import Engine, { EvaluatedNode, evaluationFunction } from '.' import { typeWarning } from './error' import { evaluateApplicability } from './evaluateRule' import { mergeMissing } from './evaluation' import { convertNodeToUnit } from './nodeUnits' import { ParsedRule } from './types' import { areUnitConvertible, serializeUnit } from './units' export const evaluateReference: evaluationFunction = function(node) { const rule = this.parsedRules[node.dottedName] // When a rule exists in different version (created using the `replace` mecanism), we add // a redirection in the evaluation of references to use a potential active replacement const [ applicableReplacements, replacementMissingVariableList ] = this, node.explanation?.contextRuleName ?? '', rule ) if (applicableReplacements.length) { if (applicableReplacements.length > 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(` Règle ${rule.dottedName}: plusieurs remplacements valides ont été trouvés : \n\t${ => node.rawNode).join('\n\t')} Par défaut, seul le premier s'applique. Si vous voulez un autre comportement, vous pouvez : - Restreindre son applicabilité via "applicable si" sur la règle de définition - Restreindre sa portée en ajoutant une liste blanche (via le mot clé "dans") ou une liste noire (via le mot clé "sauf dans") `) } return this.evaluateNode(applicableReplacements[0]) } const addReplacementMissingVariable = node => ({ ...node, missingVariables: replacementMissingVariableList.reduce( mergeMissing, node.missingVariables ) }) const dottedName = node.dottedName // On va vérifier dans le cache courant, dict, si la variable n'a pas été déjà évaluée // En effet, l'évaluation dans le cas d'une variable qui a une formule, est coûteuse ! const cacheName = dottedName + (node.explanation.filter ? ' .' + node.explanation.filter : '') const cached = this.cache[cacheName] if (cached) return addReplacementMissingVariable(cached) const cacheNode = ( nodeValue: EvaluatedNode['nodeValue'], missingVariables: EvaluatedNode['missingVariables'], explanation?: Record ) => { this.cache[cacheName] = { ...node, nodeValue, ...(explanation && { explanation }), ...(explanation?.temporalValue && { temporalValue: explanation.temporalValue }), ...(explanation?.unit && { unit: explanation.unit }), missingVariables } return addReplacementMissingVariable(this.cache[cacheName]) } const applicabilityEvaluation =, rule as any) if (!applicabilityEvaluation.nodeValue) { return cacheNode( applicabilityEvaluation.nodeValue, applicabilityEvaluation.missingVariables, applicabilityEvaluation ) } if (this.parsedSituation[dottedName]) { // Conditional evaluation is required because some mecanisms like // "synchronisation" store raw JS objects in the situation. const situationValue = this.parsedSituation[dottedName]?.nodeKind ? this.evaluateNode(this.parsedSituation[dottedName]) : this.parsedSituation[dottedName] const unit = !situationValue.unit || serializeUnit(situationValue.unit) === '' ? rule.unit : situationValue.unit return cacheNode( situationValue?.nodeValue !== undefined ? situationValue.nodeValue : situationValue, applicabilityEvaluation.missingVariables, { ...rule, ...(situationValue?.nodeValue !== undefined && situationValue), unit } ) } if (rule.defaultValue != null) { const evaluation = this.evaluateNode(rule.defaultValue) return cacheNode(evaluation.nodeValue ?? evaluation, { ...evaluation.missingVariables, [dottedName]: 1 }) } if (rule.formule != null) { const evaluation = this.evaluateNode(rule) return cacheNode( evaluation.nodeValue, evaluation.missingVariables, evaluation ) } return cacheNode(null, { [dottedName]: 2 }) } // This function is a wrapper that can apply : // - unit transformations to the value of the variable. // See the unité-temporelle.yaml test suite for details // - filters on the variable to select one part of the variable's 'composantes' export const evaluateReferenceTransforms: evaluationFunction = function(node) { // Filter transformation if (node.explanation.filter) { this.cache._meta.filter = node.explanation.filter } const filteredNode = this.evaluateNode(node.explanation.originalNode) if (node.explanation.filter) { delete this.cache._meta.filter } const { explanation, nodeValue } = filteredNode if (!explanation || nodeValue === null) { return filteredNode } const unit = node.explanation.unit if (unit) { try { return convertNodeToUnit(unit, filteredNode) } catch (e) { typeWarning( this.cache._meta.contextRule, `Impossible de convertir la reference '${}'`, e ) } } return filteredNode } /** * Statically filter out replacements from `replaceBy`. * Note: whitelist and blacklist filtering are applicable to the replacement * itself or any parent namespace. */ export const getApplicableReplacedBy = (contextRuleName, replacedBy) => replacedBy .sort( (replacement1, replacement2) => +!!replacement2.whiteListedNames - +!!replacement1.whiteListedNames ) .filter( ({ whiteListedNames }) => !whiteListedNames || whiteListedNames.some(name => contextRuleName.startsWith(name)) ) .filter( ({ blackListedNames }) => !blackListedNames || blackListedNames.every(name => !contextRuleName.startsWith(name)) ) .filter(({ referenceNode }) => contextRuleName !== referenceNode.dottedName) /** * Filter-out and apply all possible replacements at runtime. */ const getApplicableReplacements = function( this: Engine, contextRuleName: string, rule: ParsedRule ) { let missingVariableList: Array = [] if (contextRuleName.startsWith('[evaluation]')) { return [[], []] } const applicableReplacements = getApplicableReplacedBy( contextRuleName, rule.replacedBy ) // Remove remplacement defined in a not applicable node .filter(({ referenceNode }) => { const referenceRule = this.parsedRules[referenceNode.dottedName] const { nodeValue: isApplicable, missingVariables } =, referenceRule as any) missingVariableList.push(missingVariables) return isApplicable }) // Remove remplacement defined in a node whose situation value is false .filter(({ referenceNode }) => { const referenceRule = this.parsedRules[referenceNode.dottedName] const situationValue = this.parsedSituation[referenceRule.dottedName] if (referenceNode.question && situationValue == null) { missingVariableList.push({ [referenceNode.dottedName]: 1 }) } return (situationValue as any)?.nodeValue !== false }) // Remove remplacement defined in a boolean node whose evaluated value is false .filter(({ referenceNode }) => { const referenceRule = this.parsedRules[referenceNode.dottedName] if (referenceRule.formule?.explanation?.operationType !== 'comparison') { return true } const { nodeValue: isApplicable, missingVariables } = this.evaluateNode( referenceRule ) missingVariableList.push(missingVariables) return isApplicable }) .map(({ referenceNode, replacementNode }) => replacementNode != null ? replacementNode : referenceNode ) .map(replacementNode => { const replacedRuleUnit = rule.unit if (!areUnitConvertible(replacementNode.unit, replacedRuleUnit)) { typeWarning( contextRuleName, `L'unité de la règle de remplacement n'est pas compatible avec celle de la règle remplacée ${rule.dottedName}` ) } return { ...replacementNode, unit: replacementNode.unit || replacedRuleUnit } }) missingVariableList = missingVariableList.filter( missingVariables => !!Object.keys(missingVariables).length ) return [applicableReplacements, missingVariableList] }