import React from 'react' import { combineReducers } from 'redux' import reduceReducers from 'reduce-reducers' import {reducer as formReducer, formValueSelector} from 'redux-form' import {analyseSituation, variableType} from './engine/traverse' import { euro } from './components/conversation/formValueTypes.js' import Question from './components/conversation/Question' import Input from './components/conversation/Input' import RhetoricalQuestion from './components/conversation/RhetoricalQuestion' import { STEP_ACTION, UNSUBMIT_ALL, START_CONVERSATION} from './actions' import R from 'ramda' import {borrify} from './engine/remove-diacritics' import {findGroup, findRuleByDottedName, fullDottedName} from './engine/rules' import {constructStepMeta} from './engine/conversation' import computeThemeColours from './components/themeColours' function steps(steps = [], {type}) { switch (type) { case UNSUBMIT_ALL: return [] default: return steps } } function themeColours(state = computeThemeColours(), {type, colour}) { if (type == 'CHANGE_THEME_COLOUR') return computeThemeColours(colour) else return state } export default reduceReducers( combineReducers({ // this is handled by redux-form, pas touche ! form: formReducer, /* Have forms been filled or ignored ? false means the user is reconsidering its previous input */ steps, analysedSituation: (state = []) => state, themeColours }), // cross-cutting concerns because here `state` is the whole state tree (state, action) => { if (action.type == STEP_ACTION || action.type == START_CONVERSATION) { let {newState, name} = action // une étape vient d'être validée : on va changer son état let newSteps = R.pipe( => == name ? {...step, state: newState} : step), R.reject(R.whereEq({theEnd: true})) )(state.steps) // on calcule la prochaine étape, à ajouter sur la pile let analysedSituation = analyseSituation(name => formValueSelector('conversation')(state, name)), missingVariables = R.pipe( ({name, derived: [missingVariables]}) => (missingVariables || []).map(mv => [mv, name]) ), R.unnest, //groupBy but remove mv from value, it's now in the key R.reduce( (memo, [mv, dependencyOf]) => ({...memo, [mv]: [...(memo[mv] || []), dependencyOf] }), {}) )(analysedSituation), missingVariablesList = R.keys(missingVariables), yà = console.log('missingVariablesList', missingVariablesList), // identification des groupes de variables manquantes // groups = [...missingVariablesList.reduce( // (set, variable) => { // let subs = R.pipe( // borrify, // R.split(' . '), // R.dropLast(1), // R.join(' . ') // )(variable) // // if (subs.length) // set.add(subs) // // return set // } // , new Set())], groups = R.groupBy( R.pipe( borrify, R.split(' . '), R.dropLast(1), R.join(' . ') ) )(missingVariablesList), yo = console.log('groups', groups), // on va maintenant construire la liste des composants React correspondant aux questions pour obtenir les variables manquantes yyoo = R.pipe( R.mapObjIndexed((variables, group) => R.pipe( findGroup, R.cond([ // Pas de groupe trouvé : ce sont des variables individuelles [R.isNil, () => => { let rule = findRuleByDottedName(name) console.log('rule', name, rule) return Object.assign(constructStepMeta(rule), rule.contrainte == 'nombre positif' ? { component: Input, defaultValue: 0, valueType: euro, attributes: { inputMode: 'numeric', placeholder: 'votre réponse' } } : { component: Question, choices: ['Non', 'Oui'], defaultValue: 'Non', } )})], [R.T, group => Object.assign( constructStepMeta(group), { component: Question, choices: group['choix exclusifs'].map(name => { let rule = findRuleByDottedName( fullDottedName(group) + ' . ' + name ) return rule && rule.titre || name }), defaultValue: 'Non', helpText: 'Choisissez une réponse' } )] ]) )(group) ), R.values, R.unnest )(groups), l = console.log('yyoo', yyoo) // la question doit pouvoir stocker tout ça dans la situation (redux-form) correctement return {...state, steps: yyoo, analysedSituation} let [firstMissingVariable, dependencyOfVariables] = R.isEmpty(missingVariables) ? [] : R.toPairs(missingVariables)[0], type = variableType(firstMissingVariable), stepData = Object.assign({ name: firstMissingVariable, state: null, dependencyOfVariables: dependencyOfVariables, title: firstMissingVariable, question: firstMissingVariable, visible: true, helpText:
Le contrat à durée indéterminée est une exception au CDI.
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