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Johan Girod d74b625be3 👽 Vérifie que tous les éléments d'ui sont traduits
Tous les éléments à traduire (via la balise <Trans> ou la fonction 't')
sont analysé statiquement. Si il manque une traduction, la PR est bloquée

Ajoute un script de traduction automatique via `yarn run i18n:ui:translate`

Met à jour CONTRIBUTING.md avec les infos sur la traduction
2020-01-22 15:10:46 +01:00

75 lines
2.6 KiB

// i18next-parser.config.js
module.exports = {
contextSeparator: '_',
// Key separator used in your translation keys
createOldCatalogs: false,
// Save the \_old files
defaultNamespace: 'translation',
// Default namespace used in your i18next config
defaultValue: 'NO_TRANSLATION',
// Default value to give to empty keys
indentation: 2,
// Indentation of the catalog files
keepRemoved: false,
// Keep keys from the catalog that are no longer in code
keySeparator: false,
// Key separator used in your translation keys
// If you want to use plain english keys, separators such as `.` and `:` will conflict. You might want to set `keySeparator: false` and `namespaceSeparator: false`. That way, `t('Status: Loading...')` will not think that there are a namespace and three separator dots for instance.
// see below for more details
lexers: {
hbs: ['HandlebarsLexer'],
handlebars: ['HandlebarsLexer'],
htm: ['HTMLLexer'],
html: ['HTMLLexer'],
mjs: ['JavascriptLexer'],
js: ['JavascriptLexer'], // if you're writing jsx inside .js files, change this to JsxLexer
ts: ['JavascriptLexer'],
jsx: ['JsxLexer'],
tsx: ['JsxLexer'],
default: ['JavascriptLexer']
lineEnding: 'auto',
// Control the line ending. See options at https://github.com/ryanve/eol
locales: ['fr'],
// An array of the locales in your applications
namespaceSeparator: false,
// Namespace separator used in your translation keys
// If you want to use plain english keys, separators such as `.` and `:` will conflict. You might want to set `keySeparator: false` and `namespaceSeparator: false`. That way, `t('Status: Loading...')` will not think that there are a namespace and three separator dots for instance.
output: 'source/locales/static-analysis-$LOCALE.json',
// Supports $LOCALE and $NAMESPACE injection
// Supports JSON (.json) and YAML (.yml) file formats
// Where to write the locale files relative to process.cwd()
input: './source/**/*.{jsx,tsx,js,ts}',
// An array of globs that describe where to look for source files
// relative to the location of the configuration file
reactNamespace: false,
// For react file, extract the defaultNamespace - https://react.i18next.com/components/translate-hoc.html
// Ignored when parsing a `.jsx` file and namespace is extracted from that file.
sort: true,
// Whether or not to sort the catalog
useKeysAsDefaultValue: false,
// Whether to use the keys as the default value; ex. "Hello": "Hello", "World": "World"
// The option `defaultValue` will not work if this is set to true
verbose: false
// Display info about the parsing including some stats