import R from 'ramda'
import {expect} from 'chai'
import {rules, enrichRule, findVariantsAndRecords} from '../source/engine/rules'
import {analyseSituation, analyseTopDown} from '../source/engine/traverse'

let stateSelector = (state, name) => null

describe('enrichRule', function() {

  it('should extract the type of the rule', function() {
    let rule = {cotisation:{}}

  it('should load external data into the rule', function() {
    let data = {taux_versement_transport: {one: "two"}}
    let rule = {cotisation:{}, données: 'taux_versement_transport'}
    expect(enrichRule(rule, data))'data',{one: "two"})

  it('should extract the dotted name of the rule', function() {
    let rule = {espace:"contrat salarié", nom: "CDD"}
    expect(enrichRule(rule))'dottedName','contrat salarié . CDD')

  it('should render Markdown in sub-questions', function() {
    let rule = {"sous-question":"**wut**"}
