register
Votre adresse e-mail: Your email address
Renseigner mon entreprise: Find my company
Simulations personnalisées: Customized simulations
indicationTempsPlein: in full-time gross salary equivalent
auto-entreprise: auto-enterprise
titre: Available simulators
assimilé: |
<1>Calculate the income of an officer of a minority SAS, SASU or SARL</1>
indépendant: |
<1>Calculate the income of a majority manager of EURL, EI, or SARL</1>
auto: |
<1>Calculate the income (or turnover) of an auto-entrepreneur</1>
salarié: |
<1>Calculate the net, gross, or total salary of an employee, trainee, or similar</1>
comparaison: |
<0>Status comparison</0>
<1>Simulate the differences between the plans (contributions, retirement, maternity, illness, etc.)</1>
description: <0>All the simulators on this site are:</0>
<1><0>Maintained with the latest legislation</0>
<1>Continuously improved to increase the number of devices taken into account</1>
<2>Developed in partnership with the Urssaf (the contribution collector entity in France)<2>
inversionFail: The amount entered is too small or results in an impossible situation, try another one
titre: Before starting...
plus: Read explanations
urssaf: The figures are indicative and do not replace the actual accounts of the Urssaf, impots.gouv.fr, etc
auto-entrepreneur: Self-employed entrepreneurs cannot deduct their expenses from their turnover. Therefore, all costs related to the business must be deducted on a net basis to obtain the actual income received.
défaut: 'Refine the simulation by answering the following questions:'
faible: Low accuracy
moyenne: Medium accuracy
bonne: Good accuracy
titre: 'Calculation of net and gross salary: official simulator'
description: Estimate the contributions for an employee based on gross, net or "super gross" salary. All contributions from the general system and income tax are taken into account. Discover the counterparties guaranteed by social security'.
titre: Income simulator for employees
titre: Official salary simulator for SASU and SAS directors
description: Estimate your income as a SASU or SAS director based on your turnover. All contributions and income tax are taken into account. Official URSSAF simulator
titre: SAS and SASU directors income simulator
explications: The equal or minority directors of SARL or the directors of SA and SAS are considered as "assimilé salarié" and are subject to the general regime. Consequently, the director has the same social protection as an employee, apart from unemployment coverage.
titre: Official income simulator for self-employed person
description: Estimate your income as a self-employed person based on your turnover (for EI, EURL and SARL majority directors). All contributions and income tax are taken into account. Official URSSAF simulator
titre: Self-employed income simulator
explication1: Our estimate takes into account the <1>actual contributions</1> due by the self-employed person. During the first year of his activity, he will pay a reduced flat rate (a sum of around 1300€ / year for a craftsman benefiting from ACRE)... but it will be regularized the following year according to this real amount.
explication2: Unemployment and occupational accident insurance are not covered by the Social Security for the self-employed. Retirement based on professional income is generally lower. To be covered, the professional may take out additional insurance.
titre: Official income simulator for auto-entrepreneur
description: Estimate your income as an auto-entrepreneur based on your turnover. All contributions and income tax are taken into account. Official URSSAF simulator.
titre: 'Auto-entrepreneur income simulator'
titre: Social scheme selection
titre: Which social scheme would you like to explore?
titre: Not sure which one to choose?
description: The executive's social scheme has a very strong influence on the level of social protection and the perceived income. To help you see more clearly and choose the plan that suits you best, we have designed a quick comparator.
cta: Compare social schemes
titre: |
Self-employed, assimilated employee or auto-entrepreneur: discover the social scheme that best suits you
description: |
What is the best scheme for your situation? Discover their differences and simulate your income and retirement in one minute for each of the options.
titre: |
Self-employed, assimilated employee or <2>auto-entrepreneur</2>: which scheme to choose?
description: |
When you create your company, the choice of legal status will determine to which social scheme the executive is affiliated. There are three different ones, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to this comparison, you will be able to select the one that best suits you.
tagline: The all-inclusive plan
tagline: A la carte protection
tagline: Start without risk
legend: Possible legal status
AS: SAS, SASU or SARL with minority director
1: EI, EIRL, EURL or SARL with majority director
2: EI or EIRL
auto: Auto-entreprise
sécuritéSociale: |
<0> Social security</0>
<1> General scheme <1>(Régime général)</1></1>
<2> Self-employed scheme <1>(Sécurité sociale des indépendants)</1></2>
AT: <0> Work-related accidents covered</0>
assuranceMaladie: |
<0> Public health insurance <1>(medicines, care, hospitalizations)</1></0>
<1> Same for all </1>
mutuelle: |
<0> Additional health insurance <1>(mutuelle santé)</1></0>
<1> Compulsory </1>
<2> Highly recommended </2>
indemnités: |
<0> Sickness allowances</0>
plafondCA: |
<0> Turnover ceiling</0>
Yes<1>(€70,000 in services, €170,000 for sale of properties, food or accommodation)</1>
période: |
retraite: |
<0>Retirement pay</0>
comparaisonDétaillée: |
<0><0> View more information </0></0>
comptabilité: |
<0> Accounting, social, legal management....</0>
<1> Support strongly recommended <1>(chartered accountant, accountant, chartered management centre...)</1></1>
<2> Simplified <1>(can be managed by the auto-entrepreneur)</1></1>
<1>1 year<1>(partial contribution exemption)</1></1>
<2>3 years<1>(application of reduced contribution rates)</1></2>
déduction: |
<0> Deduction of expenses</0>
<1>Yes <1>(tax regime of the actual)</1></1>
<2>No <1>(but lump-sum deduction for calculating income tax)</1></2>
simulationText: |
Compare my income, retirement pay and sickness allowance
<2>Start simulation</2>
cotisations: |
<0> Payment of social contributions</0>
<1> Monthly</1>
<2> Monthly or quaterly advance <1>(with posterior regularization based on real income)</1></2>
<3> Montly or quaterly</3>
complémentaireDeductible: |
<0> Optional health and pension policies deductible</0>
<1> Yes <1>(under certain conditions)</1></1>
<2> Yes <1>("Madelin" Law)</1></2>
revenuNetApresImpot: |
<0>Net income after taxes</0>
revenuNetAvantImpot: |
<0>Net contribution income<1>(before income tax)</1></0>
legend: |
<0>Retirement pay</0>
<1>(before taxes)</1>
AS: Pension calculated for 172 quarters contributed to the general scheme with no change in income.
indep: Pension calculated for 172 quarters contributed to the self-employed scheme with no change in income.
auto: Pension calculated for 172 quarters contributed as auto-entrepreneur with no change in income.
cotisationMinimale: |
<0> Minimum contributions</0>
seuil: |
<0> Minimum income for eligibility for benefits</0>
<2> No <1>(mandatory minimum contributions)</1></2>
titreSelection: |
Create my company as:
J'ai compris: understood
trimestres validés: validated quarters
Année d'activité: Years of activity
Commerçant, artisan, ou libéral ?: Trader, craftsman, or liberal?
Revenir à la documentation: Go back to documentation
Voir le code source: See the source code
Rend non applicable les règles suivantes: Makes the following rules not applicable
Cette règle ne s'applique pas pour: This rule does not apply for
pour les accidents de trajet/travail et maladie pro: for commuting accidents, work accidents and professional illness
jour: day
Pas implémenté: Not implemented
Votre entreprise: Your company
Crée le: Created on
domiciliée à: domiciled in
"Nom de l'entreprise ou SIREN ": Company name or SIREN code
Ressources utiles: Helpful resources
Aucun résultat: No result$
inférieurs à: lower than
supérieurs à: higher than
retourAccueil: Back to the selection of activities
titre: How to declare income from digital platforms?
contenu: <0> You have revenues from online platforms (Airbnb, Abritel, Drivy, Blablacar, Leboncoin, etc.)? You must report them in most cases. However, it can be difficult to find your way around.</0>
<1>Follow this guide to find out in a few clicks how to be in good standing.</1>
<2>From 2020 onwards, these revenues will be automatically reported by the platforms to the tax authorities and Urssaf.</2>
question: What types of activity did you undertake?
réassurance: 'PS: this tool is only there to inform you, no data will be transmitted to the administrations'
choix: What are more precisely the activities carried out?
voirObligations: See my obligations
pro: |
<0>This is a professional activity</0>
<1>The income from this activity is considered as professional income from the first euro earned.</1>
impôt: |
<0>You must declare your income to the tax authorities</0>
<1>Income from this activity is taxable.</1>
revenusAnnuels: |
<0>Annual income</0>
<1>Your annual income for this activity is: </1>
question: Are you in one of the following situations?
notice: If none of these cases apply to you, you will have nothing to worry about.
titre: What do I have to do to be in good standing?
pro: <0>Declare as a professional activity</0>
<1>Your income is considered as professional income and is subject to social security contributions. In return, they entitle you to social benefits (pension, health insurance, maternity, etc.).</1>
entreprise: <0>With a company</0>
<1>If you already have a declared activity, you can add this income to the company's income. You will only have to check that its corporate purpose is compatible with the activities concerned (and change it if necessary). Otherwise, you will have to start a new business.</1>
<2>Create a company</2>
régimeGénéral: |
<0>With the general regime option</0>
<1>For some activities, you can declare your income directly on the Urssaf website. This is an interesting option if you do not want to create a new company or modify an existing one. In any case, you will have to declare this income for tax purposes.</1>
<2>Declare to the general regime</2>
impôts: <0>Declare your income to the tax autorities</0>
<1>For these activities, you only need to report your income on your tax return. For more information, you can visit the <2>dedicated page on impots.gouv.fr</2>.</1>
aucune: |
<0>Nothing to do</0>
<1>You do not need to report your income for these activities.</1>
régimeGénéralDisponible: General regime available