import 'dotenv/config.js' import 'isomorphic-fetch' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { filter, flatten, map, partition, pipe } from 'ramda' import { compose } from 'redux' import { createDataDir, writeInDataDir } from './utils.js' const matomoSiteVisitsHistory = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( path.join( import.meta.url.replace('file:', ''), '../matomoVisitHistory.json' ) ) ) const fetchApi = async function (query) { const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: new Headers({ 'x-api-key': `${process.env.ATINTERNET_API_ACCESS_KEY}_${process.env.ATINTERNET_API_SECRET_KEY}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }), body: JSON.stringify(query), }) if (!response.ok) { const text = await response.text() throw new Error(`Erreur de l'API (${text})`) } const data = await response.json() return => x.Rows) } const buildSimulateursQuery = (period, granularity) => ({ columns: [ 'page', 'page_chapter1', 'page_chapter2', 'page_chapter3', 'm_visits', ], space: { s: [617190, 617189], }, period: { p1: [period], }, evo: { granularity, top: { 'page-num': 1, 'max-results': 500, sort: ['-m_visits'], filter: { property: { page_chapter1: { $in: ['gerer', 'simulateurs'], }, }, }, }, }, options: { ignore_null_properties: true, }, }) const buildSatisfactionQuery = () => ({ columns: [ 'page_chapter1', 'page_chapter2', 'page_chapter3', 'click', 'm_events', ], space: { s: [617190, 617189], }, period: { p1: [last36Months], }, evo: { granularity: 'M', top: { 'page-num': 1, 'max-results': 500, sort: ['-m_events'], filter: { property: { $AND: [ { page_chapter1: { $in: ['gerer', 'simulateurs'], }, }, { click_chapter1: { $eq: 'satisfaction', }, }, ], }, }, }, }, options: { ignore_null_properties: true, }, }) const buildSiteQuery = (period, granularity) => ({ columns: ['m_visits'], space: { s: [617190, 617189], }, period: { p1: [period], }, evo: { granularity, top: { 'page-num': 1, 'max-results': 500, sort: ['-m_visits'], }, }, options: { ignore_null_properties: true, }, }) const yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)) .toISOString() .slice(0, 10) const last60days = { type: 'D', start: new Date( Math.max( new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 60), new Date('2021-02-27') ) ) .toISOString() .slice(0, 10), end: yesterday, } const last36Months = { type: 'D', start: new Date( Math.max( new Date().setMonth(new Date().getMonth() - 36), new Date('2021-03') ) ) .toISOString() .slice(0, 8) + '01', end: yesterday, } const uniformiseData = pipe( // For some reason, an artifact create ghost page with unlogical chapter metrics... // It seems to only by one per month thought... This hacks resolves it filter(({ m_visits }) => m_visits === undefined || m_visits > 2), map(({ d_evo_day, d_evo_month, m_visits, m_events, }) => ({ date: d_evo_day != null ? d_evo_day : d_evo_month, nombre: m_visits != null ? m_visits : m_events,, })) ) const flattenPage = compose( flatten, map(({ Rows, }) => => ({, ...r }))), filter((p) => p.page_chapter2 !== 'N/A') // Remove simulateur landing page ) async function fetchDailyVisits() { const pages = uniformiseData( flattenPage(await fetchApi(buildSimulateursQuery(last60days, 'D'))) ) const site = uniformiseData( (await fetchApi(buildSiteQuery(last60days, 'D')))[0].Rows ) return { pages, site } } async function fetchMonthlyVisits() { const pages = uniformiseData( flattenPage(await fetchApi(buildSimulateursQuery(last36Months, 'M'))) ) const site = [{ date, visites }) => ({ date: date + '-01', nombre: visites, })), ...uniformiseData( (await fetchApi(buildSiteQuery(last36Months, 'M')))[0].Rows ), ] return { pages, site } } async function fetchUserAnswersStats() { const ticketLists = await fetch( '', { headers: new Headers({ Authorization: `Token token=${process.env.ZAMMAD_API_SECRET_KEY}`, }), } ) const answer = await ticketLists.json() return answer.index.count } async function fetchUserFeedbackIssues() { const tags = await fetch( '', { headers: new Headers({ Authorization: `Token token=${process.env.ZAMMAD_API_SECRET_KEY}`, }), } ).then((r) => r.json()) const sortedTags = tags .sort((t1, t2) => t2.count - t1.count) .filter(({ name }) => /#[\d]+/.exec(name)) const query = `query { repository(owner:"betagouv", name:"mon-entreprise") {${sortedTags .map( ({ name, count }, i) => ` issue${i}_${count}: issue(number: ${name.slice(1)}) { title closedAt number }` ) .join('\n')} } }` const response = await fetch('', { method: 'post', headers: new Headers({ Authorization: `bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_API_SECRET}`, }), body: JSON.stringify({ query, }), }) if (response.status != 200) { console.error( `❌ Github response status: ${response.status}\n` + '\tCheck your GITHUB_API_SECRET key in site/.env\n' ) } const data = await response.json() const issues = Object.entries( .filter(([, value]) => !!value) .map(([k, value]) => ({ ...value, count: +/[\d]+$/.exec(k)[0] })) const [closed, open] = partition((s) => s.closedAt, issues) return { open, closed: closed.sort( (i1, i2) => new Date(i2.closedAt) - new Date(i1.closedAt) ), } } async function main() { createDataDir() // In case we cannot fetch the release (the API is down or the Authorization // token isn't valid) we fallback to some fake data -- it would be better to // have a static ressource accessible without authentification. writeInDataDir('stats.json', { visitesJours: [], visitesMois: [], satisfaction: [], retoursUtilisateurs: { open: [], closed: [], }, nbAnswersLast30days: 0, }) try { if ( !process.env.ATINTERNET_API_ACCESS_KEY || !process.env.ATINTERNET_API_SECRET_KEY || !process.env.ZAMMAD_API_SECRET_KEY ) { console.log( "Variables d'environnement manquantes : nous ne récupérons pas les statistiques d'usage" ) return } const visitesJours = await fetchDailyVisits() const visitesMois = await fetchMonthlyVisits() const satisfaction = uniformiseData( flattenPage(await fetchApi(buildSatisfactionQuery())) ).map((page) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const { date, ...satisfactionPage } = { month: new Date(new Date(,, } return satisfactionPage }) const retoursUtilisateurs = await fetchUserFeedbackIssues() const nbAnswersLast30days = await fetchUserAnswersStats() writeInDataDir('stats.json', { visitesJours, visitesMois, satisfaction, retoursUtilisateurs, nbAnswersLast30days, }) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } } main()