import { readFileSync, statSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs' import { resolve } from 'node:path' import { argv } from 'node:process' import Tinypool from 'tinypool' import { absoluteSitePaths } from './source/sitePaths.js' const filename = new URL('./prerender-worker.js', import.meta.url).href const pool = new Tinypool({ filename }) const sitePathFr = const sitePathEn = absoluteSitePaths.en export const pagesToPrerender: { 'mon-entreprise': string[] infrance: string[] } = { 'mon-entreprise': [ sitePathFr.index, sitePathFr.créer.index, sitePathFr.simulateurs.index, sitePathFr.simulateurs.salarié, sitePathFr.simulateurs['chômage-partiel'], sitePathFr.simulateurs['auto-entrepreneur'], sitePathFr.simulateurs.indépendant, sitePathFr.simulateurs.sasu, sitePathFr.simulateurs['artiste-auteur'], '/iframes/simulateur-embauche', '/iframes/pamc', ], infrance: [ sitePathEn.index, sitePathEn.simulateurs.salarié, '/iframes/simulateur-embauche', ], } const dev = argv.findIndex((val) => val === '--dev') > -1 const redirects = await Promise.all( Object.entries(pagesToPrerender).flatMap(([site, urls]) => => pool .run({ site, url, lang: site === 'mon-entreprise' ? 'fr' : 'en', }) .then((path: string) => { return ` [[redirects]] from = ":SITE_${site === 'mon-entreprise' ? 'FR' : 'EN'}${ dev ? decodeURI(url) : url }" to = "/${path}" status = 200 ${dev ? ' force = true\n' : ''}` }) ) ) ) // Replace the #[prerender]# tag in netlify.toml if --netlify-toml-path is specified const index = argv.findIndex((val) => val === '--netlify-toml-path') if (index > -1 && argv[index + 1]) { const netlifyTomlPath = resolve(argv[index + 1]) if (statSync(netlifyTomlPath).isFile()) { const data = readFileSync(netlifyTomlPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) if (/#\[prerender\]#/g.test(data)) { writeFileSync( netlifyTomlPath, data.replace(/#\[prerender\]#/g, redirects.join('')) ) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Redirects added to ' + netlifyTomlPath) } else { throw new Error('tag #[prerender]# not found in ' + netlifyTomlPath) } } else { throw new Error('this path is not a file' + netlifyTomlPath) } }