import R from 'ramda' import React from 'react' import { combineReducers } from 'redux' import reduceReducers from 'reduce-reducers' import {reducer as formReducer, formValueSelector} from 'redux-form' import {rules} from 'Engine/rules' import {buildNextSteps, generateGridQuestions, generateSimpleQuestions} from 'Engine/generateQuestions' import computeThemeColours from 'Components/themeColours' import { STEP_ACTION, START_CONVERSATION, EXPLAIN_VARIABLE, POINT_OUT_OBJECTIVES, CHANGE_THEME_COLOUR} from './actions' import {analyseTopDown} from 'Engine/traverse' let situationGate = state => name => formValueSelector('conversation')(state, name) let analyse = rootVariable => R.pipe( situationGate, // une liste des objectifs de la simulation (des 'rules' aussi nommées 'variables') analyseTopDown(rules, rootVariable) ) export let reduceSteps = (state, action) => { if (![START_CONVERSATION, STEP_ACTION].includes(action.type)) return state let rootVariable = action.type == START_CONVERSATION ? action.rootVariable : let returnObject = { ...state, analysedSituation: analyse(rootVariable)(state) } if (action.type == START_CONVERSATION) { return { ...returnObject, foldedSteps: state.foldedSteps || [], unfoldedSteps: buildNextSteps(rules, returnObject.analysedSituation.root) } } if (action.type == STEP_ACTION && == 'fold') { return { ...returnObject, foldedSteps: [...state.foldedSteps, R.head(state.unfoldedSteps)], unfoldedSteps: buildNextSteps(rules, returnObject.analysedSituation.root) } } if (action.type == STEP_ACTION && == 'unfold') { let stepFinder = R.propEq('name', action.step), foldedSteps = R.reject(stepFinder)(state.foldedSteps) if (foldedSteps.length != state.foldedSteps.length - 1) throw 'Problème lors du dépliement d\'une réponse' return { ...returnObject, foldedSteps, unfoldedSteps: [R.find(stepFinder)(state.foldedSteps)] } } } function themeColours(state = computeThemeColours(), {type, colour}) { if (type == CHANGE_THEME_COLOUR) return computeThemeColours(colour) else return state } function explainedVariable(state = null, {type, variableName=null}) { switch (type) { case EXPLAIN_VARIABLE: return variableName default: return state } } function pointedOutObjectives(state=[], {type, objectives}) { switch (type) { case POINT_OUT_OBJECTIVES: return objectives default: return state } } export default reduceReducers( combineReducers({ sessionId: (id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000000) + '') => id, // this is handled by redux-form, pas touche ! form: formReducer, /* Have forms been filled or ignored ? false means the user is reconsidering its previous input */ foldedSteps: (steps = []) => steps, unfoldedSteps: (steps = []) => steps, analysedSituation: (state = []) => state, themeColours, explainedVariable, pointedOutObjectives, }), // cross-cutting concerns because here `state` is the whole state tree reduceSteps )