import { setActiveTarget, updateSituation } from 'Actions/actions'
import InputSuggestions from 'Components/conversation/InputSuggestions'
import PeriodSwitch from 'Components/PeriodSwitch'
import RuleLink from 'Components/RuleLink'
import { ThemeColorsContext } from 'Components/utils/colors'
import {
} from 'Components/utils/EngineContext'
import { SitePathsContext } from 'Components/utils/SitePathsContext'
import { formatCurrency, formatValue } from 'Engine/format'
import { EvaluatedRule } from 'Engine/types'
import { isNil } from 'ramda'
import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import emoji from 'react-easy-emoji'
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { RootState } from 'Reducers/rootReducer'
import { DottedName } from 'Rules'
import {
} from 'Selectors/simulationSelectors'
import Animate from 'Ui/animate'
import AnimatedTargetValue from 'Ui/AnimatedTargetValue'
import CurrencyInput from './CurrencyInput/CurrencyInput'
import './TargetSelection.css'
export default function TargetSelection({ showPeriodSwitch = true }) {
const [initialRender, setInitialRender] = useState(true)
const objectifs = useSelector(
(state: RootState) => state.simulation?.config.objectifs || []
const colors = useContext(ThemeColorsContext)
useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [])
return (
{((typeof objectifs[0] === 'string'
? [{ objectifs }]
: objectifs) as any).map(
({ icône, objectifs: targets, nom }, index) => (
{nom && (
{emoji(icône)} {nom}
{index === 0 && showPeriodSwitch &&
{' '}
{ => (
type TargetProps = {
dottedName: DottedName
initialRender: boolean
const Target = ({ dottedName, initialRender }: TargetProps) => {
const activeInput = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.activeTargetInput)
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const target = useEvaluation(dottedName, {
unit: useSelector(targetUnitSelector)
const isSmallTarget = !!target.question !== !!target.formule
if (
target.nodeValue === false ||
(isSmallTarget && !target.question && !target.nodeValue)
) {
return null
const isActiveInput = activeInput === target.dottedName
return (
{isSmallTarget && (
{isActiveInput && (
dispatch(updateSituation(target.dottedName, value))
let Header = ({ target }) => {
const sitePaths = useContext(SitePathsContext)
const { t } = useTranslation()
const { pathname } = useLocation()
// TODO : Super hacky, we want to amend one label in the covid simulator, but
// because the label is fetched from the global state we have to do a hack
// here based on the URL.
const hackyShowPeriod = pathname === sitePaths.coronavirus
return (
{target.title ||}
{hackyShowPeriod && ' ' + t('mensuel')}
type TargetInputOrValueProps = {
target: EvaluatedRule
isActiveInput: boolean
isSmallTarget: boolean
function TargetInputOrValue({
}: TargetInputOrValueProps) {
const { language } = useTranslation().i18n
const colors = useContext(ThemeColorsContext)
const dispatch = useDispatch()
const situationValue = useSelector(situationSelector)[target.dottedName]
const targetUnit = useSelector(targetUnitSelector)
const engine = useContext(EngineContext)
const value =
typeof situationValue === 'string'
? Math.round(
engine.evaluate(situationValue, { unit: targetUnit })
.nodeValue as number
: situationValue != null
? situationValue
: target?.nodeValue != null
? Math.round(+target.nodeValue)
: undefined
const blurValue = useInversionFail() && !isActiveInput
const onChange = useCallback(
evt =>
updateSituation(target.dottedName, + ' ' + targetUnit)
[targetUnit, target, dispatch]
return (
{target.question ? (
{!isActiveInput && }
if (isSmallTarget) return
{formatCurrency(value, language)}
) : (
{value && Number.isNaN(value) ? '—' : formatCurrency(value, language)}
{target.dottedName.includes('prix du travail') && }
{target.dottedName === 'contrat salarié . rémunération . net' && (
function TitreRestaurant() {
const targetUnit = useSelector(targetUnitSelector)
const titresRestaurant = useEvaluation(
'contrat salarié . frais professionnels . titres-restaurant . montant',
{ unit: targetUnit }
const { language } = useTranslation().i18n
if (!titresRestaurant?.nodeValue) return null
return (
+{' '}
nodeValue: titresRestaurant.nodeValue,
unit: '€',
{' '}
en titres-restaurant {emoji(' 🍽')}
function AidesGlimpse() {
const targetUnit = useSelector(targetUnitSelector)
const aides = useEvaluation('contrat salarié . aides employeur', {
unit: targetUnit
const { language } = useTranslation().i18n
// Dans le cas où il n'y a qu'une seule aide à l'embauche qui s'applique, nous
// faisons un lien direct vers cette aide, plutôt qu'un lien vers la liste qui
// est une somme des aides qui sont toutes nulle sauf l'aide active.
const aidesDetail = aides?.formule.explanation.explanation
const aidesNotNul = aidesDetail?.filter(node => node.nodeValue !== false)
const aideLink = aidesNotNul?.length === 1 ? aidesNotNul[0] : aides
if (!aides?.nodeValue) return null
return (
en incluant {' '}
nodeValue: aides.nodeValue,
unit: '€',
{' '}
d'aides {emoji(aides?.icons ?? '')}