import { dropLast, last, pipe, propEq, range, take } from 'ramda' import { coerceArray } from '../utils' import { EvaluatedRule, Rule, Rules } from './types' export const splitName = (str: string) => str.split(' . ') export const joinName = strs => strs.join(' . ') export const parentName = pipe( splitName, dropLast(1) as (a: string[]) => string[], joinName ) export const nameLeaf = pipe(splitName, last) export const encodeRuleName = name => encodeURI( name .replace(/\s\.\s/g, '/') .replace(/-/g, '\u2011') // replace with a insecable tiret to differenciate from space .replace(/\s/g, '-') ) export const decodeRuleName = name => decodeURI( name .replace(/\//g, ' . ') .replace(/-/g, ' ') .replace(/\u2011/g, '-') ) export function ruleParents( dottedName: Names ): Array { const fragments = splitName(dottedName) // dottedName ex. [CDD . événements . rupture] return range(1, fragments.length) .map(nbEl => take(nbEl, fragments)) .map(joinName) // -> [ [CDD . événements . rupture], [CDD . événements], [CDD .reverse() } export function disambiguateRuleReference( rules: Rules, contextName: Names, partialName: string ) { const possibleDottedName = [ contextName, ...ruleParents(contextName), '' ].map(x => (x ? x + ' . ' + partialName : partialName)) const dottedName = possibleDottedName.find(name => name in rules) if (!dottedName) { throw new Error(`La référence '${partialName}' est introuvable. Vérifiez que l'orthographe et l'espace de nom sont corrects`) } return dottedName } /********************************* Autres */ export function findParentDependencies( rules: Rules, name: Names ): Array { // A parent dependency means that one of a rule's parents is not just a namespace holder, it is a boolean question. E.g. is it a fixed-term contract, yes / no // When it is resolved to false, then the whole branch under it is disactivated (non applicable) // It lets those children omit obvious and repetitive parent applicability tests return ruleParents(name) .map(parent => [parent, rules[parent]] as [Names, Rule]) .filter(([_, rule]) => !!rule) .filter( ([_, { question, unité, formule }]) => //Find the first "calculable" parent (question && !unité && !formule) || (question && formule?.['une possibilité'] !== undefined) || (typeof formule === 'string' && formule.includes(' = ')) || formule === 'oui' || formule === 'non' || formule?.['une de ces conditions'] || formule?.['toutes ces conditions'] ) .map(([name, _]) => name) } export const getRuleFromAnalysis = analysis => ( dottedName: Names ): EvaluatedRule => { if (!analysis) { throw new Error("[getRuleFromAnalysis] The analysis can't be nil !") } const rule = coerceArray(analysis) // In some simulations, there are multiple "branches" : the analysis is run with e.g. 3 different input situations .map( analysis => analysis.cache[dottedName]?.explanation || // the cache stores a reference to a variable, the variable is contained in the 'explanation' attribute analysis.targets.find(propEq('dottedName', dottedName)) ) .filter(Boolean)[0] if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !rule) { console.warn(`[getRuleFromAnalysis] Unable to find the rule ${dottedName}`) } return rule }