import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Trans, translate } from 'react-i18next' import { findRuleByName } from 'Engine/rules' import { reject, curry, pipe, equals, filter, contains, length } from 'ramda' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import './TargetSelection.css' import BlueButton from './BlueButton' export let salaries = ['salaire net', 'salaire de base', 'salaire total'] @connect(state => ({ flatRules: state.flatRules, })) @translate() export default class TargetSelection extends Component { state = { targets: [], } render() { let { targets } = this.state, ready = targets.length > 0 return ( <section id="targetSelection"> <h1><Trans i18nKey="targetSelection">Que voulez-vous calculer ?</Trans></h1> {this.renderOutputList()} <div id="action"> <p style={{ color: this.props.themeColours.textColourOnWhite }}> <Trans i18nKey="selectMany">Vous pouvez faire plusieurs choix</Trans> </p> <Link to={'/simu/' + targets.join('+')}> <BlueButton disabled={!ready}><Trans>Valider</Trans></BlueButton> </Link> </div> </section> ) } renderOutputList() { let { flatRules } = this.props, popularTargets = [...salaries, 'aides employeur différées'].map( curry(findRuleByName)(flatRules) ), { targets } = this.state, textColourOnWhite = this.props.themeColours.textColourOnWhite, // You can't select 3 salaries, as one must be an input in the next step optionDisabled = name => contains('salaire', name) && pipe( reject(equals(name)), filter(contains('salaire')), length, equals(2) )(targets), optionIsChecked = s => targets.includes( return ( <div> <div id="targets"> { => ( <div key={}> <input id={} type="checkbox" disabled={optionDisabled(} checked={optionIsChecked(s)} onChange={() => this.setState({ targets: targets.find(t => t === ? reject(t => t ===, targets) : [...targets,] }) } /> <label htmlFor={} key={} style={ optionIsChecked(s) ? { color: textColourOnWhite } : {} } > {optionIsChecked(s) ? ( <i className="fa fa-check-square-o fa-2x" style={{ color: textColourOnWhite }} /> ) : ( <i className="fa fa-square-o fa-2x" style={{ color: '#4b4b66' }} /> )} <div> <span className="optionTitle">{s.title ||}</span> <p style={ optionIsChecked(s) ? { color: textColourOnWhite } : { color: '#4b4b66' } } > {s['résumé']} </p> </div> </label> </div> ))} </div> </div> ) } }