import { expect } from 'chai' import { concatTemporals, createTemporalEvaluation, groupByYear, zipTemporals } from '../source/engine/period' const neverEnding = value => [{ start: null, end: null, value: value }] describe('Periods : zip', () => { it('should zip two empty temporalValue', () => { const result = zipTemporals([], []) expect(result).to.deep.equal([]) }) it('should zip constant temporalValue', () => { const result = zipTemporals(neverEnding(1), neverEnding(2)) expect(result).to.deep.equal(neverEnding([1, 2])) }) it('should zip changing temporalValue', () => { const value1 = createTemporalEvaluation(true, { start: null, end: '01/08/2020' }) const value2 = neverEnding(1) expect(zipTemporals(value1, value2)).to.deep.equal([ { start: null, end: '01/08/2020', value: [true, 1] }, { start: '02/08/2020', end: null, value: [false, 1] } ]) expect(zipTemporals(value2, value1)).to.deep.equal([ { start: null, end: '01/08/2020', value: [1, true] }, { start: '02/08/2020', end: null, value: [1, false] } ]) }) it('should zip two overlapping temporalValue', () => { const value1 = createTemporalEvaluation(1, { start: '01/07/2019', end: '30/06/2020' }) const value2 = createTemporalEvaluation(2, { start: '01/01/2019', end: '31/12/2019' }) expect(zipTemporals(value1, value2)).to.deep.equal([ { start: null, end: '31/12/2018', value: [false, false] }, { start: '01/01/2019', end: '30/06/2019', value: [false, 2] }, { start: '01/07/2019', end: '31/12/2019', value: [1, 2] }, { start: '01/01/2020', end: '30/06/2020', value: [1, false] }, { start: '01/07/2020', end: null, value: [false, false] } ]) }) }) describe('Periods : concat', () => { it('should merge concat overlapping temporalValue', () => { const value1 = createTemporalEvaluation(10) const value2 = [ { start: null, end: '14/04/2019', value: 100 }, { start: '15/04/2019', end: '08/08/2019', value: 2000 }, { start: '09/08/2019', end: null, value: 200 } ] expect(concatTemporals([value1, value2])).to.deep.equal([ { start: null, end: '14/04/2019', value: [10, 100] }, { start: '15/04/2019', end: '08/08/2019', value: [10, 2000] }, { start: '09/08/2019', end: null, value: [10, 200] } ]) }) }) describe('Periods : groupByYear', () => { const invariants = temporalYear => { const startDate = temporalYear[0].start const endDate = temporalYear.slice(-1)[0].end expect( startDate === null || startDate.startsWith('01/01'), 'starts at the beginning of a year' ) expect( endDate === null || endDate.startsWith('31/12'), 'stops at the end of a year' ) } it('should handle constant value', () => { const value = createTemporalEvaluation(10) expect(groupByYear(value)).to.deep.equal([value]) }) it('should handle changing value', () => { const value = createTemporalEvaluation(10, { start: '06/06/2020', end: '20/12/2020' }) const result = groupByYear(value) expect(result).to.have.length(3) result.forEach(invariants) }) it('should handle changing value over several years', () => { const value = createTemporalEvaluation(10, { start: '06/06/2020', end: '20/12/2022' }) const result = groupByYear(value) expect(result).to.have.length(5) result.forEach(invariants) }) it('should handle complex case', () => { const result = groupByYear( concatTemporals([ createTemporalEvaluation(1, { start: '06/06/2020', end: '20/12/2022' }), createTemporalEvaluation(2, { start: '01/01/1991', end: '20/12/1992' }), createTemporalEvaluation(3, { start: '31/01/1990', end: '20/12/2021' }), createTemporalEvaluation(4, { start: '31/12/2020', end: '01/01/2021' }) ]) ) result.forEach(invariants) }) })