version: 2.1 commands: install: steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v1-deps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - v1-deps-{{ .Branch }} - v1-deps - run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile - save_cache: key: v1-deps-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }} paths: - ~/.cache jobs: unit-test: docker: - image: node steps: - install - run: | yarn run flow-typed install git config --global core.quotepath false yarn test end-to-end-test: parameters: site: type: enum enum: ['embauche', 'mon-entreprise', 'mycompanyinfrance'] cypress_folder: type: enum enum: ['embauche', 'mon-entreprise'] default: mon-entreprise language: type: enum enum: ['fr', 'en'] default: 'fr' docker: - image: cypress/base:8 environment: ## this enables colors in the output TERM: xterm CYPRESS_baseUrl: http://localhost:5000 steps: - install - run: | yarn run compile yarn run << >>:serve & yarn run cypress run --record --key 21660df5-36a5-4c49-b23d-801799b0c759 --env language=<< parameters.language >> --config integrationFolder=cypress/integration/<< parameters.cypress_folder >>' production-end-to-end-test: parameters: site: type: string default: '' cypress_folder: type: enum enum: ['embauche', 'mon-entreprise', 'external'] default: mon-entreprise language: type: enum enum: ['fr', 'en'] default: 'fr' docker: - image: cypress/base:8 environment: ## this enables colors in the output TERM: xterm CYPRESS_baseUrl: << >> steps: - checkout - run: npm install --save-dev cypress - run: sleep 300 - run: | if ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run --record --key 21660df5-36a5-4c49-b23d-801799b0c759 --env language=<< parameters.language >> --config integrationFolder=cypress/integration/<< parameters.cypress_folder >>; then echo "SUCCESS \o/" else curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --request POST -d '{"success": false}'; exit 1; fi workflows: version: 2 test: jobs: - unit-test - end-to-end-test: name: 'embauche end-to-end' site: embauche cypress_folder: embauche - end-to-end-test: name: 'mon-entreprise end-to-end' site: mon-entreprise cypress_folder: mon-entreprise - end-to-end-test: name: 'mycompanyinfrance end-to-end' site: mycompanyinfrance cypress_folder: mon-entreprise language: 'en' - production-end-to-end-test: name: ' end-to-end' site: '' cypress_folder: 'embauche' filters: branches: only: master - production-end-to-end-test: name: ' end-to-end' site: '' cypress_folder: 'mon-entreprise' filters: branches: only: master - production-end-to-end-test: name: ' end-to-end' site: '' cypress_folder: 'mon-entreprise' language: 'en' filters: branches: only: master - production-end-to-end-test: name: ' end-to-end' site: '' cypress_folder: 'embauche' filters: branches: only: demo - production-end-to-end-test: cypress_folder: 'external' filters: branches: only: master