import { formatValue, formatValueOptions } from 'Engine/format' import React from 'react' import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import { EvaluatedRule } from 'Types/rule' // let booleanTranslations = { true: '✅', false: '❌' } let booleanTranslations = { fr: { true: 'Oui', false: 'Non' }, en: { true: 'Yes', false: 'No' } } let style = customStyle => ` font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; ${customStyle} ` export type ValueProps = Partial< Pick & Pick< formatValueOptions, 'maximumFractionDigits' | 'minimumFractionDigits' > & { nilValueSymbol: string children: number negative: boolean customCSS: string defaultUnit?: string printedUnit?: string } > export default function Value({ nodeValue: value, unit, defaultUnit, printedUnit, nilValueSymbol, maximumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits, children, negative, customCSS = '' }: ValueProps) { const { language } = useTranslation().i18n /* Either an entire rule object is passed, or just the right attributes and the value as a JSX child*/ let nodeValue = value === undefined ? children : value if ( (nilValueSymbol !== undefined && nodeValue === 0) || (nodeValue && Number.isNaN(nodeValue)) || nodeValue === null ) return ( - ) let valueType = typeof nodeValue, formattedValue = valueType === 'string' ? ( {nodeValue} ) : valueType === 'object' ? ( (nodeValue as any).nom ) : valueType === 'boolean' ? ( booleanTranslations[language][nodeValue] ) : nodeValue !== undefined ? ( formatValue({ minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, language, unit, value: nodeValue }) ) : null return nodeValue == undefined ? null : ( {negative ? '-' : ''} {formattedValue} ) }