/* @flow */ import { expect } from 'chai' import paySlipSelector, { COTISATION_BRANCHE_ORDER } from '../source/components/ResultView/PaySlip/selectors' import { enrichRule, rules as realRules } from '../source/engine/rules' import reduceSteps from '../source/reducers/reduceSteps' describe('pay slip selector', function() { let paySlip beforeEach(() => { let fakeState = {} let stateSelector = () => name => fakeState[name] let rules = realRules.map(enrichRule) let reducer = reduceSteps(rules, stateSelector) var step1 = reducer( { foldedSteps: [], targetNames: [ 'contrat salarié . salaire . net à payer', 'contrat salarié . salaire . total', 'contrat salarié . salaire . net imposable' ] }, { type: 'START_CONVERSATION' } ) fakeState['contrat salarié . salaire . brut de base'] = 2300 var step2 = reducer(step1, { type: 'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'contrat salarié . salaire .brut de base' }) paySlip = paySlipSelector(step2) }) it('should have cotisations grouped by branches in the proper ordering', function() { let branches = paySlip.cotisations.map(([branche]) => branche) expect(branches).to.eql(COTISATION_BRANCHE_ORDER) }) it('should collect all cotisations in a branche', function() { let cotisationsSanté = (paySlip.cotisations.find( ([branche]) => branche === 'santé' ) || [])[1].map(cotisation => cotisation.nom) expect(cotisationsSanté).to.have.lengthOf(3) expect(cotisationsSanté).to.include('maladie') expect(cotisationsSanté).to.include('complémentaire santé') expect(cotisationsSanté).to.include('médecine du travail') }) it('should sum all cotisations', function() { const montantTotalCotisations = paySlip.totalCotisations expect(montantTotalCotisations.partPatronale).to.be.closeTo(919, 5) expect(montantTotalCotisations.partSalariale).to.be.closeTo(520, 5) }) it('should have value for "salarié" and "employeur" for a cotisation', function() { let cotisationATMP = (paySlip.cotisations.find( ([branche]) => branche === 'accidents du travail / maladies professionnelles' ) || [])[1][0] expect(cotisationATMP.montant.partSalariale).to.be.closeTo(0, 0.1) let defaultATMPRate = 2.22 / 100 expect(cotisationATMP.montant.partPatronale).to.be.closeTo( 2300 * defaultATMPRate, 1 ) }) })