/** * Note: all here is strictly based on duck typing. * We don't exepect the parent rule to explain the type of the contained formula, for example. */ import { chain, partial } from 'ramda' import { ParsedRule, ParsedRules } from './types' // type GraphNode = { // name: string // children?: Array // } type DottedName = string type ASTNode = Record type RuleNode = /* ASTNode & */ ParsedRule type Value = ASTNode & { nodeValue: any constant: true } export function isValue(node): node is Value { return ( (node as Value).nodeValue !== undefined && (node as Value).constant === true ) } type Operation = ASTNode & { operationType: 'comparison' | 'calculation' } export function isOperation(node): node is Operation { return ['comparison', 'calculation'].includes( (node as Operation).operationType ) } type Possibilities = ASTNode & { possibilités: Array 'choix obligatoire'?: 'oui' | 'non' // [XXX] - This should already be a defined type. 'une possibilité': 'oui' | 'non' } export function isPossibilities(node): node is Possibilities { const possibilities = node as Possibilities return ( possibilities.possibilités instanceof Array && possibilities.possibilités.every(it => typeof it === 'string') && ['oui', 'non'].includes(possibilities['choix obligatoire']) && ['oui', 'non'].includes(possibilities['une possibilité']) ) } type Reference = Omit & { // [XXX] - a priori non pour le omit, il n'y a pas du tout autant de choses que dans RuleNode à l'intérieur d'une reference category: 'reference' partialReference: DottedName } export function isReference(node): node is Reference { return (node as Reference).category === 'reference' } type Recalcul = ASTNode & { explanation: { recalcul: Reference amendedSituation: Record } } export function isRecalcul(node): node is Recalcul { const recalcul = node as Recalcul return ( typeof recalcul.explanation === 'object' && isReference(recalcul.explanation.recalcul as ASTNode) && typeof recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation === 'object' && Object.entries(recalcul.explanation.amendedSituation).every(([_, v]) => isReference(v as ASTNode) ) ) } type Mechanism = ASTNode & { category: 'mecanism' } export function isMechanism(node): node is Mechanism { return (node as Mechanism).category === 'mecanism' } type FormuleNode = | Value | Operation | Possibilities | Reference | Recalcul | Mechanism type EncadrementMech = any // extends Mechanism type SommeMech = any // extends Mechanism export function isFormuleNode(node): node is FormuleNode { return ( isValue(node as Value) || isOperation(node as Operation) || isReference(node as Reference) || isPossibilities(node as Possibilities) || isRecalcul(node as Recalcul) || isMechanism(node as Mechanism) ) } export function isEncadrementMech( mechanism: Mechanism ): mechanism is EncadrementMech { return (mechanism as EncadrementMech).explanation.name === 'encadrement' } export function isSommeMech(mechanism: Mechanism): mechanism is SommeMech { return (mechanism as EncadrementMech).explanation.name === 'somme' } function logVisit(depth: number, typeName: string, repr: string): void { console.log(' '.repeat(depth) + `visiting ${typeName} node ${repr}`) } export function ruleDependenciesOfNode( depth: number, node: ASTNode ): Array { function ruleDependenciesOfValue( depth: number, value: Value ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'value', value.nodeValue) return [] } function ruleDependenciesOfOperation( depth: number, operation: Operation ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'operation', operation.operationType) return chain(partial(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [depth + 1]))( operation.explanation ) } function ruleDependenciesOfReference( depth: number, reference: Reference ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'reference', reference.dottedName) return [reference.dottedName] } function ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities( depth: number, possibilities: Possibilities ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'possibilities', possibilities.possibilités) return [] } function ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul( depth: number, recalcul: Recalcul ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'recalcul', recalcul.règle) return [recalcul.règle] } function ruleDependenciesOfMechanism( depth: number, mechanism: Mechanism ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'mechanism', mechanism.name) // [XXX] - flatten this out in the main function, like the other types if (isEncadrementMech(mechanism)) { chain(partial(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [depth + 1]))( mechanism.valeur.explanation ) } if (isSommeMech(mechanism)) { chain(partial(ruleDependenciesOfNode, [depth + 1]))(mechanism.explanation) } return [] // [XXX] } if (isValue(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfValue(depth, node as Value) } else if (isOperation(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfOperation(depth, node as Operation) } else if (isReference(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfReference(depth, node as Reference) } else if (isPossibilities(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfPossibilities(depth, node as Possibilities) } else if (isRecalcul(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfRecalcul(depth, node as Recalcul) } else if (isMechanism(node)) { return ruleDependenciesOfMechanism(depth, node as Mechanism) } return [] // [XXX] } function ruleDependenciesOfRule( depth: number, rule: RuleNode ): Array { logVisit(depth, 'rule', rule.dottedName as string) if (rule.formule) { const formuleNode: FormuleNode = rule.formule.explanation // This is for comfort, as the responsibility over structure isn't owned by this piece of code: if (!isFormuleNode(formuleNode)) { debugger // throw Error( // `This rule's formule is not of a known type: ${rule.dottedName}` // ) } return ruleDependenciesOfNode(depth + 1, formuleNode) } else return [rule.dottedName] } export function buildRulesDependencies( parsedRules: ParsedRules ): Record> { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(parsedRules).map(([dottedName, parsedRule]) => [ dottedName, ruleDependenciesOfRule(0, parsedRule) ]) ) }