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synced 2025-02-09 23:55:01 +00:00
Les retours peuvent maintenant etre récolté à deux moments. Soit juste après le calcul de la première estimation, soit lorsque l'utilisateur a terminé la simulation et répondu à toutes les question. Le choix est determiné au hasard (jet d'une piece). De plus, au lieu d'un simple champs texte, on a maintenant un formulaire typeforme contenant avec des textes plus riches. Enfin, les boutons de retours apparaissent en bas de l'écran avec une petite animation qui attire l'oeil.
104 lines
3.5 KiB
104 lines
3.5 KiB
enterSalary: Enter a monthly salary
news: Get a salary estimate in seconds, describe your situation for more accuracy.
Estimation approximative: This is an estimate
defaults: for a permanent (CDI) full-time contract
Affiner le calcul: Refine this estimate
selectMany: You may pick more than one
Valider: Accept
valider: accept
votre réponse: answer here
reset: Start over
resetAll: Discard answers
change: Change answers
details: Detailed results
revenir: back
Modifier: Edit
passer: skip
irrelevant: Not owed
unsatisfied: Awaiting your answers…
Échap: Esc
Entrée: Enter
À propos: About (fr)
Plein écran: Fullscreen
first: Your first estimate is now available!
lastQ: One last question!
questionsLeft: Fewer than <1>{{nbQuestions}}</1> questions to go…
radio_Oui: Yes
radio_Non: No
radio_Aucun: None
oui: yes
non: no
déplier: show more
replier: show less
transport: transportation
formation: training
santé: healthcare
retraite: pensions
famille: family allowances
chômage: unemployment
logement: housing
autre: other
Salaire brut: Gross salary
Salaire net: Net salary
Salaire chargé: Total salary
Salaire brut de base: Base salary
Avantages salarié: Employee benefits
Réductions: Deductions
disclaimer: The simulation takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules, and should not be used as a pay slip, though it will help you understand it. Lots of aids for your enterprise exist, explore them on
clickForMore: You can click the results below for detailed explanations.
Quel est le salaire mensuel ?: What is the monthly salary?
back: Back to your simulation
ambiguous: More than one rule with this name found. Which one are you looking for ?
reportError: Report an error
Références: Relevant legal information (fr)
Règles attachées: Linked rules
inspace: These rules are in category
Pas de sources officielles: No official information
Votre avis nous intéresse !: Your opinion matters!
afficher les sources complémentaires: display additional information sources
understand: Click any value to see how it was calculated
input: This rule does not have a formula to compute it. Its value must be supplied through the form.
Déclenchement: Applicability
Calcul: Calculation formula
Chercher une règle: Find a rule
Entrez des mots clefs ici: Enter keywords
noresults: No results
cliquez pour insérer cette suggestion: click to insert this suggestion
satisfaction: Are you satisfied with the simulator ?
Envoyez-nous un commentaire !: Send us a comment !
Qu'est-ce qui n'a pas été ?: What went wrong ?
satisfaction-email-ou: To start a conversation with us, fill your email address or
satisfaction-mailto: click here to directly write an email
envoyer: send
Recherche: Search
Règle non applicable: Not applicable
Situation incomplète: More information needed
Destinataire: Levied by
cotisation: contribution
aide: aid or subsidy
indemnité: benefit
salaire: salary
taxe: tax
examples: Example situations
clickexample: Click on a situation to see the result
fail: This test failed
expected: the expected result was
cancelExample: Back to your situation
non applicable si: not applicable if
applicable si: applicable if
une de ces conditions: one of these applies
toutes ces conditions: all of these apply
assiette: base
taux: rate
facteur: multiplier
plafond: ceiling
barème: scale
composantes: components
multiplicateur des tranches: bracket amount
Tranches de l'assiette: Scale brackets
Taux: Rates
cible: target
montant à atteindre: minimum value
dû par: owed by
employeur: employer
salarié: employee