enterSalary: Enter a monthly salary previousSimulationBanner: info: Your previous simulation data have been saved. retrieveButton: Retrieve my last simulation Première estimation: First estimate Commencer la simulation: Start simulation selectMany: You may pick more than one Valider: Accept valider: accept votre réponse: answer here reset: Start over resetAll: Discard answers change: Change answers details: See the social cotisations revenir: back Modifier: Edit passer: skip irrelevant: Not owed unsatisfied: Awaiting your answers… Échap: Esc Entrée: Enter À propos: About (fr) Plein écran: Fullscreen first: Your first estimate is now available! lastQ: One last question! radio_Oui: Yes radio_Non: No radio_Aucun: None oui: yes non: no inlineExpressionNegation: Not déplier: show more replier: show less branches: assurance chômage: name: unemployment counterpart: Gives income to former employees while they're looking for a new job. retraite: name: pensions counterpart: Guarantees on average 60%-70% of your last income. formation: name: training counterpart: Gives access to professional training for employees. logement: name: housing counterpart: Helps build new and affordable housing. transport: name: transportation counterpart: Helps keep the price of a public transportation ticket low. accidents du travail / maladies professionnelles: name: work accidents / occupational diseases counterpart: Offers full coverage of occupational illnesses or accidents. santé: name: healthcare counterpart: Covers most of everyday-life health care needs and 100% for serious illnesses, e.g. hospital stays. famille: name: family allowances counterpart: Offers a balanced work and family life. Finances day nurseries and various child care. autres: name: other counterpart: Other contributions to the social system. Salaire brut: Gross salary Salaire net: Net salary Salaire chargé: Total salary Salaire brut de base: Base salary Avantages salarié: Employee benefits Réductions: Deductions clickForMore: You can click the results below for detailed explanations. Quel est le salaire mensuel ?: What is the monthly salary? back: Back to your simulation ambiguous: More than one rule with this name found. Which one are you looking for ? reportError: Report an error Références: Relevant legal information (fr) Règles attachées: Linked rules inspace: These rules are in category Pas de sources officielles: No official information Votre avis nous intéresse !: Your opinion matters! afficher les sources complémentaires: display additional information sources input: This rule does not have a formula to compute it. Its value must be supplied through the form. Déclenchement: Applicability Détails du calcul: Calculation formula Chercher une règle: Find a rule Entrez des mots clefs ici: Enter keywords noresults: No results cliquez pour insérer cette suggestion: click to insert this suggestion satisfaction: Are you satisfied with the simulator ? Envoyez-nous un commentaire !: Send us a comment ! Qu'est-ce qui n'a pas été ?: What went wrong ? satisfaction-email-ou: To start a conversation with us, fill your email address or satisfaction-mailto: click here to directly write an email envoyer: send Rechercher: Search Règle non applicable: Not applicable Situation incomplète: More information needed Destinataire: Levied by cotisation: contribution aide: aid or subsidy indemnité: benefit salaire: salary taxe: tax examples: Example situations clickexample: Click on a situation to see the result fail: This test failed expected: the expected result was cancelExample: Back to your situation non applicable si: not applicable if applicable si: applicable if une de ces conditions: one of these applies toutes ces conditions: all of these apply assiette: base taux: rate facteur: multiplier plafond: ceiling barème: scale composantes: components multiplicateur des tranches: bracket amount Tranches de l'assiette: Scale brackets Taux: Rates cible: target montant à atteindre: minimum value dû par: owed by employeur: employer salarié: employee impôt sur le revenu: income tax déductible: deductible non déductible: not deductible Salaire: Salary Cotisations sociales: Social contributions Part employeur: Employer share Part salariale: Employee share Total des retenues: Total withheld Fiche de paie: Payslip Voir la répartition des cotisations: View contribution breakdown Cotisations: Contributions payslip: notice: This simulation helps you understand your French payslip, but it should not be used as one. For further details, check <1>service-public.fr (French)</1>. heures: 'Number of hours worked: ' disclaimer: It takes into account national law but not union negotiated rules. Lots of financial aids for your enterprise exist, explore them on <1>aides-entreprises.fr (French)</1>. A quoi servent mes cotisations ?: What's included in my contributions? Simulation personnalisée: Custom simulation Faire une simulation personnalisée: Do a customized simulation custom-simulation: This is currently a <1>rough estimate</1> based on a generic contract. French legislation provides for a multitude of special cases and specific rules which considerably modify the costs of recruitment. Effacer: Erase Continuer: Continue CDI: Permanent CDD: Fixed-term Cadre: '"Cadre" status' Temps partiel: Part time Autres: Other situations Mes réponses: My answers Modifier mes réponses: Change my answers simulation-end: title: No more questions left! text: You have reached the most accurate estimate. You can now turn your hiring project into reality. cta: Know the procedures feedback: bad: headline: We're sorry we didn't give you complete satisfaction support: If you wish, you can send us an email at <1>contact@embauche.beta.gouv.fr</1>. We guarantee to answer you as quickly as possible, and to do everything we can to help you. good: headline: Thanks for your feedback! support: If you have a remark, or an idea of improvement, do not hesitate to contact us directly by mail at <1>contact@embauche.beta.gouv.fr</1>