// Currenty we systematically bundle all the rules even if we only need a // sub-section of them. We might support "code-splitting" the rules in the // future. import { EvaluatedRule as GenericEvaluatedRule, Rules as GenericRules } from 'Engine/types' import artisteAuteur from './artiste-auteur.yaml' import base from './base.yaml' import chômagePartiel from './chômage-partiel.yaml' import CCBatiment from './conventions-collectives/bâtiment.yaml' import CCCompta from './conventions-collectives/experts-comptables.yaml' import CCHotels from './conventions-collectives/hôtels-cafés-restaurants.yaml' import CCOptique from './conventions-collectives/optique.yaml' import CCSpectacleVivant from './conventions-collectives/spectacle-vivant.yaml' import CCSport from './conventions-collectives/sport.yaml' import dirigeant from './dirigeant.yaml' import jsonRules from './dottednames.json' import déclarationIndépendant from './déclaration-revenu-indépendant.yaml' import entrepriseEtablissement from './entreprise-établissement.yaml' import impot from './impôt.yaml' import protectionSociale from './protection-sociale.yaml' import salarié from './salarié.yaml' import situationPersonnelle from './situation-personnelle.yaml' export type DottedName = keyof typeof jsonRules export type Rules = GenericRules<DottedName> export type EvaluatedRule = GenericEvaluatedRule<DottedName> export type Situation = Partial<Record<DottedName, string>> const rules: Rules = { ...base, // TODO: rule order shouldn't matter but there is a bug if "impot" is after // "dirigeant". ...impot, ...déclarationIndépendant, ...artisteAuteur, ...dirigeant, ...entrepriseEtablissement, ...protectionSociale, ...salarié, ...CCBatiment, ...CCHotels, ...CCOptique, ...CCSpectacleVivant, ...CCSport, ...CCCompta, ...situationPersonnelle, ...chômagePartiel } export default rules