import { bonus, evaluateNode, mergeMissing } from 'Engine/evaluation' import { map, mergeAll, pick, pipe } from 'ramda' import { Rule } from 'Types/rule' import { typeWarning } from './error' import { convertNodeToUnit } from './nodeUnits' import { areUnitConvertible } from './units' export const evaluateApplicability = ( cache, situationGate, parsedRules, node: Rule ) => { let evaluatedAttributes = pipe( pick(['non applicable si', 'applicable si', 'rendu non applicable']) as ( x: any ) => any, map(value => evaluateNode(cache, situationGate, parsedRules, value)) )(node) as any, { 'non applicable si': notApplicable, 'applicable si': applicable, 'rendu non applicable': disabled } = evaluatedAttributes, parentDependencies = => evaluateNode(cache, situationGate, parsedRules, parent) ), isApplicable = parentDependencies.some(parent => parent?.nodeValue === false) || notApplicable?.nodeValue === true || applicable?.nodeValue === false || disabled?.nodeValue === true ? false : [notApplicable, applicable, ...parentDependencies].some( n => n?.nodeValue === null ) ? null : !notApplicable?.nodeValue && (applicable?.nodeValue == undefined || !!applicable?.nodeValue), missingVariables = isApplicable === false ? {} : mergeAll([ => parent.missingVariables), notApplicable?.missingVariables || {}, disabled?.missingVariables || {}, applicable?.missingVariables || {} ]) return { nodeValue: isApplicable, missingVariables, ...evaluatedAttributes } } export default (cache, situationGate, parsedRules, node) => { cache._meta.contextRule.push(node.dottedName) const applicabilityEvaluation = evaluateApplicability( cache, situationGate, parsedRules, node ) const { missingVariables: condMissing, nodeValue: isApplicable } = applicabilityEvaluation const evaluateFormula = () => node.formule ? evaluateNode(cache, situationGate, parsedRules, node.formule) : {} // evaluate the formula lazily, only if the applicability is known and true const evaluatedFormula = isApplicable ? evaluateFormula() : isApplicable === false ? { ...node.formule, missingVariables: {}, nodeValue: 0 } : { ...node.formule, missingVariables: {}, nodeValue: null } let { missingVariables: formulaMissingVariables, nodeValue } = evaluatedFormula const missingVariables = mergeMissing( bonus(condMissing, !!Object.keys(condMissing).length), formulaMissingVariables ) const unit = node.unit || (node.defaultUnit && cache._meta.defaultUnits.find(unit => areUnitConvertible(node.defaultUnit, unit) )) || node.defaultUnit || evaluatedFormula.unit if (unit) { try { nodeValue = convertNodeToUnit(unit, evaluatedFormula).nodeValue } catch (e) { typeWarning( node.dottedName, `L'unité de la règle est incompatible avec celle de sa formule`, e ) } } cache._meta.contextRule.pop() return { ...node, ...applicabilityEvaluation, ...(node.formule && { formule: evaluatedFormula }), nodeValue, unit, period, isApplicable, missingVariables } }