import R from 'ramda' import {expect} from 'chai' import {rules, enrichRule, collectMissingVariables, findVariantsAndRecords2, findVariantsAndRecords, getObjectives} from '../source/engine/rules' import {analyseSituation} from '../source/engine/traverse' let stateSelector = (state, name) => null describe('enrichRule', function() { it('should extract the type of the rule', function() { let rule = {cotisation:{}} expect(enrichRule(rule))'type','cotisation') }); it('should extract the dotted name of the rule', function() { let rule = {espace:"contrat salarié", nom: "CDD"} expect(enrichRule(rule))'name','CDD') expect(enrichRule(rule))'dottedName','contrat salarié . CDD') }); it('should render Markdown in sub-questions', function() { let rule = {"sous-question":"**wut**"} expect(enrichRule(rule))'subquestion','


\n') }); }); describe('collectMissingVariables', function() { it('should derive objectives from the root rule', function() { let rawRules = [ {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "sum"}, {nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "sum . evt . ko", espace: "sum"}, {nom: "evt", espace: "sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"}, {nom: "ko", espace: "sum . evt"}], rules =, situation = analyseSituation(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector), result = getObjectives(situation) expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(result[0])'name','deux') }); it('should identify missing variables', function() { let rawRules = [ {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "sum"}, {nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "sum . evt . ko", espace: "sum"}, {nom: "evt", espace: "sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"}, {nom: "ko", espace: "sum . evt"}], rules =, situation = analyseSituation(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector), result = collectMissingVariables()(situation) expect(result)'sum . evt . ko') }); }); describe('findVariantsAndRecords', function() { it('should classify rules as records by default', function() { let rawRules = [ {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: [3259, "dix"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "dix", formule: "cinq", espace: "top"}, {nom: "cinq", espace: "top", question:"?"}], rules =, situation = analyseSituation(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector), result = findVariantsAndRecords2(rules, ['top . cinq']) expect(result)'recordGroups', {top: ['top . cinq']}) }); it('should classify rules as variants if they are named in a "one of these" formula', function() { let rawRules = [ {nom: "sum", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "top . sum . evt . ko", espace: "top"}, {nom: "evt", espace: "top . sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"}, {nom: "ko", espace: "top . sum . evt"}], rules =, situation = analyseSituation(rules,"sum")(stateSelector), result = findVariantsAndRecords2(rules, ['top . sum . evt . ko']) expect(result)'variantGroups', {"top . sum . evt": ['top . sum . evt . ko']}) }); it('should find variants', function() { let rawRules = [ {nom: "sum", formule: {somme: [2, "deux"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "deux", formule: 2, "non applicable si" : "top . sum . evt . ko", espace: "top"}, {nom: "evt", espace: "top . sum", formule: {"une possibilité":["ko"]}, titre: "Truc", question:"?"}, {nom: "ko", espace: "top . sum . evt"}], rules =, situation = analyseSituation(rules,"sum")(stateSelector), result = findVariantsAndRecords2(rules, ['top . sum . evt . ko']) expect(result['variantGroups']).to.deep.equal({"top . sum . evt": ['top . sum . evt . ko']}) }); it('should provide equivalent function to findVAR with findVariants', function() { let situation = analyseSituation(rules,"surcoût CDD")(stateSelector), findVAR = (memo,name) => findVariantsAndRecords(rules, memo, name, null), missing = collectMissingVariables()(situation), newResult = R.pipe(R.keys,R.reduce(findVAR, {variantGroups: {}, recordGroups: {}}))(missing), oldResult = findVariantsAndRecords2(rules, R.keys(missing)) expect(newResult).to.deep.equal(oldResult) }); });