import R from 'ramda' import {expect} from 'chai' import {rules as realRules, enrichRule} from '../source/engine/rules' import {analyseSituation, analyseTopDown} from '../source/engine/traverse' import {buildNextSteps, collectMissingVariables, getObjectives} from '../source/engine/generateQuestions' import {reduceSteps} from '../source/reducers' let stateSelector = state => name => null let tracker = {push: array => null} describe('fold', function() { it('should start conversation with only unfolded questions', function() { let rawRules = [ // TODO - this won't work without the indirection, figure out why {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: ["a","b"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "a", espace: "top", formule: "aa"}, {nom: "b", espace: "top", formule: "bb"}, {nom: "aa", question: "?", titre: "a", espace: "top"}, {nom: "bb", question: "?", titre: "b", espace: "top"}], rules =, reducer = reduceSteps(tracker, rules, stateSelector), action = {type:'START_CONVERSATION', rootVariable: 'startHere'}, // situation = analyseTopDown(rules,"startHere")(stateSelector({})), // objectives = getObjectives(stateSelector({}), situation.root, situation.parsedRules), // missing = collectMissingVariables()(stateSelector({}),situation), result = reducer({},action) expect(result)'unfoldedSteps') expect(result.unfoldedSteps).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(result.unfoldedSteps[0])"name","top . aa") expect(result.unfoldedSteps[1])"name","top . bb") }); it('should deal with double unfold', function() { let fakeState = {} let stateSelector = state => name => fakeState[name] let rawRules = [ // TODO - this won't work without the indirection, figure out why {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: ["a","b","c"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "a", espace: "top", formule: "aa"}, {nom: "b", espace: "top", formule: "bb"}, {nom: "c", espace: "top", formule: "cc"}, {nom: "aa", question: "?", titre: "a", espace: "top"}, {nom: "bb", question: "?", titre: "b", espace: "top"}, {nom: "cc", question: "?", titre: "c", espace: "top"}], rules =, reducer = reduceSteps(tracker, rules, stateSelector) var step1 = reducer({},{type:'START_CONVERSATION', rootVariable: 'startHere'}) fakeState['top . aa'] = 1 var step2 = reducer(step1,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'top . aa'}) fakeState['top . bb'] = 1 var step3 = reducer(step2,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'top . bb'}) var step4 = reducer(step3,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'unfold', step: 'top . aa'}) var step5 = reducer(step4,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'unfold', step: 'top . bb'}) let result = step5 expect(result)'unfoldedSteps') expect(result.unfoldedSteps).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(result.unfoldedSteps[0])"name","top . bb") expect(result.unfoldedSteps[1])"name","top . cc") expect(result)'foldedSteps') expect(result.foldedSteps).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(result.foldedSteps[0])"name","top . aa") }); it('should not list the same question in folded and unfolded', function() { let fakeState = {} let stateSelector = state => name => fakeState[name] let rawRules = [ // TODO - this won't work without the indirection, figure out why {nom: "startHere", formule: {somme: ["a","b","c"]}, espace: "top"}, {nom: "a", espace: "top", formule: "aa"}, {nom: "b", espace: "top", formule: "bb"}, {nom: "c", espace: "top", formule: "cc"}, {nom: "aa", question: "?", titre: "a", espace: "top"}, {nom: "bb", question: "?", titre: "b", espace: "top"}, {nom: "cc", question: "?", titre: "c", espace: "top"}], rules =, reducer = reduceSteps(tracker, rules, stateSelector) var step1 = reducer({},{type:'START_CONVERSATION', rootVariable: 'startHere'}) fakeState['top . aa'] = 1 var step2 = reducer(step1,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'top . aa'}) fakeState['top . bb'] = 1 var step3 = reducer(step2,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'top . bb'}) var step4 = reducer(step3,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'unfold', step: 'top . aa'}) var step5 = reducer(step4,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'unfold', step: 'top . bb'}) var step6 = reducer(step5,{type:'STEP_ACTION', name: 'fold', step: 'top . bb'}) let result = step6 expect(result)'unfoldedSteps') expect(result.unfoldedSteps).to.have.lengthOf(1) expect(result.unfoldedSteps[0])"name","top . cc") expect(result)'foldedSteps') expect(result.foldedSteps).to.have.lengthOf(2) expect(result.foldedSteps[0])"name","top . aa") expect(result.foldedSteps[1])"name","top . bb") }); });