# InFrance PRODUCTION settings [[redirects]] from = "https://www.mycompanyinfrance.fr/*" to = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr/:splat" status = 301 [[redirects]] from = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr/robots.txt" to = "/robots.infrance.txt" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr/sitemap.txt" to = "/sitemap.infrance.en.txt" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr" to = "/prerender/infrance/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr/social-security" to = "/prerender/infrance/social-security/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr/*" to = "/infrance.html" status = 200 # Mon-entreprise.fr PRODUCTION settings [[redirects]] from = "https://mon-entreprise.fr/stats" to = "https://branched-trunk.glitch.me/" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mon-entreprise.fr/robots.txt" to = "/robots.infrance.txt" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mon-entreprise.fr/sitemap.txt" to = "/sitemap.infrance.fr.txt" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mon-entreprise.fr" to = "/prerender/mon-entreprise/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://mon-entreprise.fr/*" to = "/mon-entreprise.html" status = 200 # Embauche PRODUCTION settings [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/stats" to = "https://rough-college.glitch.me/" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/modules/v2/*" to = "/:splat" [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/robots.txt" to = "/robots.embauche.txt" status = 200 # When in iframe, we don't prerender the page [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/" query = {iframe=":iframe", s=":e", couleur=":couleur", integratorUrl=":integratorUrl", lang=":lang"} to = "/embauche.html?iframe=:iframe&s=:e&couleur=:couleur&integratorUrl=:integratorUrl&lang=:lang" status = 200 # Otherwise, we redirect to a prerendered version for the home [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/" to = "/prerender/embauche/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "https://embauche.beta.gouv.fr/*" to = "/embauche.html" status = 200 # Redirect for embauche in staging and development settings [[redirects]] from = "/" query = {s = "e"} to = "/prerender/embauche/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/*" query = {s = "e"} to = "/embauche.html" status = 200 # Redirect to mycompanyinfrance in staging and development settings [[redirects]] from = "/" query = {s = "m"} to = "/prerender/infrance/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/*" query = {s = "m"} to = "/infrance.html" status = 200 # Redirect to mon-entreprise in staging and development settings [[redirects]] from = "/" to = "/prerender/mon-entreprise/index.html" status = 200 [[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "/mon-entreprise.html" status = 200 [context.deploy-preview.environment] EN_SITE = "${path}?s=m" FR_SITE = "${path}" [context.production.environment] EN_SITE = "https://mycompanyinfrance.fr${path}" FR_SITE = "https://mon-entreprise.fr${path}" [context."demo"] EN_SITE = "https://demo.mon-entreprise.fr${path}?s=m" FR_SITE = "https://demo.mon-entreprise.fr${path}"