import { DottedName } from 'modele-social' import Engine, { PublicodesExpression, Rule, RuleNode, formatValue, isPublicodesError, } from 'publicodes' import { Situation } from './reducers/rootReducer' export function capitalise0(name: undefined): undefined export function capitalise0(name: string): string export function capitalise0(name?: string) { return name && name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1) } export const debounce = (waitFor: number, fn: (...args: T[]) => void) => { let timeoutId: ReturnType return (...args: T[]) => { clearTimeout(timeoutId) timeoutId = setTimeout(() => fn(...args), waitFor) } } export const fetcher = (url: RequestInfo) => fetch(url).then((r) => r.json()) export function inIframe(): boolean { try { return window.self !== } catch (e) { return true } } export function softCatch( fn: (arg: ArgType) => ReturnType ): (arg: ArgType) => ReturnType | null { return function (...args) { try { return fn(...args) } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(e) return null } } } export function getSessionStorage() { // In some browsers like Brave, even just reading the variable sessionStorage // is throwing an error in the iframe, so we can't do things if sessionStorage !== undefined // and we need to wrap it in a try { } catch { } logic try { return window.sessionStorage } catch (e) { return undefined } } export const currencyFormat = (language: string) => ({ isCurrencyPrefixed: !!formatValue(12, { language, displayedUnit: '€' }).match( /^€/ ), thousandSeparator: formatValue(1000, { language }).charAt(1), decimalSeparator: formatValue(0.1, { language }).charAt(1), }) export function hash(str: string): number { let hash = 0 let chr for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { chr = str.charCodeAt(i) hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr hash |= 0 // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash } export function omit(obj: T, key: K): Omit { const { [key]: _ignore, ...returnObject } = obj return returnObject } /** * Transforms an object into entries which is then passed to the transform function to be * modified as desired with map, filter, etc., then transformed back into an object */ export const objectTransform = ( object: Record, transform: (entries: [string, T][]) => [string, U][] ) => Object.fromEntries(transform(Object.entries(object))) // TODO: This is will be included in the ES spec soon. Remove our custom // implementation and rely on browser native support and polyfill when it is // available. // export function groupBy( arr: Array, callback: (elm: E, index: number, array: Array) => G ): Record> { return arr.reduce((result, item, currentIndex) => { const key = callback(item, currentIndex, arr) result[key] = result[key] || [] result[key].push(item) return result }, {} as Record>) } export function isIterable(obj: unknown): obj is Iterable { return Symbol.iterator in Object(obj) } /** * Check if a key exists in the object and return its value or undefined, * usefull for type check * @param obj any object * @param key key to get value from object * @returns value or undefined */ export const getValueFrom = < T extends Record, K extends string | number | symbol >( obj: T, key: K ): Extract[K] | undefined => key in obj ? obj[key] : undefined const isMeta = (rule: Rule): rule is Rule & { meta?: T } => 'meta' in rule /** * Return typed meta property from a rule * @param rule * @param defaultValue * @returns */ export const getMeta = (rule: Rule, defaultValue: T) => (isMeta(rule) ? getValueFrom(rule, 'meta') : null) ?? defaultValue /** * Wraps each event function specified in eventsToWrap (default onPress) with an * asynchronous function that waits x ms before executing the original function * Use this function on button props to avoid ghost click after onPress event * See this issue * Maybe the next version of the react-spectrum will handle that natively (issue * @param props * @param options ms (time of debounce) and eventsToWrap (array of events to wrap with debounce) * @returns props */ export const wrapperDebounceEvents = ( props: T, { ms = 25, eventsToWrap = ['onPress'] } = {} ): T => { if (props && typeof props === 'object') { const castedProps = props as Record eventsToWrap.forEach((event: string) => { if (event in castedProps) { const original = castedProps[event] if (typeof original === 'function') { const debouncedFunction = async (...params: unknown[]) => { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(original(...params)), ms) ) } castedProps[event] = debouncedFunction } } }) } return props } export async function getIframeOffset(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const returnOffset = (evt: MessageEvent) => { if ( !== 'offset') { return } window.removeEventListener('message', returnOffset) resolve( } if (!window.parent.postMessage) { reject(new Error('No parent window')) } window.parent?.postMessage({ kind: 'get-offset' }, '*') window.addEventListener('message', returnOffset) }) } export function evaluateQuestion( engine: Engine, rule: RuleNode ): string | undefined { const question = rule.rawNode.question as Exclude< number, PublicodesExpression > if (question && typeof question === 'object') { return engine.evaluate(question as PublicodesExpression).nodeValue as string } return question } export function buildSituationFromObject( contextDottedName: Names, situationObject: Record ): Situation { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(situationObject).map( ([key, value]: [string, PublicodesExpression]) => [ `${contextDottedName} . ${key}` as Names, typeof value === 'string' ? `'${value}'` : value, ] ) ) } export const catchDivideByZeroError = (func: () => T) => { try { return func() } catch (err) { if ( isPublicodesError(err, 'EvaluationError') && err.message === 'Division by zero' ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err) } throw err } } export const generateUuid = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * }